Anybody have a problem with their back "going out" on them

One thing I've found that hurts my lower back is sitting too long at the computer. I may lapse into a bad posture over time. Hard to be aware of it. This could cause an aggravation which then is enhanced by other house chores...especially in cold weather or even morning coolness.

Probably frequent breaks from the computer, getting up and doing something else is a good idea.
I tweaked my back a bit yesterday. I got it from bringing this heavy TV set into my car to donate to Goodwill.
Have had very painful, almost paralyzing muscle spasms in lower back. Physical therapists identified an "underuse/overuse" cause, where a) underused back muscles were sluffing their job off onto stronger back muscles or b) strong abdominals were placing torque on the weaker corresponding back muscles. The spasms are the misused muscle's only way of saying, "No more! I need a rest!" Gosh, our bodies speak a crude language, but I guess they have to.

Core exercises have helped. Weight control is important, or so I believe. Any extra pounds around the middle are an extra burden on the back.

Be sure to see a doctor.


This is exactly true. Without getting close to giving medical advice, I do know from my powerlifting days thru my entire 20's and early 30's that the twitch everyone feels is the fibers of the weaker muscle tearing in a linear fashion. Muscle pain is slow to transmit, that's why there is a delay between the twitch and the pain. Besides the pain, the weaker muscle takes itself out of service to heal.

There is no surgery or pill that can strengthen muscles, the best remedy for this is to develop and strengthen equally all of the group muscles. Stretches are good, but they don't contribute much increased muscle strength, and in some cases can aggravate the condition.

I'm a firm believer in weight training, regardless of age. Avoid back-compression moves like deadlifts and squats, and instead incorporate movements like inverted back extensions, side-to-side laterals, etc.
Fifty + years of lower back problems. Highly recommend a good chiropractor and/or accupuncture alongside some good meds.
I was listening to XM radio the other day and there was an ad for spinedok, so reading this post reminded me of the ad. I googled to see it and price (~80-120), anyone using this? I run about everyday, have poor posture(part genetics/part laziness) and don't stretch or do core exercises like I should. As a consequence every once in a while it will take a few minutes to return to vertical when bending over. Maybe I am just looking for an easy solutions when I should just start stretching and building core muscles.
Long ago in a doctor's office there was a long list of "you know you are old when"
One was, your back goes out more often than you do.

I happen to be lucky, years of workouts and agility training, rarely ever have back aches.
As soon as I retired I started going to a gym because my back was feeling fragile. I was afraid I was going to throw it out at any time. I worked with a trainer and build up my core strength, balance, coordination and agility. It's been a year now and I feel great. I went kayaking last week with no problems.

However, if you are already hurt then I would also recommend a physical therapist.

During my last 3 years of working, I also had the pleasure of working with an ergonomist to develop engineering controls for our production line. I learned a lot about proper poster and movement. I use this all the time to avoid back and other injuries.
This has happened to me 3 times, always delayed, after some heavy lifting that involved twisting. Now i regularly do back stretches and strengthening and use a Herman Miller Aeron chair. This website helped, as did this thread

Thank you for the links!:) I have just ordered a book and DVD from the first one. I am currently doing physiotherapy (successfully, I might add) for a bad back, but as an otherwise fit 57 years old, I think I need to learn more about proper back exercises, otherwise this will definitely become my limiting factor.
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