
Recycles dryer sheets
May 16, 2010
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chat bot experiment that is free to use for now, but that will eventually change. You do have to register to use it. I've only started playing with it but find it interesting. It can answer factual questions, but so can Alexa or Google. However it can also give descriptive answers to less concrete questions or write a story or poem or song given a few parameters.

I asked ChatGPT the following:
Question: "Write a poem about how great it is to retire early".
Answer: "
The time has come to say goodbye
To the daily grind and 9-to-5
No more alarm clocks and rushing out the door
It's time to relax and explore
The freedom that retirement brings
Is like a bird taking flight on wings
No more deadlines or pressure to perform
It's time to follow your own whims and norms
With each day that passes by
You'll find new things to do and try
Travel, hobbies, and social events too
There's so much to enjoy, just you
So let us celebrate and raise a glass
To the joys of retiring early at last
Here's to new adventures and making new friends
Here's to the wonderful life that retirement sends!"

If anyone is trying ChatGPT, it would be interesting to see any impressive answers it has.
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A second ChatGPT question i posed was:
"Tell me how to meet more retirees."
"To meet more retirees, there are several steps you can take:
  1. Join a local senior center or community center. Many of these organizations offer classes, workshops, and other events that are specifically designed for retirees.
  2. Attend local events, such as concerts, lectures, and festivals. These events often attract a large number of retirees who are looking for social opportunities.
  3. Join a hobby or interest group. Many cities and towns have groups for people who enjoy specific activities, such as hiking, gardening, or playing cards. These groups can be a great way to meet other retirees who share your interests.
  4. Volunteer at a local charity or non-profit organization. Many retirees enjoy volunteering their time and talents to help others. By volunteering, you can meet other retirees who are also dedicated to giving back to their community.
  5. Look for social clubs or organizations that are specifically for retirees. Many cities and towns have clubs and organizations that are geared toward retirees, and these can be a great way to meet new people.
In conclusion, there are many ways to meet more retirees, such as joining a local senior center or community center, attending local events, joining a hobby or interest group, volunteering at a local charity or non-profit organization, and looking for social clubs or organizations that are specifically for retirees. By taking these steps, you can connect with other retirees and enjoy a rich and fulfilling social life."

To me that's a well written and thorough response. Pretty cool.
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Here is another:

How much money I need to retire?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because everyone's retirement needs and financial circumstances are different. In general, however, it's a good idea to have at least enough money saved to cover your basic living expenses, such as housing, food, and healthcare. Some financial experts recommend saving enough money to replace 70-80% of your pre-retirement income, but this can vary depending on your individual situation. It's important to plan for your retirement early and to consult with a financial advisor who can help you determine how much money you will need to retire comfortably.
ChatGPT is about technology so the thread was move to the tech forum.
That's impressive! I'll play with it later, but off hand it seems to be better than most of what so called "journalists" write these days.

Yes, ChatGPT is part of a category called Generational AI.

Play around with Dall-e which does generative art work. You can tell it the topic, type of art, etc and it will come up with shockingly good stuff.

I've never been one to be disturbed by technology -- I've made my living on it -- but I have to say this latest twist is disconcerting. A lot stuff (and jobs) are about to get nuked and we're heading to a place where you really won't know if what you're seeing (or even who you are talking to) is real or synthetic.
That's a pretty decent poem :cool:.
Stackoverflow, which is a site dedicated to computer programming Q&A has outlawed pastes from ChatGPT.

The new user process of ChatGPT requires (at least) your email address and your phone number. It won't take my landline number...says it's a "virtual" number. So I gave up registering.

Can someone with a logon ask it how to change a tire? I remember wiki-how having a 10 step process and step 9 was "replace the tire with the spare", or something like that...completely unhelpful. I wondered if this would blow it as bad.
Stackoverflow, which is a site dedicated to computer programming Q&A has outlawed pastes from ChatGPT.

The new user process of ChatGPT requires (at least) your email address and your phone number. It won't take my landline number...says it's a "virtual" number. So I gave up registering.

Can someone with a logon ask it how to change a tire? I remember wiki-how having a 10 step process and step 9 was "replace the tire with the spare", or something like that...completely unhelpful. I wondered if this would blow it as bad.

Question: "Describe how to change a flat tire."
"To change a flat tire, you will need to gather a few tools and follow these steps:
  1. Find a safe place to change the tire. If you are on a busy road, turn on your hazard lights and try to move the car to the side of the road. Make sure you are far enough away from traffic so that you can work safely.
  2. Locate the spare tire, jack, and lug wrench in your trunk. You may need to remove any items that are blocking access to the spare tire.
  3. Use the lug wrench to loosen the lug nuts on the flat tire. You will need to turn them counterclockwise to loosen them. However, do not remove the lug nuts completely at this point.
  4. Use the jack to raise the car off the ground. Consult your owner's manual for the proper location to place the jack. Once the car is raised, remove the lug nuts completely and take the flat tire off the car.
  5. Put the spare tire on the car, lining up the holes in the tire with the bolts on the wheel hub. Once the spare tire is in place, replace the lug nuts and tighten them by turning them clockwise.
  6. Lower the car back to the ground using the jack, and give the lug nuts a final tightening with the lug wrench.
  7. Put the flat tire, jack, and lug wrench back in the trunk.
Congratulations, you have successfully changed a flat tire! It is important to get the flat tire repaired or replaced as soon as possible, as spare tires are not meant for long-term use."

update: On the registration it also asked for a name, but it took my first name and a last initial. They sent a confirmation text back to my phone.
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This forum might be in trouble!

(Just kidding)
By coincidence I recently heard a short podcast about ChatGPT on Stratechery by Ben Thompson. The transcript is here

He discusses some serious shortcomings of the AI engine.
I wonder if we currently have any robots participating here?

I know from time to time, we would get bots, but they were obvious and usually of the prank variety.

Reddit has a real bot problem right now. Most of them just echo parts of other answers all in the interest to get more karma, which then enables them to bomb certain subreddits with advertising spam.
I clicked on the link and it said ChatGPT is at capacity, try later.
I clicked on the link and it said ChatGPT is at capacity, try later.

I got that once this afternoon too. Over a million users joined during the first week it was up. Try later, that link will work eventually.
This is striking real FEAR in my heart. I've always valued writing highly. I really cannot imagine communicating with the world when my writing is no better (and perhaps worse) than that of a machine. It actually depresses me - makes me conscious of my status as a mere mammal. Maybe that's a good thing. But, what if all our human expressiveness is inferior to that of our machines?

I never heard of ChatGPT before this week, and have already collected two articles to send to relatives (because it scared me). Unfortunately, both are behind the Atlantic Monthly paywall, although I think you get a certain number of free articles.

The first speculates that writing may just become an output like that of a calculator. The second begins to address my fear that the act of writing itself, which for me shapes my thoughts and my patterns of communication, will change to something else. (My thought: could it be as disruptive as the invention of writing itself?)


The instances cited in this thread above for articles, so far though, read simply like cut-and-pastes of earlier media articles, as though a bot went through and extracted text following keywords. But I suspect the situation will not remain there.

Someone with access should try the following queston: "Does a worker nearing retirement need to hire a financial adviser?" And see whether some (many) ER posts get extracted! :LOL:

Please, someone, make me feel more comfortable about all this!
Thank you for this.

I was able to successfully sign up for an account this morning.
(I did need to provide a non-google voice phone number to satisfy the 2FA.)

I was looking to see if anyone had developed an Alexa plugin for this yet. I found a Reddit entry where they asked chatGPT to write an Alexa Skill interface and it provided output code that looked like it could be valid -- Very interesting.

Maybe time to invest in #CyberdyneSystems?? :cool:

Then I saw this, on the visual side of things:

This is an article about how you can use AI to manipulate any photo you download from the internet and use it in destructive ways. Apparently, it's almost to the point where you can download someone's picture, and simply order the program to manipulate the photo into a compromising situation. One similarity to ChatGPT is that the software made some sort of leap into credibility just this year.

With both, you CAN still spot the fakes, but that window is supposedly closing.

You forum members who understand AI better than I do - ARE these two functionalities both the same "concept" - i.e. from my perspective that being: you download a program, you command it to mimic some supposedly human output, and it successfully produces said output. Or are they quite different?

And, philosophically, how does this differ from the output of a 3D printer?
This is pretty fascinating stuff....

For anyone who like me isn't really sure what this whole ChatGPT idea is about here is a 13 minute video that explains it really well:

This last Sunday, CBS Sunday Morning did a story on ChatGPT, basically explaining what it is and issues it brings. The story mentioned two things that I wasn't aware of:
1. Microsoft plans to incorporate an interface to ChatGPT in Microsoft Word.
2. Work is underway on ChatGPT4, which will use 500 times more data than ChatGPT. (ChatGPT uses a massive amount of internet data to learn from and use. That data is stored off and the internet isn't accessed in real time.)

Here's the link to CBS Sunday Morning's story. It's geared as a mass market intro to ChatGPT.
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from FREE866's post:

"...For anyone who like me isn't really sure what this whole ChatGPT idea is about here is a 13 minute video that explains it really well:

I only had time to glance at the video and will watch it later. Looks like a really good video, not just to know what ChatGPT is, but to refine the questions you ask it for the best answers.
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This is pretty fascinating stuff....

For anyone who like me isn't really sure what this whole ChatGPT idea is about here is a 13 minute video that explains it really well:

I only had time to glance at the video and will watch it later. Looks like its a good resource, not just to know what ChatGPT is, but to refine the questions you ask it for the best answers.

Yeah, I think it is going to make google look like a dinosaur. Today actually Microsoft announced they are pouring billions into Open Ai, the maker of Chat GPT

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