Calling Afrin heads


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Apr 9, 2013
Anyone else who used this product and had issues getting off of it? I did and suffered from the rebound causing worse congestion. I tried to get off last October but after a month of suffering I gave up.

Couple weeks ago I visited with an ENT regarding dizziness and towards the end of my appointment Afrin use came up. She thought some of my symptoms may have been from using the garbage and asked if I wanted to quit "the easy way"? Huh what easy way?

She gave me a prescription for oral steroids and on day two I used my last dose of Afrin. It's been a couple weeks and I haven't had any! Probably had 4-6 hours of congestion total, much less than the suffering of using Afrin. The oral steroids prevent most of the rebound congestion and you gently taper off the steroids with no more rebound.
Oh, yes. This has happened several times to me. I use it only rarely now, but it sure helps when you are completely blocked up.
To ween off, I used the method of just using one squirt in one nostril for a couple days, then the other nostril. It works. Google "kicking Afrin" or the like, and you'll find we are not alone.
I've been using Afrin for 50 years. Great stuff, but only used very occasionally. It unclogs me when I need it. Never heard of anyone using it continuously, but I would expect problems with many OTC drugs in that case.
I got caught in the Afrin trap back in the late 80s. It was a struggle to get off it, but I managed. Now I use Nasocort which is much better and non addictive.
My dad has been using (abusing?) Afrin for decades. He takes the stuff multiple times every day. Watching him constantly snorting it for as long as I can remember has led me to my own rule that I never use Afrin on two consecutive days--if I used it the night before, I cannot use it again the following night. A couple times a year I'll use it if I wake up in the middle of the night with a stuffed up nose, but I think I've had the same bottle for about a decade. Works great when not overused. Thanks for the tip, and I'll mention the oral steroid option next time it comes up.
Half a century ago, I first learned about Afrin because that's what Air Force flight surgeons recommended to people with severe congestion who had to fly anyway. It was wonderful stuff, and still is.

Another great use is for SCUBA divers. When I was going for my certification I had a slight cold and the instructor said "Don't tell anyone I said this, but a shot of Afrin will let you get through it, no problem."

The key, I guess, is that you only use it when you really need it. Powerful stuff.
I mix saline into the Afrin, about a 40% Afrin/60% saline mix. Depending on what's blooming, I may use it for a couple of days or a couple of weeks. No rebound effect and can be used continuously although I have a daily regimen I go through that limits my chronic congestion to when the allergies are especially bad. Have worked with my allergist to get to this state of bliss and it's wonderful.
I was using Afin too much, and my Dr recommended a daily lavage. The theory is we breath allergens and the body can't remove them. So they stay in the sinus, causing inflammation. I began a daily lavage, with a rubber bulb. It's really quick and easy. I combined this with nasacort. I occasionally still have congestion, but it's dramatically improved!
I've been an Afrin addict for about 35 years now. I've gone off it two or three times over the years and after a few months, go back to it. I restrict myself to one drop in my right nostril every night and usually some sudafed; it helps me sleep. Without it, I end up breathing really hard all night. None of the Flonase type stuff have ever done anything for me.
I've been an Afrin addict for about 35 years now. I've gone off it two or three times over the years and after a few months, go back to it. I restrict myself to one drop in my right nostril every night and usually some sudafed; it helps me sleep. Without it, I end up breathing really hard all night. None of the Flonase type stuff have ever done anything for me.

Afrin always gave me a hyper buzz. When I was younger I'd use it occasionally for a lift after a night of partying. I could see becoming an addict for just that reason.
I was an addict too. ENT said had slight blockage in passage, fixed it and was mush better. I still get runny nose once in while. DW is into essential oil’s, she said let me fix you something….. she said give me your hand, put A small drop of hand lotion and couple drops of peppermint oil, took a single sheet of TP folded it and then mixed lotion and peppermint together, then stuck it up my nose, she said breath thru your nose. WOW, eyes watered!!!
would put into other nostril back and forth every 30 seconds or so. After about 5 minutes was CLEARLY able to breathe thru my nose.
I was an addict too. ENT said had slight blockage in passage, fixed it and was mush better. I still get runny nose once in while. DW is into essential oil’s, she said let me fix you something….. she said give me your hand, put A small drop of hand lotion and couple drops of peppermint oil, took a single sheet of TP folded it and then mixed lotion and peppermint together, then stuck it up my nose, she said breath thru your nose. WOW, eyes watered!!!
would put into other nostril back and forth every 30 seconds or so. After about 5 minutes was CLEARLY able to breathe thru my nose.

A pulmonologist I know gave me grief and said it’s a horrible drug and don’t use it. So I’m going with him, never touched the stuff again. I had only used it occasionally because my father had.

Instead I use Flonase and you can use that daily or as needed. Works well and no worries.
Now I finally understand the episode of The King of Queens when Arthur binges on nasal spray.
Good advice on Afrin. I use it very infrequently and no more than a couple of days and then Im out.

Be careful about steroidal sinus sprays as well. My wife is having cataract surgery in the next few weeks. They said the kind she has is real aggressive and indicative of steroid use. My wife gave them a questioning look and said "I don't use Steroids unless prescribed and certainly not often", they asked her about nasal sprays and she said well yeah, I used them daily for a while a number of years ago. They seemed to indicate that over use of these this might be why.
I use Flonase for allergies. Usually helps with congestion for a cold, but if not, I will use Afrin. Never more than a few days, one spray in each nostril (or one nostril only if I can breathe well enough, so I can switch nares and use longer)
Using Breathe Easy oil in a diffuser also helps.
Vicks Vaporub on chest/soles of feet with sox, too.
I now rely on saline spray primarily but keep Afrin in the house for those rare occasions when I am completely blocked up.
Was thinking just now about the nose drops we used growing up. Neo something? Dark colored bottle. This was before sprays.
Another one who uses Flonase regularly to help STAY clear. I'm a CPAP nasal pillow user, so my sleep depends on being clear at night. When I get sick, I'll fall back on Afrin, and man does it work... but I also see that it can be addictive as my ENT told me, so I use it only at night and only a max of two nights in a row. I still have the same bottle he gave me more than three years ago, though I just bought another after my latest cold.
Years ago I went thru a few years of continuous Sinus infections, I would get one and go to the Doctor and get some antibiotics and it would almost go away. But in another month or so I was in pain again. I never got a doctor that would give me enough to kill whatever it was. I used Afrin a bit during this time and it was the only thing that kept me vertical to make it thru the day. Now years later I have had Sinus surgery and don't get them as often. I do get them but nothing like before. To keep them at bay I take a Generic Zyrtec and a Nose wash with Saline twice a day. That seems to keep me healthy for the most part. I notice it if I do not take either.
I now rely on saline spray primarily but keep Afrin in the house for those rare occasions when I am completely blocked up.
Was thinking just now about the nose drops we used growing up. Neo something? Dark colored bottle. This was before sprays.

I remember that! Also had a mint smell, probably menthol. Neosynephrine?
Yes! Neosynephrine! Never had anything else in the house for colds but that and Vicks vapo rub.
I recall my friend and I laughing that we were such nerds that our only addiction issues were nasal sprays. It's easy to get dependent and can be hard to break the habit. I found saline spray and the steroid allergy sprays helpful in getting off nasal sprays. I now regularly use saline spray but still have a decongestant spray around for the few times I get a bad sinus headache - but I won't use i more than a couple days to avoid the rebound effect.

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