Bear Grills is awesome


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 13, 2007
I really like Man vs Wild with Bear Grills on the discovery channel. Good possum living training :D

Reminds me of the younger days in the Corps getting dropped of in the middle of no where and being told to live there for a month and then find my way out. Quite fun, always enjoyed that part.
My So has me watching it .I can't believe he eats snakes alive and tonight he drank his urine .UCK!!!
yea it isn't pleasant the urine thing, but in a life or death situation you can drink your urine around 3 times before it goes bad. it taste bad, but better then the taste of death.
this guy grylls is a

i saw one in the jungle where he decided to climb a cliff, by taking a vine UP a waterfall to save 20 minutes...90 degree wall. in real life, youd not risk your life, but make the hike....stuff like that cracks me up

overall though, its a pretty entertaining show...but many of his 'tips' are not explained fully, and an average joe in a similar situation drawing from Grylls memories would likely have problems without the full story
My son has me watching too. Very entertaining stuff. Love the scenery and his level of animation as he describes his predicament.
anyone see the elephant poop one - he squeezed the water out of it and drank it - directly into his mouth! ack!

i saw one episode where he was using his backpack as a "flotation" device and went down a river, hugging the pack - a river w/ some rapids.

when he stopped, held on to a rock to talk to the camera, i noticed he had on a flotation jacket under his sweater - there was no way his backpack was keeping him afloat that nicely in that water -:cool:!!! after that i lost some faith in bear - even though it is still entertaining.

we could start the man vs. wild vs. survivor man debate...

survivorman has no camera crew...although he tends to be less mobile than bear.
ugh, it's on right now, and he just caught a little water snake (size of a BIG worm) and bit off the head and ate the whole body, while it was wriggling around his mouth...he said he was starving, but can't imagine feeling like he got much out of that one little snake!
this guy grylls is a

i saw one in the jungle where he decided to climb a cliff, by taking a vine UP a waterfall to save 20 minutes...90 degree wall. in real life, youd not risk your life, but make the hike....stuff like that cracks me up

overall though, its a pretty entertaining show...but many of his 'tips' are not explained fully, and an average joe in a similar situation drawing from Grylls memories would likely have problems without the full story

Yea I do not think he sometimes realizes the average person, or even above average person could not do some of those insane down climbs, although I do enjoy watching it for the pointers, in case you are ever in a situation where you must do that.

I really like the Alaska show too.
anyone see the elephant poop one - he squeezed the water out of it and drank it - directly into his mouth! ack!


Yes I saw that, wanted to barf. But what can I say life is good so you gotta do what you gotta do. (No pun intended.) Survivor Man is good also. All in all these shows tell me to keep my behind in civilization and away from the boonies.
Saw one for the first time about him in the Sierra Nevada last night - very entertaining. Some very useful info I filed away for when I make my trek to the high country in Sept.

Having spent considerable time there, the bit about just happening to come across the wild horses had my BS sensor on high alert - I'm not saying it's impossible that there are some stray horses up there, but the one he was making friends with and trying to ride looked very well cared for and way too friendly for a wild horse. Still it's fun and he has the perfect name.
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FYI for those who don't know, Grylls was a member of the SAS (Britain's elite special forces unit) he broke his back when his parachute didn't open fully during a jump. He then spent over a year recovering after which he climbed Everest. (he is currently doing it again)

I love the show, my wife only likes it when he takes his shirt off.
I love the show, my wife only likes it when he takes his shirt off.

ah, one point for bear, survivorman doesn't look as hot as bear sans clothes - which they both have to do to "survive" he he he
So....I loved the part last night where he tried to 'tame the wild horses' ...come on! he finds a wild horse, makes a rope from willow branches, makes friends by feeding it grass, then tries to jump on and hold on for dear life. Dude....not gonna happen. That horse woulda bucked him off...not run for a road.

Then, he supposedly whacked a rabbit in the head with a stick from 15 yards?!?!?!?!? I'm not buying it...especially when he skinned and gutted it without any tools.

Then he descended a friggin 250 foot cliff sans belaying equipment

Then he jumped 80 ft into a river without knowing if there's rocks in it!?!?!? He says he did it to save some bout save your life

Then, he made a raft with driftwood and grapevine, or willows or something...and took it down a big river. Next thing I know, hes floating through some nice rapids on a makeshift raft...pretty goofy

And then he caught some trout by hand....we all know how easy that is

Then he.....

well, ill stop...dont wanna ruin it for ya
I like Les's show a lot better. Actual practical information on survival in adverse situations. The stuff on Bears' show is often performed in real life, preceded by the statement "Y'all wanna see something? Here, hold my beer..."
I'm not a particularly nice man!

At least I wasnt naming names, like Cooter and Jimbo.

Anyone catch that special on surviving natural disasters that Les did, the one I saw was on surviving floods. "Surviving Urban Disasters". Looked like they were going to make a series out of it, but I only saw the one episode. Pretty interesting stuff.
Surviving Urban Disasters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bruce Willis survived, in a 15 story hotel, with 16,000 terrorists, bombs, fires and broken glass, all around him. He walked away.

Ain't No Big Thing!
Someone ratted on Bear. A news story broke about all of the fake stuff going on during the shooting of the shows. Explains the "wild" horse, Bear sleeping in hotels, pre-made rafts & other stuff you can only find on the "Wild" Discovery Channel. I find it all so amusing :D
Yeah I saw that too but didnt want to post it and upset the fans.

Seems the discovery channel is going to tighten up on the show a bit and put a graphic on all the reruns that 'some portions may be dramatized'.

And then theres their new shows:

"Man vs Minibar!!!"
"Man vs Magic Fingers Bed!!!!"
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Don't forget the camera operator is also following him.
so he's not sitting there for 7 hours, making his own rope out of plants, and then weaving them onto a raft! oh...hahah

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