Borrowing Kindle books



Can any Kindle owners recommend reliable web sites where I can borrow or lend e-books?
kINDLE does not accept e-pub. It has to be in the Kindle format. You can get many free books though Amazon and also some bargains .99 cents to $2.99. That is the one negative with Kindles. There is a web site called Kindle Community. Here is website:

Kindle Boards - Index

Look under Book Bazaar and you will see a catagory
for Free Books and Bargain Books. Sometimes you can get some very decent ones, when they have promotions for new famous authors books soon to be released. These however last usually only a half a day at best.

But if you want to download library books via Overdrive, you will need to get a Nook, unless Kindle makes some changes in their next model, which I doubt. They do very well without it. When you download from the library, you only have two weeks to read book. Then it goes POOFF. If you didn't finish, to bad. This is not true with audio books, as long as you put them on your MP3 player.
You can lend some/many Kindle books directly without having to deal with Overdrive, just person to person. I don't know a website for doing this (other than some that are closed to new members), but I'm sure there are some. Just ask on Kindle forums and I'm sure someone would steer you in the right direction.
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You can download library books to the iPad now too. The free app is BlueFire Reader.
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