Article about living longer by retiring earlier


"In Boeing’s "Let’s Retire the Rumor about Life Expectancy" [PDF, no longer available] we have the statement:

There is no correlation between age at retirement and life expectancy of Boeing retirees."


"Looking at the table, I think I see the problem. I bet they didn’t include the people… who hadn’t died yet. Oh dear god. That’s a rookie mistake."
"Looking at the table, I think I see the problem. I bet they didn’t include the people… who hadn’t died yet. Oh dear god. That’s a rookie mistake."

Much like the recurring meme on Facebook, encouraging everyone who survived biking with no helmet, riding in the back of a pickup, not using seatbelts, etc. to post.

I don’t foresee those who didn’t survive posting...
I wonder if the people who retired at 55 were the ones that were wealthier and more able to retire earlier. That might explain why they live longer, with it having nothing to do with how long someone works.

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