Boomers Delusional/Clueless About Health


Full time employment: Posting here.
Mar 20, 2006
It's human nature to think that one's own cohort is the best. When asked who was the healthiest, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millenials all felt that their generation was the healthiest.

But many articles indicate that Boomers are less healthy than their parents, thanks to obesity, hypertension, diabetes (although they will be the longest-lived generation in spite of these problems---it's more the quality of life):

Baby Boomers: Not the ‘Healthiest Generation’ |

What really took me aback is that Boomers define being healthy as going to the doctor! And they were only half as likely as younger generations to think that being healthy means eating healthy foods or exercising (only 12% of Boomers feel that diet or physical activity is important; they feel that doctor's visits equals health!).

HARTFORD, Conn.: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials define being healthy differently | Health & Wellness |

Is it really possible that only a little over 10% of Boomers think that diet and exercise is important for health?
A lot would depend on how the questions were asked.
It could be an evolution of generational thought revealing itself. I'm 60. My parents, aunts, uncles, etc., did not like to go to the Dr., and actually avoided it. My generation has seemingly spent a lot of words on the generation before us imploring them to go to the Doctor. So I can see where my boomer peers would think going to the Dr. is doing the healthy thing, in comparison.

Additionally, the medical industry is as effective as the food industry in marketing to boomers, the original TV generation. By the poll results, I'm hoping the younger generations have figured out the scams of the medical and food corporate marketers.
Well, I'm a boomer, and I can tell you that a fair number of my boomer friends do believe that seeing a doctor on a frequent basis (and taking whatever meds they prescribe) will keep them healthy in their golden years, regardless of their lifestyle. And some of these folks (not all) have pretty unhealthy lifestyles.......little exercise, and lots of room for improvement in their diet as well. Now, I have nothing against doctors or regular doctor visits, but if you don't take care of yourself, no doctor is going to magically restore your health when it declines. I lean toward more exercise, eating a healthy diet, monitoring my own blood pressure, etc........combined with infrequent doctor visits for things like my annual blood test, or when I have a specific problem.
Boomer blah blah blah...

We're healthy as horses. We spend more money on miracle pills, miracle foods, miracle diets, and miracle drugs, not to mention thigh masters, tread climbers, blowflexes, and botoxins than any previous generation...

Boomers living 2-3yrs longer with "greater burden of chronic disease & more disability"? Sure does not sound like a good trade off to me :(

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