Beds: Queen vs. King


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Sep 18, 2012
Yes, there are size differences and these are well documented and findable via my handy search engine.

What I'm hoping to understand is whether it is worth the switch from queen to king? Does it help with the problem of disrupting your partner?

DW doesn't want to change because the bed is so big and would take up room in our modest home bedroom. I want to upgrade to King because I think we are disrupting each other a lot every night.

When we are vacation, we get king bed rooms. I sleep much better. Maybe it is just the mattress firmness. Or maybe the relaxation of vacation. But I think it is the larger size allowing more buffer zone.
Yes, there are size differences and these are well documented and findable via my handy search engine.

What I'm hoping to understand is whether it is worth the switch from queen to king? Does it help with the problem of disrupting your partner?

DW doesn't want to change because the bed is so big and would take up room in our modest home bedroom. I want to upgrade to King because I think we are disrupting each other a lot every night.

When we are vacation, we get king bed rooms. I sleep much better. Maybe it is just the mattress firmness. Or maybe the relaxation of vacation. But I think it is the larger size allowing more buffer zone.

Go with the king---hands down!

So right on the buffer zone and less disruptions...she will learn to love it......honestly, one of the best investments you can make as far as in home purchases. Think about it---we spend 30%+ of our lives in there, why not make it as comfortable as possible?!
We have tried both and come back to a Queen. Plenty of room for both of us, with a better "cuddle" factor. When we stay at hotels we get lost in the King. I guess it does depend on how big the folks sleeping in it are. :)
We've had a queen size through 38 years of marriage. We've never had the issue of disturbing each other in the night. The only issue is sometimes the cats crowd us in and make it hot, but they'd do that no matter how big the bed was.
Definitely a king! I never sleep well in a queen.
I'm with Gumby, same years of marriage, same queen sized bed, and Golden Retrievers instead of cats. Still, if we had a colossal bedroom suite we would probably go for a king. As is, a queen looks nice and a king would visually dominate the room so we stay put.
We always had queen beds until 2 years ago when we got a split king. Disruption was an issue for me, but her snoring and my acid reflux caused us to get the adjustable bed frames. The new setup helps.
We recently switched to a king. It didn't have anything to do with disturbing one another (that's more your mattress). But I have some shoulder issues and like to use a lot of pillows, and we had room for it. I've always been one to toss and turn and move a lot at night, and I prefer it now.

But it means everything will cost more. Your bed/frame, your mattress, your sheets, duvet, etc. - all quite a mark up from a queen.
King all the way, even if you aren’t disrupting each other now, it’ll probably happen eventually. DW and I slept together in a queen for 8 nights last Sept on vacation, and we got by but a king is far more comfortable! And you can snuggle in any bed! You spend about 1/3rd of your life in bed, so why compromise?
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We like our California King.

I'm 6'3" so the extra length is nice plus gives room for the dog (spoiled mutt)
King for sure. For sleeping 2/3 for me and 1/3 for DW.
Can still “snuggle” 1/3 for both.
This is so personal. We switched to King when we bought our last monster house. We tried switching to Queen (for about a month) when we moved to current modest size house. But we had to go back to King in the end.

I suggest you live in a hotel room with a King bed for at least a week on your next extended vacation. See how you like it? Or you can buy a King bed from one of the places that has a hassle free return policy.
DW and I had queen for the first 7 years of marriage. It was ok.

When we bought the house, we moved up to king and would not choose anything else in the future. About 18 months ago, we replaced the original 20 year old king mattress with a new king, and it's even better.

My general rule of thumb is to go with what DW says. However, the exception is if you're quite sure she will enjoy your end result better. It's a gamble, but some times you just have to do it, even with the potential disappointment from DW. In this case, you need to weigh the outcomes and what's the worst that could happen? It seems that it's really just a matter of taking up more room. If you don't have the room to accommodate it, then listen to DW. If you have the room for it, I say definitely go for the king. There is significantly more room than the queen.
Buying a king was the best move ever. We both sleep better. We hate when we travel and have to stay somewhere that only has a queen (or smaller) and we're on top of each other. In fact, if it's just the two of us without our daughter and the room has 2 queens instead of a king, we'll usually sleep separately.

Go for the king.
We've been using a queen for more than 30 years now and no plans on switching. We've slept on king when on vacation and still heard snoring. So what's the point. Our very first bed was only a full size bed, and we slept well for many years.
Yes, there are size differences and these are well documented and findable via my handy search engine.

What I'm hoping to understand is whether it is worth the switch from queen to king? Does it help with the problem of disrupting your partner?

DW doesn't want to change because the bed is so big and would take up room in our modest home bedroom. I want to upgrade to King because I think we are disrupting each other a lot every night.

When we are vacation, we get king bed rooms. I sleep much better. Maybe it is just the mattress firmness. Or maybe the relaxation of vacation. But I think it is the larger size allowing more buffer zone.

I sleep alone in my king sized bed and I love it! I am a very active sleeper and like to roll around and flop in my sleep (I guess to unwind?). With a king sized bed, there is plenty of room for that. Before this bed I had a queen sized bed, which was sort of OK, but this is much better for someone like me. I will never get another queen sized bed if I can get a king instead!

If one partner snores, just getting a king sized bed won't fix the problem IME. Seems to me that if one partner is disrupting the other, through snoring or flailing about as I do, the best solution is to have two beds in different rooms. So, I'd suggest leaving the queen where it is, for her, and putting a king bed in another room for you.

As you all know, Frank and I went a step beyond that and his bed is in the house next door. :LOL:
Another perk about a king....

We have separate covers. We each have a twin comforter and DW has a twin top sheet (I don't use one). That way nobody is stealing the covers from the other. One person pulling on the comforter doesn't disrupt the other person.
We've slept on a king for many years and are happy. But more importantly, the platform on which the mattress sits is crucial. In the past we went through different frames and platforms that squeaked and shimmied every time someone rolled over. Very disrupting. Finally found a bed frame and headboard that don't move at all.
Here is the contrarian view: Get two queen beds.

Sleeping in a bed with another grown human animal is way over-rated. Sleep is too precious.
Here is the contrarian view: Get two queen beds.

Sleeping in a bed with another grown human animal is way over-rated. Sleep is too precious.


For some reason, people seem to equate sleeping together with "sleeping together" (sex). Believe me, a couple can enjoy plenty of sex and cuddling without sharing a bed for the entire night!
Queens do us well. My wife and I keep separate hours. I get up at 4:00 am, about the time she's going to sleep. She watches ID television--crime shows 24/7. I watch conservative news and talk shows.

She has her room, and I have mine. Mine is sized for a queen size bed.
We switched to a King about 12 years ago. Yes, the frame and bedside tables of our set take up the entire side of our relatively small master in our 1960s ranch home. We have space around the side to walk, that is all, and a spot for the big dog bed on the floor at the end.
However, we sleep much better on the King than we did on the queen mattress. (had a cheap $100 double mattress when we first got married, slept on that for years before we upgraded to a Queen!! :)
Married 44 years, and not switching ever again.
We switched to a King about 12 years ago. Yes, the frame and bedside tables of our set take up the entire side of our relatively small master in our 1960s ranch home. We have space around the side to walk, that is all, and a spot for the big dog bed on the floor at the end.
However, we sleep much better on the King than we did on the queen mattress. (had a cheap $100 double mattress when we first got married, slept on that for years before we upgraded to a Queen!! :)
Married 44 years, and not switching ever again.

This is our situation. We downsized and our largest bedroom barely holds our king, dresser and our night stands. I put my chest in my office and dress there. Unless you have a true master suite, you’re not doing much in the room but sleeping so having the king take up all the space is no big deal. We do have good room to walk around the bed.

As far as sleeping together, I toss and turn. The more room the better. I’m sure DW appreciates the space so she doesn’t have to adjust every time I shift position.

Get a king.
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