Breakthrough club

Last week my wife and I were both feeling bad,lots of coughing and drainage. I figured it was just our allergies acting up. She called our Dr. office Friday morning to ask about an appt. and was told to get a covid test 1st. Our county had a drive thru testing site going on so we went there. Got the test and were told it would be 3 days for results. I got up this morning and had an email that my results were in, hers were also ready. I signed on and joined the club, then she also joined. She just called and left a message at our Dr. office. We don't know what to do now so we wait. We are both fully vaxed so I'm bummed. What the heck good did it do to get stuck if we still get it? It hurts me to hear my DW as she is still coughing her head off, we both still feel bad but I feel she is worse than me. We along with the other set of Grands have always helped with out DGD, pick up from school, taking places ect.. Now we can't do that. I'll admit I'm scared. Thanks for listening!
Sorry to hear this but now that you know you have it, hopefully, you can take the next step to minimize your chances of ending up in the hospital. If you are 65 or older, you are a candidate for monoclonal antibody treatment. If you are under 65, you will have to have one or more chronic conditions that are specified by the CDC. Your doctor can assist you in that determination. It is imperative that you get the monoclonal antibody infusion as quickly as possible for it to have the greatest effect. They will probably not give it to you if you get sick enough to be hospitalized. Good luck to you and your wife but I hope it's some reassurance that being fully vaccinated gives you a huge advantage over someone who isn't. While your doctor will be the best source of info on how to get the monoclonal antibody treatment in your area, you can also check here
Venturer, Let us know how the tests come out. You guys don't seem to be getting worse quickly, so that's good. If it is Covid, then you're body is generating a super effective immunity to any variant that comes along later.

I believe when he said he'd "joined the club" he means the breakthrough club, in other words I think that he does have Covid.

Venturer, I hope you both feel better soon.
I believe when he said he'd "joined the club" he means the breakthrough club, in other words I think that he does have Covid.

Venturer, I hope you both feel better soon.

Thanks Alan, as well as others. You are correct that is exactly our case. We did test positive for covid.We are waiting for Dr. to call us back and we will be asking about getting the antibodies treatment. I am 69 & DW is 68 so we will qualify probably. I also have to take ocasional breathing treatments.
Thanks Alan, as well as others. You are correct that is exactly our case. We did test positive for covid.We are waiting for Dr. to call us back and we will be asking about getting the antibodies treatment. I am 69 & DW is 68 so we will qualify probably. I also have to take ocasional breathing treatments.

So sorry to hear about the test results, but I'm glad to hear both of you are fully vaccinated. When did you get your vaccine shots?
Venturer - You should be counting your blessings that you got vaccinated. If you had not, one of both of you might have already been in an ICU. Let me join the others in encouraging you to pursue monoclonal antibodies. Your vaccine makes serious disease an order of magnitude less likely. Monoclonal antibodies add another order of magnitude of protection.
Thanks Alan, as well as others. You are correct that is exactly our case. We did test positive for covid.We are waiting for Dr. to call us back and we will be asking about getting the antibodies treatment. I am 69 & DW is 68 so we will qualify probably. I also have to take ocasional breathing treatments.

My thoughts go out to you! DW and I have known way too many people to get this damn thing and the few that passed away were not vaccinated. None of the folks (a couple not in great health, either) that were vaccinated died or were hospitalized.
Sorry to hear it. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.

Thank you for not just assuming it was your allergies and going for tests. Your case clearly shows the importance of testing for any symptoms.

What good did the vaccine do? It will most likely keep you out of the hospital, the ICU, and the cemetery. All good things in my opinion.

As for what to do now, call and find out if you are candidates for monoclonal antibody therapy. Other than that, isolate for 10 days and notify anyone you were in close contact with.

Time is of the essence for monoclonal antibody therapy. The sooner the better.
Thanks Alan, as well as others. You are correct that is exactly our case. We did test positive for covid.We are waiting for Dr. to call us back and we will be asking about getting the antibodies treatment. I am 69 & DW is 68 so we will qualify probably. I also have to take ocasional breathing treatments.

You both qualify as long as it has been less than 10 days since symptoms started.
You both qualify as long as it has been less than 10 days since symptoms started.

The Nurse just called back and we have a video meeting this afternoon at 5 pm w/Dr. I will ask then about the antibodies treatment. Thanks to all for concern.
DH joins the club

Last Tuesday, my DH started his first job outside the home in 21 years (he was a stay at home dad/built our homes). This last Saturday evening, he developed a headache and stuffy nose. The next morning, his throat hurt so he made an appointment at noon to get tested ( without me nagging him to do so!) with the expectation he'd get the result in 24-48 hours.

This morning at 8 am he got the call from his doctor he had tested positive and they are arranging the monoclonal antibody for him. DH is 58 and I'm 55. We both are vaccinated - I'm a physician and got my vaccine in January. My husband got his vaccine in March.

So now I am wearing a mask at home while hubby is isolating in the bedroom. He feels fine now but we are not even 48 hours into the start of his symptoms.

I am SO grateful this happened now instead of last fall. He is vaccinated and will be getting monoclonal antibodies, so I'm less anxious than I would have been then (don't get me wrong, I'm still anxious, just not the basket case I would have been last year) I've been worried he would get sick while I wasn't home (I work 3 weeks in another state, then home 3 weeks) and I have another 12 days at home to "hover" over him- masked, and through the door - I'm a pro at hovering from a distance!
Last Tuesday, my DH started his first job outside the home in 21 years (he was a stay at home dad/built our homes). This last Saturday evening, he developed a headache and stuffy nose. The next morning, his throat hurt so he made an appointment at noon to get tested ( without me nagging him to do so!) with the expectation he'd get the result in 24-48 hours.

This morning at 8 am he got the call from his doctor he had tested positive and they are arranging the monoclonal antibody for him. DH is 58 and I'm 55. We both are vaccinated - I'm a physician and got my vaccine in January. My husband got his vaccine in March.

So now I am wearing a mask at home while hubby is isolating in the bedroom. He feels fine now but we are not even 48 hours into the start of his symptoms.

I am SO grateful this happened now instead of last fall. He is vaccinated and will be getting monoclonal antibodies, so I'm less anxious than I would have been then (don't get me wrong, I'm still anxious, just not the basket case I would have been last year) I've been worried he would get sick while I wasn't home (I work 3 weeks in another state, then home 3 weeks) and I have another 12 days at home to "hover" over him- masked, and through the door - I'm a pro at hovering from a distance!

Your husband is fortunate for many reasons - most of all because he has you "hovering" over him. Blessings on you both.
Last week my wife and I were both feeling bad,lots of coughing and drainage. I figured it was just our allergies acting up. She called our Dr. office Friday morning to ask about an appt. and was told to get a covid test 1st. Our county had a drive thru testing site going on so we went there. Got the test and were told it would be 3 days for results. I got up this morning and had an email that my results were in, hers were also ready. I signed on and joined the club, then she also joined. She just called and left a message at our Dr. office. We don't know what to do now so we wait. We are both fully vaxed so I'm bummed. What the heck good did it do to get stuck if we still get it? It hurts me to hear my DW as she is still coughing her head off, we both still feel bad but I feel she is worse than me. We along with the other set of Grands have always helped with out DGD, pick up from school, taking places ect.. Now we can't do that. I'll admit I'm scared. Thanks for listening!

You won't die - that's what good it did.

I hope you and your wife both feel much better soon.

If they haven't already been tested, the "other Grands" should consider doing so ASAP too. They could have asymptomatic cases, and be unknowingly spreading it.
Attached is an illustration of Covid deaths in the UK this year which clearly shows how well the vaccines work to prevent deaths.


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Attached is an illustration of Covid deaths in the UK this year which clearly shows how well the vaccines work to prevent deaths.

And some people still refuse to be vaccinated. I just don't get it, but YMMV.
And some people still refuse to be vaccinated. I just don't get it, but YMMV.

I had a routine doc appointment today and when the doc saw that I have been vaccinated (since March) he just said, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"

A little deeper discussion revealed that in our "neck of the woods" he has had a very difficult time convincing people that getting vaccinated is a good idea. He told me of some of the challenges with the hospitals (not nearly enough beds) he has admitting privileges with and how he is just so tired of dealing with "difficult" patients. I really felt bad for the guy. :(

On the other hand, DW told me about a joint friend who is an LPN at an urgent care clinic in ATL. She got COVID about 3 weeks ago and has just now gone back to work and still isn't feeling great. And of course, neither her or her DW have been vaccinated. I recall her being quite vocal on social media about a month ago coming out against the vaccine. Oye.
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I’m really surprised to hear how many stories we have on this site of breakthrough infections. It sounds like they are becoming fairly routine. I get the fact that the infections are not requiring hospitalizations so the vaccines are doing their job. But it seems like just a few months ago breakthrough infections were quite rare, and now they are seemingly quite common.
I’m really surprised to hear how many stories we have on this site of breakthrough infections. It sounds like they are becoming fairly routine. I get the fact that the infections are not requiring hospitalizations so the vaccines are doing their job. But it seems like just a few months ago breakthrough infections were quite rare, and now they are seemingly quite common.

I don't think it's too surprising given the fact that those that vaccinated can still carry the virus. Even among the fully vaccinated, there are a very large group of folks that are going on their normal business and congregating in large crowds. We have heard that Delta is more contagious that chicken pox (which means it's more contagious that the common cold) so it stands to reason that the spread is wide.
I don't think it's too surprising given the fact that those that vaccinated can still carry the virus. Even among the fully vaccinated, there are a very large group of folks that are going on their normal business and congregating in large crowds. We have heard that Delta is more contagious that chicken pox (which means it's more contagious that the common cold) so it stands to reason that the spread is wide.

Also, it appears the virus waxes and wanes - much like seasonal flu. The higher numbers of Vaxed people getting the illness may just be because MANY people are getting the disease. YMMV
Me Too …

I have now joined the breakthrough club after getting my second dose of Pfizer in June 2021.

My spouse came home from work on a Friday with a sore throat. He’s adamantly unvaccinated and wears his mask down as much as he can get away with it while he’s there. He also has UC so is immunocompromised.

By Saturday he was ill enough to reschedule a vacation fligh ,for that morning, and by Sunday, sick enough to cancel that trip entirely.

I started feeling like I had a sinus infection that same Sunday and became very fatigued. Wednesday I made him get tested at Urgent Care, and he was positive. I tested positive the next day.

He has now been VERY ill for 10 days, with nearly every Covid symptom. He’s suffering mightily. I continue to just feel like I have a cold and sleep a lot.

He’s 60; I’m 63. If only he had just gotten the shots …
I have now joined the breakthrough club after getting my second dose of Pfizer in June 2021.

My spouse came home from work on a Friday with a sore throat. He’s adamantly unvaccinated and wears his mask down as much as he can get away with it while he’s there. He also has UC so is immunocompromised.

By Saturday he was ill enough to reschedule a vacation fligh ,for that morning, and by Sunday, sick enough to cancel that trip entirely.

I started feeling like I had a sinus infection that same Sunday and became very fatigued. Wednesday I made him get tested at Urgent Care, and he was positive. I tested positive the next day.

He has now been VERY ill for 10 days, with nearly every Covid symptom. He’s suffering mightily. I continue to just feel like I have a cold and sleep a lot.

He’s 60; I’m 63. If only he had just gotten the shots …

I am very sorry to hear that. I hope your DH comes out of this with no lingering issues. Good that you're only experiencing minor symptoms.
I’m really surprised to hear how many stories we have on this site of breakthrough infections. It sounds like they are becoming fairly routine. I get the fact that the infections are not requiring hospitalizations so the vaccines are doing their job. But it seems like just a few months ago breakthrough infections were quite rare, and now they are seemingly quite common.

Just a reminder that anecdotes are not data. I, the OP, am the only one I know personally that had a breakthrough. This includes dozens of people I know well at he conference where I believe I caught it, all of my and DW's friends, coworkers and relatives, and at least 7 people that already had confirmed/tested cases of Covid and haven't yet gotten vaccines and didn't get Covid again. But that data and this forum are a meaningless self-selected sample of people reporting breakthrough cases.

A few months ago we weren't in the middle of the Delta surge and breakthrough infections were quite rare compared to the general infection rate. AFAIK, breakthrough infections are still quite rate compared to the general infection rate as adjusted for the current surge.

And my anecdote (that word again) is that a vaccinated person's breakthrough infection is less severe than the common cold. So get vaccinated.
I have now joined the breakthrough club after getting my second dose of Pfizer in June 2021.

My spouse came home from work on a Friday with a sore throat. He’s adamantly unvaccinated and wears his mask down as much as he can get away with it while he’s there. He also has UC so is immunocompromised.

By Saturday he was ill enough to reschedule a vacation fligh ,for that morning, and by Sunday, sick enough to cancel that trip entirely.

I started feeling like I had a sinus infection that same Sunday and became very fatigued. Wednesday I made him get tested at Urgent Care, and he was positive. I tested positive the next day.

He has now been VERY ill for 10 days, with nearly every Covid symptom. He’s suffering mightily. I continue to just feel like I have a cold and sleep a lot.

He’s 60; I’m 63. If only he had just gotten the shots …
So sorry you are having to go through this! How frustrating!

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