Anyone been to Shen Yun?

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Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 9, 2019
Yesterday I saw an ad online for Szen Yun, a Chinese cultural dance show. It looked pretty cool and will be in San Jose when we are in San Francisco in December. Since opportunities like this are limited in Hawaii we usually try to do something like that when we travel. The Youtube videos looked pretty cool.

I looked it up on Wikipedia and learned that it is associated with Falun Gong. I only vaguely know what Falun Gong is so that in itself did not bother me at first. The Chinese Communist Party hates Falun Gong so I figured they couldn't be all bad.

Well I did more reseach today and the reviews for Shen Yun are truly awful. So bad that it almost seems like a hack job. But then I found a review from a newspaper that confirmed what people said.

Just curious if anyone here has seen it. It apparently tours every year worldwide (except China).
Haven't seen it but I have noticed when that show comes to town, the amount of advertising they do is stunning. Billboards, buses, TV, radio, direct mail. The direct mail is a shocker to me, that must cost a fortune. Here the show isd advertised as "Shen Yun"

Given the amount of state-sponsored propaganda today, it's hard to know what reviews are legit. The ones I've seen are all at the extremes ("mesmerizing, beautiful" / "worst show ever").
I’ve seen it twice and LOVE it!!! It will be here this winter so we’ll probably go again.
We saw their show a few years ago. They are not shy about charging a premium price. The show was “big and colorful”. Each segment had many performers on stage and costumes were bright and loud. There was narration to set up and explain the meaning or message of each dance. Falun Gong politics is woven throughout, never in your face, but also never absent. It really doesn’t affect or interfere with the show itself, however, and without narration the political undertone would not be noticeable.

We enjoyed the performance.

Given the amount of state-sponsored propaganda today, it's hard to know what reviews are legit. The ones I've seen are all at the extremes ("mesmerizing, beautiful" / "worst show ever").
I agree, for this show reviews are not reliable.
I looked it up on Wikipedia and learned that it is associated with Falun Gong. I only vaguely know what Falun Gong is so that in itself did not bother me at first. The Chinese Communist Party hates Falun Gong so I figured they couldn't be all bad.

The billboards here actually advertise it as "China Before Communism". Haven't seen it, though.
I took my mother to see their show in Escondido a few years ago, it happened to land on CNY. I hardly ever hit live shows so I can't compare it against whatever else is out there.

The costumes looked real but all of the backgrounds were digital. We sat in the first row so the graininess in the background video was a bit annoying (this may be why the most expensive seats are back a couple dozen rows). Hopefully their screen resolution has improved. I thought the integration between their dancers and the background was excellent.

I was surprised their music was mostly live. We had a view of the orchestra pit in the front row, and they sounded great, but I was a bit disappointed there were only three traditional Chinese instruments included -- that shrieky horn, the two-string violin (which is my favorite), and I can't recall the third one.

I was also expecting something more acrobatic in nature, but this was really a dance show and not a circus act. It all flowed smoothly and didn't seem to drag out in time.

If I hadn't attended one of these shows, I would definitely see it, but I don't plan to see it again.
I saw it a few years ago.

The dancing was beautiful and precise, and the costumes and choreography were also really good.

I do recall getting bored after about half of it. I could have left at intermission and not missed out on anything.

I also recall more of a political aspect to it than others here have noted, especially towards the end of the performance. I think we were asked at the end of the show to donate to the organization to help Chinese members of Falun Gong, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

I don't recall having any problem with the political message, but I did feel like the performance was a bit of a bait and switch: watch some cool Chinese dancing whoops now you're being solicited for political donations for an oppressed minority in another country.

When I looked at it before attending, I recall that many of the awards that the dancers and musicians have received are from the same organization that puts the program on, and I think the education is also from the same or a related organization. Point being that it is all very circular and - not exactly the right word, but - nepotistic.

It's possible that the program and messaging has changed over the years.
It's possible that the program and messaging has changed over the years.

Apparently not. Most of the reviewers say pretty much what you said.

You folks have made it a tough call. Seems like most who commented here contradict the reviews, in magnitude if not in substance.

I don't mind a little religious or political content in my entertainment as long as it is not forced down my throat. Heck, we are regulars at bon dances every summer here in Hawaii and that's all about dancing with the Bhuddists.

But I think we'll skip Shen Yun this time. The logistics just don't look promising. We won't have a car at that point and it looks like taking BART then light rail in San Jose would involve several changes of trains. Not sure I want to lug a bag through all that.

Thanks for the comments though.
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I have not seen it. I know one person who has; he was bored and underwhelmed.
I have not seen the show, so can’t comment on the content. However, it sounds like it involves at least SOME level of criticism of the Chinese Government. Given that, I have not trouble believing that topsail government spends enormous resources to swamp the review process with negative comments. So, personally, I would not pay much attention to them. Go for it! Not much downside.
Given the amount of state-sponsored propaganda today, it's hard to know what reviews are legit. The ones I've seen are all at the extremes ("mesmerizing, beautiful" / "worst show ever").

I have not seen the show, so can’t comment on the content. However, it sounds like it involves at least SOME level of criticism of the Chinese Government. Given that, I have not trouble believing that topsail government spends enormous resources to swamp the review process with negative comments. So, personally, I would not pay much attention to them. Go for it! Not much downside.


I don't know much about Falun Gong, and never heard of this show until now. But I know that the PRC has agents throughout the world to track and harass dissidents. They even kidnap and bring some back to China for punishment.
I have not seen the show, so can’t comment on the content. However, it sounds like it involves at least SOME level of criticism of the Chinese Government. Given that, I have not trouble believing that topsail government spends enormous resources to swamp the review process with negative comments. So, personally, I would not pay much attention to them. Go for it! Not much downside.

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but I don't think you have to be one to think that the CCP just might engage in a propaganda campaign against a group they despise. But from what I have been reading, Falun Gong is considered a cult by many far beyond China.

I also don't live my life in fear but I plan to visit China in the next few years. I'd hate to be asked "did you support Falun Gong by attending their dance show in San Jose California in 2022?"

Yeah, that's paranoia and I probably would not worry about it if it were a great show and easy to get to. But this trip the logistics would make it a chore, my partner is not too excited about it even though she usually likes that kind of thing, and reviews even here seem mixed at best.
I also don't live my life in fear but I plan to visit China in the next few years. I'd hate to be asked "did you support Falun Gong by attending their dance show in San Jose California in 2022?"

I follow BBC news podcasts a lot and consider them credible. The extent of surveillance in China is downright scary- they use facial recognition software and can pretty much find anyone at any time. Given the huge % of electronic devices made there I wouldn't be surprised if they have plenty on us already. Your concern is justified.
We saw it about 6 years ago after getting free tickets. It wasn't that spectacular as far as I was concerned. If I am going to the trouble to see a live performance with dancing/etc. I will go to Cirque du Soleil. We are friends with a former performer, so we might be slightly biased. :)
I saw it a few years ago.

The dancing was beautiful and precise, and the costumes and choreography were also really good.

I do recall getting bored after about half of it. I could have left at intermission and not missed out on anything.

I also recall more of a political aspect to it than others here have noted, especially towards the end of the performance. I think we were asked at the end of the show to donate to the organization to help Chinese members of Falun Gong, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

I don't recall having any problem with the political message, but I did feel like the performance was a bit of a bait and switch: watch some cool Chinese dancing whoops now you're being solicited for political donations for an oppressed minority in another country.

When I looked at it before attending, I recall that many of the awards that the dancers and musicians have received are from the same organization that puts the program on, and I think the education is also from the same or a related organization. Point being that it is all very circular and - not exactly the right word, but - nepotistic.

It's possible that the program and messaging has changed over the years.

Agree with this but I am OK with the politics as I can easily ignore it...

Dancing was really good... but not sure if they changed what I saw or if it is the same...
Yesterday I saw an ad online for Szen Yun, a Chinese cultural dance show. It looked pretty cool and will be in San Jose when we are in San Francisco in December.
There are really a ton of cool Christmas events, plays, concerts and ballets in the Bay Area every December. I haven't been to Szen Yun, but if you decide not to go you won't have a lack of other choices.

ETA: Check out Youtube videos of the San Francisco Ballet's Nutcracker and Smuin's The Christmas Ballet if you want to see a holiday dance performance.
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I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but I don't think you have to be one to think that the CCP just might engage in a propaganda campaign against a group they despise. But from what I have been reading, Falun Gong is considered a cult by many far beyond China.

I also don't live my life in fear but I plan to visit China in the next few years. I'd hate to be asked "did you support Falun Gong by attending their dance show in San Jose California in 2022?"

Yeah, that's paranoia and I probably would not worry about it if it were a great show and easy to get to. But this trip the logistics would make it a chore, my partner is not too excited about it even though she usually likes that kind of thing, and reviews even here seem mixed at best.

If you think the Chinese communists would ask you about Falun Gong, why would you want to visit a country that behaves that way? I personally would not want to spend my US dollars supporting China with their current policies. And could you even think of it given their weird Covid policies? Even before the recent Xi cult plus Russia support, it was not so friendly towards the US. We had friends who visited China a few years ago. They were very excited but came back somewhat subdued and didn't talk much about it. OK, I've said enough about that. :)

We did see the show about 5 years ago in San Francisco. We were sent tickets by relatives. I agree it got a bit boring and my western tastes did not quite connect with me on the scenery, music and dance. But at the end a really weird thing occurred. There was a big enacted stage fight which I think was about taking back China. And then they showed a huge mushroom cloud in the background with a lot of noise. We were surprised by the obvious very strong political and violent implications.
Travelers to China should better wait for COVID to be completely cleared. The Chinese government has the knack of suddenly closing down an area if COVID is suspected.

In the news, it was reported that Shanghai Disneyland Park was suddenly put in lockdown in midday, trapping 30,000 visitors inside. Park visitors now have to pass a COVID test before being allowed to leave. No report on where they sleep/eat/take care of personal hygiene while waiting, but that is never the government's problem.
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I follow BBC news podcasts a lot and consider them credible. The extent of surveillance in China is downright scary- they use facial recognition software and can pretty much find anyone at any time. Given the huge % of electronic devices made there I wouldn't be surprised if they have plenty on us already. Your concern is justified.

I think concerns about Chinese spying in electronics are well-founded. But I am also not overly concerned. If the Chinese government knew everything about my life these days the result would probably be complete boredom!

I had a top secret security clearance at the time of the US Government OPM breach about 10 years ago. I'm sure the Chinese know. But at this point I am of no value to them.
If you think the Chinese communists would ask you about Falun Gong, why would you want to visit a country that behaves that way? I personally would not want to spend my US dollars supporting China with their current policies. And could you even think of it given their weird Covid policies? Even before the recent Xi cult plus Russia support, it was not so friendly towards the US. We had friends who visited China a few years ago. They were very excited but came back somewhat subdued and didn't talk much about it. OK, I've said enough about that. :)

China is a large and historic country with quite a bit I would like to see. I would see my tourist money as supporting the Chinese people rather than the government.

Their current policies in places like Africa and the Pacific are concerning but not all that different than our own. They are securing access to resources.

Their Covid response seems to have been superior to ours in terms of limiting deaths by sacrificing their economy.

Their treatment of Wighurs is concerning but I think it is far more nuanced than the American press delivers it.

I am not a fan of the Chinese government nor am I defending them. But also try not to let politics limit my tourism.
We've seen Chinese New Year celebrations (with the big dragon costumes.) If it's anything like that, it could be impressive. But my poor, damaged ears would not tolerate the noise level. Can't say that I've seen it advertised on Oahu, but maybe I missed it. We do a lot of Chinese themed events here.
<mod note> This isn’t a discussion on China, so let’s please remember keep the discussion focused on the Shen Yun show.
<mod note> This isn’t a discussion on China, so let’s please remember keep the discussion focused on the Shen Yun show.

Yes I agree *but* the show is focused on politics. Unless it has changed since we saw it. Not that I completely understand the focus and/or disapprove.
Thanks for the interesting discussion. :flowers:

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