Assisted suicide soon to be legal in Canada

Wow. Maybe that will be the next human rights movement here.
Horrible as it is to contemplate, we could see an uptick in "suicide tourism" across the border. Not too long ago, I read an article about American women in their late 60's, doomed to decades of disability and pain from severe osteoporosis, who travel to Switzerland for euthanasia before they are really ready for it...because they are afraid that if they wait until they are completely ready to die, they will not be able to manage the travel.

Assisted suicide is "legal" in several US states - though that seems subject to some interpretation in that I find reports stating it's legal in as few as 3 states, and others claiming it's legal in 34 states.

It should be legal under certain circumstances IMO (when quality of life is gone/all but gone), but I have no fight with most other POVs.
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Not too long ago, I read an article about American women in their late 60's, doomed to decades of disability and pain from severe osteoporosis, who travel to Switzerland for euthanasia before they are really ready for it...because they are afraid that if they wait until they are completely ready to die, they will not be able to manage the travel.

this is a problem with Alzheimer's. If you don't do it too soon you are too late.
The lower the affordability of Social Security benefits, the greater will be government support for assisted suicide.
The lower the affordability of Social Security benefits, the greater will be government support for assisted suicide.

As long as organizations don't intervene on other people's "behalf". I believe I read that it costs more to execute someone than it does to provide for lifers.

I'm all for doctor assisted suicide. I wish we could take it farther and put a provision in for future incapacitation. When I had my aneurysm procedure performed I wasn't so much afraid of dying as I was of having to live with brain damage. I don't want to live that way and I don't want to waste the financial resources that could otherwise be used more productively.
Seriously, I am in support of this vs the current methods used in those States where it is not legal.

Namely starving the patient to death by stopping the feeding tube (a relative).
I've also heard of the "unplug the machine" but do people realize how horrible it is to suffocate to death?

Personally I'd like the option (which I did for my sick dog) to get a needle in the arm and "go to sleep" gently via an overdose of anaesthesia.

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