Brain Fog - DW had one today .. scary memory lapse


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 12, 2013
I've never experienced this before, but DW forgot everything that happened last night and this morning.

She was talking to a niece last night on the internet from Australia, she forgot the conversation. She had to call her again this afternoon and she told the same story.

She forgot where she placed her hand bag and wallet this morning and it took us one hour to find it - she hid it somewhere. We were suppose to go grocery and this delayed us

She forgot 3X that I already had breakfast today. She asked me 3X.

She said it seems like she was sleepwalking thru the whole time and she felt everything was hazy.

Searched the internet and says it could be caused by stress, fatigue, etc. Will have to go to the Doc. It's kinda scary.

Don't want to think it is Alzheimer's. :(
cyber888 -- pls call you doctor and see what your doctor advises. If you have a nurse line or teledoc with your insurance call them. could be several different things.
Get a diagnosis. Sometimes the progression can be slowed down with medication. It could be stress, fatigue, as you mentioned or something as simple as a vitamin or mineral deficiency.

DW and her sister are helping their other older sister with this. The older sister is only 67. MRI shows some brain shrinkage. Still don't have a diagnosis -- it takes some time.

Best wishes.
cyber888- it sounds like it could be a TIA ("mini-stroke") that can last from a few minutes up to 24 hours. They are a warning sign that a more serious stroke might be on the horizon. Please have your DW checked out ASAP, hopefully she gets good news.
I agree with Mike, this sounds like something acute, - ie, an immediate visit to the ER. I wouldn't be waiting for a doctor's appointment or assuming anything about what it might be. Reacting now, even it if means overreacting, might help avoid a 2nd episode.
cyber888- it sounds like it could be a TIA ("mini-stroke") that can last from a few minutes up to 24 hours. They are a warning sign that a more serious stroke might be on the horizon. Please have your DW checked out ASAP, hopefully she gets good news.


My DM suffered from several of these. See a doctor immediately for a brain scan. TIAs will show in a scan, and you will know if your DW has had more than one (there are not always obvious symptoms).
I think someone on this site or one of their family members had the same memory loss but I don't remember the cause. I tried searching for "temporary memory loss and memory loss" but can't find the thread.

Just googled temporary memory loss and came up with "transient global amnesia", and that's what the thread on this site was about.
If it's that, then it's temporary and there is no known cause. Saw that info on the Mayo clinic web site. It also mentions asking the same question several times.
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I had something similar a few years ago. Consider a "silent migraine" but do check with a doctor asap!
Is she on any medication? I remember my mom on one where she had memory loss. It was Predizone.
So sorry scary. Another medicine question, was she taking pravastatin, I was on it and got very forgetful and doing dumb things.... it’s a cholesterol med.
My BIL had mini strokes for so long he wound up in a memory unit. I agree with above. Get it checked out ASAP.
There's so many different causes of the symptoms you describe. Here's a worrisome one. An opthalmologist I knew told me his partner in private practice once asked him the same question 3 times in a 15 minute period. He made sure his partner was evaluated. It turned out he had a brain tumor.
So sorry scary. Another medicine question, was she taking pravastatin, I was on it and got very forgetful and doing dumb things.... it’s a cholesterol med.

She’s not on meds. Thanks
Thanks everyone. Really appreciate it. Will go t ER
I've never experienced this before, but DW forgot everything that happened last night and this morning.

She was talking to a niece last night on the internet from Australia, she forgot the conversation. She had to call her again this afternoon and she told the same story.

She forgot where she placed her hand bag and wallet this morning and it took us one hour to find it - she hid it somewhere. We were suppose to go grocery and this delayed us

She forgot 3X that I already had breakfast today. She asked me 3X.

She said it seems like she was sleepwalking thru the whole time and she felt everything was hazy.

Searched the internet and says it could be caused by stress, fatigue, etc. Will have to go to the Doc. It's kinda scary.

Don't want to think it is Alzheimer's. :(
ALZ seldom comes on that quickly.

Stress or other factors are possible. I'm one of the folks who had a TGA, mentioned in another thread, I can relate to what you wrote. That's how I was acting.

Get the docs opinion. Good luck.
Sure sounds like a mini stroke. My wife had one while driving. She was able to pull over, call me but didn't know where she was. Found her 4 miles from home at an intersection she has driven through millions of times over the last 40 years. The brain scan showed up where the stroke occurred.
We are at the Emergency Room now .. thanks for all your help
Hoping for the best. Glad you’re getting it checked out.
Best wishes for a good outcome. FWIW, DW had a TIA over 25 years ago... carotid blood clot... removed... all well ever since.
Short experience, but remember it like it was yesterday.

I think someone on this site or one of their family members had the same memory loss but I don't remember the cause. I tried searching for "temporary memory loss and memory loss" but can't find the thread.

Just googled temporary memory loss and came up with "transient global amnesia", and that's what the thread on this site was about.
If it's that, then it's temporary and there is no known cause. Saw that info on the Mayo clinic web site. It also mentions asking the same question several times.

Wow. Just heard the term Transient Global Amnesia yesterday and realized this is what happened to me a few months ago when I ended up in the hospital overnight. Based on my symptoms the dr thought I was having a stroke or heart attack. My behavior was off and the entire day was missing from my memory. All tests came back normal so no TIA. The dr thought I had a migraine even though my migraines never involved memory loss and last one was over 30 years ago.

Other less common symptoms for TGA include headache, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, and numbness in arms or legs. I had all these symptoms. I have an appointment with a neurologist tomorrow so it will be interesting to hear his diagnosis.

cyber888 Memory loss is extremely scary and I hope the dr. can find the cause to you wife's condition.
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