Blow that dough (It's official now)

I had a friend like that in high school, who lived nearby. Her name was Terri and her mom said I was a bad influence on her, and my mom said she was a bad influence on me!!! :ROFLMAO: We never got in any trouble, though, despite our mothers' fears. We had a lot of innocent fun of the type that mothers find scary, such as flirting with neighborhood boys and learning our first mild swear words and such. But all that never led to anything and we were just having fun. Those were the days.

When my parents were in their 80's my sister's and I confessed to the things we had gotten away with.

The sister born in 1940 confessed she and her girlfriend snuck out of the Methodist church, went across the street, snuck in the Catholic church. They listened to part of Mass and snuck back unseen.

The 1949 sister admitted to sneaking out to visit a boyfriend when she claimed to be staying with a girlfriend. The funniest part was DF suspected something amiss, tried to sneak up on the home at 5AM. Their family dog was outside, bit his azz, sent him to the ER for stitches.

Mine involved Robbie(not ER Robbie I think). He and I managed to scrape together $100(remember $100 cars in the early 1970s?) and bought a car. Drove it around a few weeks, parked it on different places to hide it from our parents, later sold it to get the money back.

No big deal, except we were both 14 years old! Sometimes mom's know best.
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Sneaking out of one church to attend another church? Worth of praise - :)

Lying about the boyfriend, now there's a little naughty there. Getting bit is fair payment for trespass and spying - that was funny.

Now the car thing at 14 is genius, that shows real creativity!
Nope, I won't blow my dough on iCrap.

Spend if you need to. Don't if you don't need to.
You need food, you want lobster.

Blowing dough is not about needs, it's about wants - :)
Absolutely! You need to buy a knife. Or, whatever floats your boat. That kind of portfolio return is amazing. :)

Yes, but I'm sober enough to realize that it was not the norm. Still...

hmmmmm. be greedy when others ate fearful and .... well, you know the rest. i will stay with my 3% initial withdrawal rate.
I had a friend like that in high school, who lived nearby. Her name was Terri and her mom said I was a bad influence on her, and my mom said she was a bad influence on me!!! :ROFLMAO: We never got in any trouble, though, despite our mothers' fears. We had a lot of innocent fun of the type that mothers find scary, such as flirting with neighborhood boys and learning our first mild swear words and such. But all that never led to anything and we were just having fun. Those were the days.

I just spent a long weekend in NYC with my high school friend who was a "bad influence" according to my mom. My mom was convinced she would lead me into trouble... We're still good friends 40 years later. Yeah - we did things my parents wouldn't have approved of - but we never got caught!!!! I think my parents did stuff they shouldn't have... and I have a great memory of my grandmother telling the story of double dating with her best friend (her date was her bff's brother... and my grandfather)... They snuck out to a speak easy after telling parents they were spending the night at each others houses. My grandmother was a very proper woman... but even she had a friend in high school that was a "bad influence"....

On the subject of "blow more dough".... I am upping my Withdrawal a bit for next year... But even with the increase it will be <3% of current portfolio and only increase to the level of the COLA increases I haven't taken yet. I am having trouble believing this run up won't correct and I'm still worried about sequence of returns and getting the kids launched.
Woo-Hoo, my theme - :)

Yeah Baby! Blow that dough!

I bought myself a Christmas present this year. A one of a kind hand made knife, mirror polished with grade AAA mother of pearl scales. Two grand.

Live the dream - :)

You might like Knifemaker near my home, supposedly high quality stuff, but I'm not sure if he makes any in the $2K territory.
Very nice.

The knife I bought is this one from Burn (Paul Panak), I'm into Italian auto stilettos.
hah I was just discussing this topic with my parents, about how people are ER'ing and then spending only a 1.5% WD.

They were like "that's us!" (except not the ER part, regular R). But they are annoyed that they even have to have a 1.5 because it's from RMD's... They are living nicely off SS and pensions, small trips and a big vacation every year, and a few splurges here and there.

Are my wife and I your parents? Sounds like it.
Oh dear! Failing miserably in this RobbieB test. My expenses so far this year are the lowest they have been (in actual $, a lot more in inflation adjusted $) since ER. I don't know what's wrong with me... Must be that I'm finally happy with my stereo and can't think of anything to improve it ( well, maybe those Utopias...)
I'm putting the final assembly together on my Elekit TU-8500 preamp. The Audiocap Thetas arrives from Parts Express today and I've been eagerly awaiting as I didn't want to have to remove and re-solder new coupling caps
Does spending an extra $20 a month to speed up my Internet connection count? I did skip the next step-up in speed, choosing two steps up.
Yeah, you can go crazy on audio stuff for sure. I'm not that crazy, but I like vacuum tubes - :)
Does spending an extra $20 a month to speed up my Internet connection count? I did skip the next step-up in speed, choosing two steps up.

Absolutely! Blow that dough. :D Sounds like your connection is fast as lightning.

When LBYM'ing, I think that getting rid of regular monthly charges helps a lot. So, when blowing that dough, the reverse should be pretty effective, too. :)
I am finally getting around to getting the back-teeth dental implants I had postponed a couple of years because of the painful price tag. Not an extravagance, so I only give it one “Dilly”.
I have a hard time blowing that money. LOL I just bought a 100$ worth of gouges for some carving I do. Not sure why I have the same gouges but these I bought will not be made any more so I did it. I didn't really need them but >>>>>>>>>> I bought them.

Like I posted before I'm new to retirement so in a few years I will open up and spend more.
My plan is that when the market tanks I won't have to decrease my spending.

Yes, I understand. A reasonably conservative approach. I am currently spending more than ever but when the market tanks I will just go back to spending divs. My divs are rock solid and weren’t cut in 2008-2009.

But I think it also depends on your age. I’m 67,been retired 11 years, and the portfolio is at an all time high. I figure if I don’t enjoy things now, I will soon get to the point where all I will want to do is “sit on the porch” (figuratively). This will likely mean a very large legacy left behind. I certainly don’t mind leaving a good size legacy but not something outrageous.

Getting the balance right between current consumption, risk, and legacy is something I think about a lot. I am very much in the minority here, it seems.
Getting the balance right between current consumption, risk, and legacy is something I think about a lot. I am very much in the minority here, it seems.

Maybe not as much as you think. I'm in the same situation, albeit on a much smaller scale. I'm sure others are as well.
Just spent a week in a neighboring state (Nayarit) on the beach for a break from our condo in downtown PV. Yea Baby.

Thinking of buying some ETHER as a flyer given the pullback. Having some fun!

Spending down the principle seems to be far away right now. If not now, when? Does not Firecalc assume that?

(Pas de lieu Rhône que nous. Our French teacher said Pas d'elle yeux Rhone que nous! It took us a while to figure it out!)
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Maybe not as much as you think. I'm in the same situation, albeit on a much smaller scale. I'm sure others are as well.

Yes, probably. But we seem much more interested in discussing honey glazed hams, cognac, wine, knives, shellfish,iPhones, etc. More fun and easier? Well we do live in a consumer society, I guess.
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