Bruised ribs


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Jul 10, 2005
N. Yorkshire
Back in Texas after 10 weeks in England I played tennis this morning. During the first game while chasing the ball I lost my footing and fell heavily on my left side. I was winded and couldn't speak for about 30 seconds and on resuming play I found I had a very sharp pain on my left side whenever I raised my left arm to throw the ball in the air and even worse when I hit the ball on the serve. I managed by throwing the ball without raising my arm much and not throwing it high so the serve was from a lower height.

Ground shots etc were not too much of a problem and we played for about 2 hours. Now, 4 hours later I still have some pain and it is bad when I cough or sneeze. Although I have a scraped left knee and elbow there is no sign of bruising on my rib cage. I've taken ibuprofein which has definitely helped.

I'm thinking that with no signs of bruising I won't have cracked a rib and it is just some internal bruising. I just plan on taking ibuprofein for now.

Does this sound reasonable?
I'm thinking that with no signs of bruising I won't have cracked a rib and it is just some internal bruising. I just plan on taking ibuprofein for now.
Does this sound reasonable?
Speaking from my taekwondo bruising experience, just wait and see what that area looks like tomorrow!

If you can't see a doctor RIGHT NOW then you should at least schedule an appointment... preferably with a referral for an X-ray.

Surely any splintered ribs won't get buried very deeply into your lung tissue before then. And I'm almost positive that any blood clots won't break free anytime soon.
Alan, one thing you might want to do while you wait to see if complications develop is to make sure the beneficiary information is up to date on all your pensions...
Thanks Nords, good advice.

I'll see what it looks like in the morning. I don't particularly want to do the doc in a box this weekend if I can avoid it, but obviously will do if I get a lot worse.
Alan, one thing you might want to do while you wait to see if complications develop is to make sure the beneficiary information is up to date on all your pensions...

I should have expected financial advice on this forum :LOL: (ouch, it also hurts when I laugh)
When I bruised my ribs I was in pain for over 2 months because I was too stupid to take it easy. Don't make my mistake. Expect the pain when coughing to last weeks(depended on severity). Take care.
Alan...I'm sorry about your boo boo....I'm just surprised you didn't sear your skin on the pavement! The only advice I have is to take it easy and listen to your body....

....and if it hurts when you laugh, don't look at this ---->
Thanks guys. I just remembered that my son and I are going to see Paula Poundstone in concert tonight with my son, so I should be exercising those laugh muscles a lot :angel:
Aw. Cowboy up. Get back on.

Several years ago, I cracked the catiledge in my sternum during a disagreement with a bicycle -- it wanted to go one way, I another. I was on pain killers for several months -- never to be wished-for experience.
Sorry about your fall, Alan. If there are no displaced bone parts, we usually just wait these things out with symptom relief, though deep breathing exercises are wise to the extent that pain permits.

Complications can and do infrequently occur and unlike with most athletic injuries, I do encourage a quick office visit to assure full lung expansion and absence of fracture on exam. A rib film is often done, sometimes not if all else is real well.

I'd call my doctor at soonest convenience to see what is recommended.
Sorry about the boo boo Alan, and I'm sure you are going to be fine. But...before you decide to put on a stiff upper lip, a word of advice from an MD: if you feel any shortness of breath, go to an emergency department right away. While you probably just have bruised ribs, if there is a fracture, a sharp piece of rib might puncture your pleura, leading to a pneumothorax (collapsed lung).
Collapsed lung: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Alan, one thing you might want to do while you wait to see if complications develop is to make sure the beneficiary information is up to date on all your pensions...

Be sure My name is in one of the blanks to receive large sums of money as a beneficiary.
I'll take good care of it, I promise.
Be sure My name is in one of the blanks to receive large sums of money as a beneficiary. I'll take good care of it, I promise.
Geez, Steve. I was the first to offer up bogus internet nonmedical nonadvice. Least he could do was put me down as a benficiary.

Tell you what: I'll take the rest of his annuity payments.

PS: Alan, none of this poor taste in humor is meant to discount your discomfort. I cracked a rib once playing raquet ball, and I still wince when thinking about it.
I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV;) Just hope you....


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Thanks again for all the advice and sympathy :flowers:

Thanks also for not pointing out my mis-spelling "bruised" on the thread title - I must have been in too much pain :whistle: (but not in so much pain that I changed the beneficiaries to your excellent suggestions).

Rich, I'll consider calling in for an appointment to see a Doc on Monday - I need to re-register anyway at the clinic here since we moved back in January.

aaron & Ron, thanks for letting me know of your experiences. I'm due to play again Tuesday evening so will cancel if not feeling 90%. DW and I have a yoga class scheduled for Monday morning so I think I'll try that as it is mostly long stretches and deep breathing.

Meadbh, thanks for the link. Long deep breaths hurt but no sharp pain. Pulse and BP are okay.
Thanks Nords, good advice.

I'll see what it looks like in the morning. I don't particularly want to do the doc in a box this weekend if I can avoid it, but obviously will do if I get a lot worse.

Cracked ribs don't necessarily show anything on the surface. I have had broken ribs 3 times, each time it was just pain, especially when I would try to sit up or get up from a chair, etc. If you develop shortness of breath get in to see someone asap.

So you could easily have some broken ribs, but I don't know if that means you should go see a doc right away or not. I did, but I had other more severe problems anyway.

All joking aside, I hope you are OK.
But a poor guy like me can't turn down any donations to his retirement fund.
The market sure as heck isn't bothering to help me any.
Hope all is well,
I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV;) Just hope you....

Here is one of my my favorite fictional TV doctors in an earlier role failing to diagnose a rather serious illness.
YouTube - Hugh Laurie: "Antidisdisestablishmentarianism"

Cracked ribs don't necessarily show anything on the surface. I have had broken ribs 3 times, each time it was just pain, especially when I would try to sit up or get up from a chair, etc. If you develop shortness of breath get in to see someone asap.

So you could easily have some broken ribs, but I don't know if that means you should go see a doc right away or not. I did, but I had other more severe problems anyway.


All joking aside, I hope you are OK.
But a poor guy like me can't turn down any donations to his retirement fund.
The market sure as heck isn't bothering to help me any.
Hope all is well,

Thanks guys :flowers:
Alan , Besides Ibuprofen I recommend ice and rest and no money is required for this advice but could you tell your relatives that I 'm a lovely Irish lass who loves to visit England .:)
Alan , Besides Ibuprofen I recommend ice and rest and no money is required for this advice but could you tell your relatives that I 'm a lovely Irish lass who loves to visit England .:)

I'll certainly tell them, they love having overseas visitors. :cool:

Just got back from the Theatre and as expected the laughing was pretty painful, but so was the driving at least for the first few miles then it got a lot better. I'm now sitting down with a drink, a snack and some pills before going to bed. The good thing about being retired is that there is plenty of time for guilt free rest :D
Alan - if its any consolation, rib injuries will produce excellent results for Wednesday weigh-ins.

Get well soon!
Thanks also for not pointing out my mis-spelling "bruised" on the thread title - .
At first glance, I thought you had mis-spelled "braised," and my mouth was watering! :LOL:

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