CBD oil

I've giving it to our dog for about a year now. Really hard to tell if it does anything. The original intent was to reduce anxiety during car rides, but that was a bust. It is also supposed to help with stiffness and at 12 she still runs around like a pup. :confused:

The store I went to had dog treats with CBD oil. I didn’t look yesterday because there were other people there needing help that had more serious medical problems than me. Actually my dog might really benefit from some of those treats.[emoji1]
My state just voted for legal recreational. Yay!
It's beyond crazy that this was kept illegal for so long for political reasons. And here we are with cannabinoid receptors all over our bodies and a plant we can grow full of cannabinoids, but we cant even study the plant? Crazy
I was just reading about CBD helping with symptoms of autism. google it if you wish.
I have a friend with a brain injury whose quality of life has been immeasurably improved by access to CBD when she visited family in a state where medicinal oil is allowed. I hope it becomes legal nationally so that some good medical study and guidelines can be developed.

I use tart cherry juice in the evenings to help with sleep, as well as workout recovery. I believe it's a natural source of melatonin, but it doesn't make me sleepy. I do, however, feel it keeps me asleep longer. I use the actual juice, but there are also recover drinks that have tart cherry as an ingredient.
We were out with a group of friends last night .Everyone was talking about CBD oil . They were using it for sleep, depression,anxiety , arthritis and just general aches and pains .They all were thrilled with it .I think CBD oil may be a god send for older seniors.
We were out with a group of friends last night .Everyone was talking about CBD oil . They were using it for sleep, depression,anxiety , arthritis and just general aches and pains .They all were thrilled with it .I think CBD oil may be a god send for[-] older seniors[/-].everyone

fixed that for ya :cool:
We were out with a group of friends last night .Everyone was talking about CBD oil . They were using it for sleep, depression,anxiety , arthritis and just general aches and pains .They all were thrilled with it .I think CBD oil may be a god send for older seniors.
Most of the people I see at medical dispensaries are 60+.
Just curious...has anyone been been bothered by reflux?

I figured for sleep, the oil would be ingested in the evening. I noticed that the only time I had reflux problems we're when I took my fish oil in the evening, so quit doing that. Just wondering if CBD ingesters get hemp burps or worse.

Most of the people I see at medical dispensaries are 60+.
Could it be about what they were doing in their youth versus their age?:LOL:
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CBD oil, capsules, topicals, etc. are commonly available online and in various specialty (brick and mortar) retailers. One must be wary of quality control, purity, etc., as this emerging industry is not under full FDA oversight. That said, there are some reputable suppliers in the marketplace who have FDA-compliant facilities and manufacture in accordance with "good manufacturing practices."
I haven't. From what I've read, loosely put, CBD is a non-narcotic byproduct of weed, no THC, won't get you high.

For sleep, have you tried melatonin? been around a lot longer, a bit more trustworthy imo.
I use melatonin to help me fall asleep.

I also have trouble staying asleep. At my docs suggestion, I started taking a supplement called Cortisol Manager. The doc says it dampens cortisol “spikes” which cause me to wake up during the night.

Ymmv, but the stuff works great for me. In the 2 weeks since I started taking it, a couple of times I’ve actually slept the whole night without waking up once.
Get a new bed, one that you feel is firm enough and new pillows. make sure the thread count is not too low and your sheets breathe and the room you sleep in is the right temp. Some need a fan or white noise.

I started doing all of the above and my sleep has improved significantly. In particular the white noise (fan). I can't sleep without it.
In particular the white noise (fan). I can't sleep without it.
Oh yes. White noise is essential for me. I have one of the white noise generators on my dresser. When we travel, I bring a little fan for the sound. As a last resort, I’ll even use a white noise app on my phone.
As for sleeping, here's some of what I do to sleep which may or may not work for other people. It doesn't involve CBD. Once I am asleep, I don't awaken until the alarm rings; it's going to sleep that is tricky, for me.

As was already mentioned,
1) Make sure you have the most comfortable bed for you that is possible. I do.
2) I love my new pillows, which were $60 each (the first one I bought was on sale for $39). They were worth that insanely high price, to me. Another pillow that many people like a lot is called "MyPillow".
3) My sheets are not great but that is a good thing to check on and I should probably do that.
4) I love a fan or white noise, and adjusting the thermostat at bedtime provides that for a while.

Other tips:
5) I avoid stress and "end of the world" type articles or debate for an hour or two before bedtime. Yes, the world may possible be going to H in a handbasket, but those thoughts are not conducive to sleep. Instead, I think of pleasant, peaceful things in the hour or two leading up to bedtime. Just before bedtime I relax doing a few sudoku and other mild yet mindless puzzles.
6) Within 1/2 hour of bedtime, I drink two glasses of water and sometimes have a bedtime snack. OK, all that water may seem counter-intuitive because of having to get up, but at least I don't feel hungry or thirsty.
7) I go through the same routine at bedtime every night. For example I adjust the thermostat downward a couple of degrees, and sleep with 1-3 comforters. If my feet are cold, I wear socks to bed (I know, TMI, sorry!).
8) If my mind keeps going around and around thinking of stressful things, I get up, do something peaceful until I settle down, and then go back to bed usually within an hour or so.
9) I have several motion detector night lights in my bedroom and elsewhere in the house, so if I hear any weird noises I know that it isn't a bad guy who has broken in and is about to slit my throat (or the night lights would have been triggered). It never HAS been, but my imagination can really go nuts when I reach the borderline between awake and asleep.
I only sleep about 5 hours at a time. This morning, our Rottweiler got me up at 3:00 a.m. for a short walk. Then I was up permanently.

What's nice about ER is that we can listen to the news for awhile and the drone of words puts us back to sleep. We just have to get up in time for lunch. My best sleep is after 6:00 a.m. often.
There seems to be a lot of different brands out there, and a lot of info that says buyer beware. Anyone have any insight into the company/brand they are using that they have found effective.
DH uses American Shaman-mostly because we can get it locally. It seems to work well and the company seems to do things right.
DH uses American Shaman-mostly because we can get it locally. It seems to work well and the company seems to do things right.

That’s where I bought mine too.

BTW I really had a nice relaxing sleep last night.

I’ve been reading various websites about CBD oil and the dosage appears to be hit and miss, at this time. My oil says to put it in water and drink it, but, last night I experimented. Some websites say to place the oil drops under your tongue but I was a little leery of doing that. So I used just a bit of water and oil and held it in my mouth for a minute or so. I could feel a big difference last night.
American Shaman makes a water soluable CBD (which we put in a shot glass of apple juice) which we started with. Later we switched to the oil which we put under the tongue.
American Shaman makes a water soluable CBD (which we put in a shot glass of apple juice) which we started with. Later we switched to the oil which we put under the tongue.

That’s what I have, the water soluble one. Maybe that’s what they sell to beginners.[emoji1] Next time I’ll inquire about the oil.
I’ve tried melatonin and it does make me sleepy but doesn’t keep me asleep. My heels were injured during a long surgery a long time ago due to not moving for a long time ( neuropathy). I want to try this. I like the idea with the honey. I’ve read that a small amount of carbs before bed is helpful too so CBD and honey sounds perfect.

10mg with time release plus L-theamine
Going through Chemo and the CBD oil helps a little bit better than the anti nausea pills, give it a try for less than $50 it might be worth it.
I have been trying oral CBD oil for the last few weeks. For me it doesn't do much, maybe a slight calming effect. Doesn't seem worth the price. The new snake oil.
I like it. Do a dropper under the tongue every night.
A few months ago my doctor actually suggested 1-5 mg of CBD oil for sleep. I live in WA state, so I went to one of the licensed cannabis stores and got some organic, CO2-extracted tincture. It works fantastically well for me!
That's what I use it for.
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