Chuckanuts Total Knee Replacement story

Part 3.1 – A few small items to get ready for surgery and recovery.

dPart 3.1 – A few small items to get ready for surgery and recovery.

A few things have changed though not enough to go to Part 4 yet. As of today I can no longer take any aspirin products since they thin the blood. NSAIDs are OK for two more days, and then only Tylenol type products for the week before surgery.

And something else I need to do occurred to me when I looked in the mirror. My hair is getting rather shaggy looking, and my next visit the barber would usually occur about 2 weeks after the surgery. I don’t want to subject my caregiver or myself to another trip out of the house during those first two weeks, so I am getting an early haircut next week. By the time I need another one, I hope to be able to drive and walk well enough to do it myself.
If you do not have one of these I would get one . I took care of my Mother and my SO post TKsurgery and the worst thing was trying to get those compression socks on . They have you wear compression socks for several weeks after surgery to prevent blood clots .

Great info! This looks very helpful for that recovery period after surgery. I bookmarked the sock assist and if/when my surgery is scheduled (hopefully when I see the "knee guy" on Wednesday), will order it from Amazon for sure.

I normally wear non-skid "hospital socks" around the house anyway, because they are so soft and comfy for me. So even when compression socks are no longer needed, I will still need to get socks on by myself and if I am not totally pain free it would help to have this device.

As for haircuts, chuckanut, I am just ignoring them for now. I am months overdue but I am in too much pain (from the torn meniscus, as well as the bone-on-bone) to get from my SUV into a Supercuts even with the walker and the best handicapped parking spot. I should care about my uncut hair but I don't. I'll get a haircut when I can walk in there under my own power and meanwhile, who cares what the world thinks about my hair. :LOL:
My one thought is the use of Warfarin. IMO, it has been replaced by Xarelto, which is also used to prevent clots.
DW has been on it for some time, with no side effects.

Chuckanut and everyone else who is sharing their experiences of events before and after their TKR. Although I am not going to have one in the immediate future, I did inherit my mother's bad knees and I'm 99% sure I will have one or more in my lifetime.

So while I may not comment much if at all, I follow these TKR threads with intense interest!
I hope your knees are not too bad, yet! Good luck with them. If they are not causing you any problems yet, there is hope. We don't always inherit what our parents had, and I have anecdotal evidence: :D

My mother had five kinds of arthritis (osteo, rheumatoid, lupoid, and a couple of others), and her hands were deformed claws and very painful by the time she was 30. I thought for sure I would inherit that! But my hands have zero symptoms of arthritis, no pain, no deformity, and my hand joints work beautifully. Who knew? Not me, that's for sure.
I hope your knees are not too bad, yet! Good luck with them. If they are not causing you any problems yet, there is hope. We don't always inherit what our parents had, and I have anecdotal evidence: :D<snip>

Thanks, I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee almost 30 years ago and it's been on-and-off sore since then, seemingly randomly but lately that's been getting more on than off. So I'm pretty sure that I'll be due for a TKR someday, but as you say it isn't a certainty.

DW's mother had terrible RA, to the point that she had multiple joint replacements in her hands and a shoulder. That woman suffered more than anyone should have to.
As for haircuts, chuckanut, I am just ignoring them for now. I am months overdue but I am in too much pain (from the torn meniscus, as well as the bone-on-bone) to get from my SUV into a Supercuts even with the walker and the best handicapped parking spot. I should care about my uncut hair but I don't. I'll get a haircut when I can walk in there under my own power and meanwhile, who cares what the world thinks about my hair. :LOL:

That will be what I am calling a Non Medical Victory or NMV for short. :) I plan on a list of them to go along with a Medical Victories list.
My knees are starting to give out at 55 due to (as my DO and PT put it), "high mileage" (running on a Precor Elliptical daily for 25+ years, mountain biking, roller blading, etc). Recent MRI has shown that cartilage damage has gotten worse since the 2016 MRI, and that I now have a "loose body" (floating cartilage or bone chip) in the left knee after spending 3+ months in PT for the right knee...UGH!

I'm super active - exercise every single day for 45+ minutes, and not being able to perform at the level I'm used to has really hit me hard..exercise is my "stress relief", and not being able to do it to the level I'm accustomed to is HARD (mentally).

Walking even 3 miles is painful, especially downhill. (Walking...SERIOUSLY?!!) Mountain biking for an hour..painful. Both are "doable", but it is tweaking me off beyond words that I can't just go do those things anymore at the ripe old age of 55..even DRIVING for 30+ minutes, for God's sake, is painful..

Not going to think about TKR..DO didn't push me for surgical intervention - YET..but am definitely concerned..

I'm used to just "sucking it up" and pushing forward on just about anything and everything. This scenario where your body basically says "um, nope!!" disconcerting..
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My knees are starting to give out at 55 due to (as my DO and PT put it), "high mileage" (running on a Precor Elliptical daily for 25+ years, mountain biking, roller blading, etc). Recent MRI has shown that cartilage damage has gotten worse since the 2016 MRI, and that I now have a "loose body" (floating cartilage or bone chip) in the left knee after spending 3+ months in PT for the right knee...UGH!

I'm super active - exercise every single day for 45+ minutes, and not being able to perform at the level I'm used to has really hit me hard..exercise is my "stress relief", and not being able to do it to the level I'm accustomed to is HARD (mentally).

Walking even 3 miles is painful, especially downhill. (Walking...SERIOUSLY?!!) Mountain biking for an hour..painful. Both are "doable", but it is tweaking me off beyond words that I can't just go do those things anymore at the ripe old age of 55..even DRIVING for 30+ minutes, for God's sake, is painful..

Not going to think about TKR..DO didn't push me for surgical intervention - YET..but am definitely concerned..

I'm used to just "sucking it up" and pushing forward on just about anything and everything. This scenario where your body basically says "um, nope!!" disconcerting..

Welcome, I wore out a hip at 65. Made it quite long as a runner. Now, at 75, hoping and praying the other OE hip and two knees hold out for the distance. I just walk 10,000+ steps per day and I am grateful.
exercise is my "stress relief", and not being able to do it to the level I'm accustomed to is HARD (mentally).
I'm so sorry this is happening to you! In my case, it is hard to keep my weight down without exercise. I have managed to lose weight anyway, but it has not been easy either.

Walking even 3 miles is painful, especially downhill. [...] Not going to think about TKR
I'm no doctor, but gee, ever think that maybe you don't need TKR, but are just getting older? That does happen to people eventually. 3 miles with some pain sounds really terrific IMO. Oh well, a good orthopedic guy can tell you if/when you need a knee replacement. I really don't know what the criteria are for that.

perhaps it would be a good distraction at the time to get your hair done while you are spending a day or so in recovery in the hospital. I know there are stylists who routinely work in hospitals in my area. i expect it would not be cheap, but why not splurge a bit. Plus ,the last thing you need is hair getting in the way diring PT sessions,or being more of a pain to wash while you are recovering at home
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perhaps it would be a good distraction at the time to get your hair done while you are spending a day or so in recovery in the hospital. I know there are stylists who routinely work in hospitals in my area. i expect it would not be cheap, but why not splurge a bit. Plus ,the last thing you need is hair getting in the way diring PT sessions,or being more of a pain to wash while you are recovering at home

I'll think about it, if the opportunity arises and if I feel up to getting my hair done at that time! Thanks. It's still an inch or two above my shoulders (I prefer it at about earlobe length, oh well).
I'm so sorry this is happening to you! In my case, it is hard to keep my weight down without exercise. I have managed to lose weight anyway, but it has not been easy either.

Ditto that. My family has the "naturally heavy" genes (Mom is extremely heavy and DS is pushing north of where she "should" be and has been for years) and even though my DW is a wisp of a girl at ~100 lbs, if I even LOOK at food, I put on 10 lbs..have done SparkPeople 3-4 times now to get back down to a healthy BMI, but in addition to counting calories exercise (roughly 4K+ calories / week) has been the only way I stay in a healthy BMI..I was doing 4K+ calories/week in exercise until the knees started acting up back in late OCT...3 months of PT later, I got the right knee back..and then blew out the left knee (SERIOUSLY?!! URGH!!)

Getting "old" sucks, but sure beats the alternative. (Damn, I just want to be able to exercise..not being able to do that the way I used to is really, really tough..)
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I had both my knees replaced 7 years ago at age 54. It took me 8 weeks to go back to work. The oxycodone prescribed made me horribly depressed, so I had to stop taking it. It also kept me WIDE awake, strangely. I think the sleeplessness was the biggest reason for my taking 8 weeks off. I won’t lie—the pain at times during those first few weeks was intense.

I was afraid at one point I’d never get my full range of motion back, but listen to this—in March 2019, I did my first-ever powerlifting meet and brought home national records in all 3 lifts!!! So yeah—life-changing is a great way to describe the results. &#55357;&#56832;. (I squatted 110 lbs!!!) Not bad for a 60 year old who was never an athlete!

if you’d like a great forum for joint replacements, both pre- and post-, check out
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I'm used to just "sucking it up" and pushing forward on just about anything and everything. This scenario where your body basically says "um, nope!!" disconcerting..

Yup, more and more often I find myself thinking "Yeah, I can do that" and my body says "No you're not!"

Bette Davis was right.


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another successful knee replacement gal. No additional advice, just wanted to give some support. I love my bionic parts. I had my left knee done in 2106 and the joy of not living in pain is indescribable. Best of luck.


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Part 4 –An assignment before the surgery.

It seems that our bodies are covered with various bacteria that pollute the sterile environment of the OR. So I have been given a few assignments to do at home starting two days before I arrive at the OR. I have to wash myself several times, along with the bed linens, my PJs and the clothing I will wear to the hospital.
I have been given a special bottle of anti-bacterial body wash. Two nights before the surgery I must wash myself from the chin down to the toes for five minutes using this body wash. I am supposed to give ‘extra' attention to the knee that is going to have the surgery. I also wash my hair with my regular shampoo.

The instructions warm me against getting any of the special wash in my mouth, nose, ears, etc. Apparently, our insides do not like the wash, just our outer skin. I then put on my freshly laundered PJ’s and go to bed on my freshly laundered sheets. Since it’s been a while since I laundered the mattress pad and blanket, I am going to run them through the washing machine also. They were not specifically mentioned but it seems a prudent precaution. Just being careful.

On the night before the surgery I do the same shower routine again. Again, I put on freshly laundered PJ’s and sleep on freshly laundered sheets. I will probably wash the mattress cover and blanket again also in an ‘abundance of caution’.

On the morning of the surgery, I take my 3rd shower in less than two days and then put on freshly laundered underwear and clothing.

Needless to say, no scents, creams, powders, etc. are to be applied to my skin after the showers.

My appointment at the Pre-Op center is for 5:30 AM. I am told this is good since there is less chance of an early surgery being delayed or postponed to another day due to some unforeseen problem. Makes sense to me.

One thing I am doing that I was not told to do is that I have stopped my exercise routine three days before the surgery. I am going to rest my muscles for a few days before surgery. I can’t do much to make them any stronger in this time period, and they certainly won’t lose much strength in a few days. Why risk some oddball injury or strain that might interfere?
Wow! That is a lot of washing. I never would have expected all those requirements, so thanks for telling us about it. It's going to be tough and painful to do all that laundry with bad knees.
One thing I am doing that I was not told to do is that I have stopped my exercise routine three days before the surgery. I am going to rest my muscles for a few days before surgery. I can’t do much to make them any stronger in this time period, and they certainly won’t lose much strength in a few days. Why risk some oddball injury or strain that might interfere?

I was spending time walking in the pool up to the day before the washing regimen started, and got a massage less than a week before the surgery. In rehab, the PT said he could tell who took care of themselves in the time immediately before surgery. It made a huge difference keeping the leg muscles flexible and the recovery easier. I didn't get the massage before the 2nd TKR, and I noticed a difference.
I'm 72 and put off TKR for several years. Lessons learned:

Don't wait. With Medicare you have a number of loops to work through like repeated painful shots in the knee, I waited until pain was unbearable but still had to do the 'routine'

Take stool softners before and after surgery. Anesthetics and opioids can/will 'impact' you digestive system. With exception of narcotics take all of your prescribed medications per the intructions

Schedule your rehab work several weeks in advance so you can start rehab within a couple of days of surgery.

Approach with positive attitude and understand pain is 'good' during rehab. The only time I took painkillers was an hour before rehab so I (we) could 'stretch the leg muscles to their limits. The more you push yourself the faster the rehab. Yes, a good rehab workout will cause tears to fall, but the much faster recovery is well worth the added pain. (about six weeks for me)

Ibuprofen is best substitute for 'opioids". Reduces inflammation, and no effect on digestive cycle like opioids.

Bottom line- Can't speak for others, but I was walking a mile in several weeks, and ended rehab in six weeks. My new knee is a real 'blessing'.

On a side note I just returned from an Eastern European vacation with lot's of walking and climbing and new knee worked better than my old-model.

If you willing to travel to Galena Kansas I can recommend a 'superstar" of a doctor:dance:
One thing I am doing that I was not told to do is that I have stopped my exercise routine three days before the surgery. I am going to rest my muscles for a few days before surgery. I can’t do much to make them any stronger in this time period, and they certainly won’t lose much strength in a few days. Why risk some oddball injury or strain that might interfere?

Plus you want to avoid any scrapes or cuts to the surgery knee or even just a cold . Any of these things will cause your surgery to be delayed . One of the biggest risks in knee replacement is infection .That is why all the washing .
Good Luck with your surgery ! I hope you ace it !
Chuckanut, today is your Big Day - - the day of your TKR surgery!!!! We are all thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck. You probably won't feel like posting for a few days (or weeks?) but when you do, we are looking forward to hearing about it.
Chuckanut, today is your Big Day - - the day of your TKR surgery!!!! We are all thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck. You probably won't feel like posting for a few days (or weeks?) but when you do, we are looking forward to hearing about it.


Good luck and we look forward to your quick return!
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