CNN reporter signs off after being fired

I think it helps. I found it pretty engaging, and would like to see more of her on work.
She didn't burn any bridges, and the word cloud of private emails made her seem credible.
I wasn't fired, but this exit is pretty much the way I left w*rk - except I knew I would not only never w*rk at that company again, I would never w*rk in that field (or, probably any other field) again. It's just my nature, for the most part, to be as gracious as I can be. At least half of the "problems" I had with Megacorp were of my own making (or just not being willing to adapt.) The problems that developed with co-w*rkers or bosses, etc., were in the past and did not merit any additional gastric juices.

In short, it was, as I had hoped it would be. Namely, "sadly-sweet." YMMV
I just left a sign over my old desk that said " Don't Drink the Koolaid".
Cute video. It's really too bad that CNN drank the koolaid of the useless news cycle. I used to turn on Headline News because no matter when I turned it on, 30 minutes later I'd have a good idea of what was going on in the world (I don't watch the evening news because it's on when I normally cook dinner and I really don't like watching news while I'm cooking.) Now Headline News is basically a reality show channel, totally and completely useless. And regular CNN, which used to be the reasonably objective middle between MSNBC and FOX, is not much more useful. Very sad.

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