Coronavirus - Health aspects

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The point of my post is that if you have a big imagination like I do, don't let yourself be a coronavirus hypochondriac. Rest, eat chicken soup, and give it 24 hours at least. :LOL:

Best advice on this thread! Could this be a big deal? Sure. Is it right now? Doesn't look like it to me. Nonetheless, my home body tenancies isn't a bad trait to have these days. :D
To be honest, I probably would not go eat at a Chinese restaurant right now. Playing the odds that a worker might have relatives who are infected.

The odds are so low in the USA right now, that you will more likely get killed by a drunk driver that day.
I went to a Chinese takeout couple of days ago (our favorite one) and will continue to do so as it's safer than most things I do like getting the mail out of the mailbox.

This is while, IL has 2 of the infected people in a hospital we passed by the other day.
The odds are so low in the USA right now, that you will more likely get killed by a drunk driver that day.
I went to a Chinese takeout couple of days ago (our favorite one) and will continue to do so as it's safer than most things I do like getting the mail out of the mailbox.

This is while, IL has 2 of the infected people in a hospital we passed by the other day.

Right, yes I know this, but I also do not drive on New Year's Eve or other days where there are more intoxicated people on the road.

Like I said, it is just playing the odds.

It is also very unlikely to ever get bitten by a shark but the odds go WAY down if you don't swim in the ocean.
Attached table shows relative mortality of the various causes.


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Heh, all joking aside, there are things we all don't do which actually have pretty low odds of something bad happening.

How many of you pick up hitchhikers? I do not know the statistics but I bet the odds of getting attacked by a hitchhiker you pick up are really really low.

How hard is it to eat Italian food instead of Chinese food for a couple of weeks?
Attached table shows relative mortality of the various causes.

Statistics are meaningless when you are dealing with China. The truth, if known, will be hard to come by. I don't recall that we set up quarantine centers for the other diseases. Therefore I'm reserving judgement and taking preventative measures until the true magnitude of the problem is known.
To be honest, I probably would not go eat at a Chinese restaurant right now. Playing the odds that a worker might have relatives who are infected.

I read this at lunch couple of hours ago while sitting at our table waiting for our order - I had the Mongolian Beef and DW had the Lemon Chicken.

We aren't too concerned since the Chinese lady who waited on us had only a mild, dry cough and was wearing a surgical mask. :LOL:

If this turns out to be my final post you can always tell everyone here that you told me so...
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I read this at lunch couple of hours ago while sitting at our table waiting for our order - I had the Mongolian Beef and DW had the Lemon Chicken.

We aren't too concerned since the Chinese lady who waited on us had only a mild, dry cough and was wearing a surgical mask. :LOL:

If this turns out to be my final post you can always tell everyone here that you told me so...

Well the SS dilemma will then be gone.:D
Well, we ate ate P.F.Chang's two weeks ago and so far, so good. Intake of 14% alcohol grape solution is working out. Had relatives in this weekend from outta town, and used some 116% barrel strength solution. Garbage men come on Thursday and pondering whether to throw out the rice, soy and teriyaki sauces. I'll get back to you on that later...
Stock Market is about fear versus greed.

Coronavirus is spreading fear and I cannot buy a N95 dustmask at Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and Walmart because they are all sold out. I also attempted to buy N95 dustmasks online and the order went through but it has not shipped and it is now past the Amazon ship date by 7 days. I also heard that the US Military is setting up their U.S. military bases as a quarantine center for US Citizens returning from China. The infected people versus time graph below is a comparison between CoronaVirus in red and the SAR in grey. Click the NY times article for more info.

That was enough for me. I am now 100% treasuries since the stock market's downside risk appears to be higher than the potential upside.

I am be wrong.... but at least my money is in a safe place.

Attached table shows relative mortality of the various causes.

I see now why the Chinese are so concerned. Wait till the number of cases hits about 600,000 and the 2% dead hits about 12,000 and put those numbers into the chart. It will look a little different then.
This Coronavirus outbreak has the makings for another book from TromboneAl.

"How surviving a pandemic enabled me to switch off my car's headlights"?
Stock Market is about fear versus greed.

Coronavirus is spreading fear and I cannot buy a N95 dustmask at Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and Walmart because they are all sold out. I also attempted to buy N95 dustmasks online and the order went through but it has not shipped and it is now past the Amazon ship date by 7 days. I also heard that the US Military is setting up their U.S. military bases as a quarantine center for US Citizens returning from China. The infected people versus time graph below is a comparison between CoronaVirus in red and the SAR in grey. Click the NY times article for more info.

That was enough for me. I am now 100% treasuries since the stock market's downside risk appears to be higher than the potential upside.

I am be wrong.... but at least my money is in a safe place.


The image above seems to be intended to scare people. If you go to the original article, you may notice a few things:

1. The coronavirus line goes up to 14,000. The SARS line levels off at about 8,000. (For some reason, copying and pasting just the link to the image, as you did above, doesn't include the text or the left hand scale.)
2. These lines represent the number of cases, not the number of deaths. According to the same NYT article, the fatality rate for SARS was about 10% vs. probably less than 3% for coronavirus.
3. The line for coronavirus is bold and red. The lie for SARS is not bold and light grey. Why choose those colors?
4. SARS occurred in 2003. It's quite possible that the rate at which information is identified and shared and released by the Chinese has increased in the past 17 years.

Be scared if you want to, but I'd encourage thoughtful review of what any media outlet says.

ETA: Later in the same article, they use a log scale on the vertical axis, which makes the coronavirus seem more dangerous than it would seem if the same scale were linear. With a log scale, it seems close to the Spanish flu, SARS, and polio at 10%. But the actual rate, as noted above is less than 3%.
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Wuhan has been in a lockdown for more than a week, with no vehicles allowed in/out of the city, and all public transportation stopped. I have not been able to find out if there are any other cities or provinces under the same condition, but some foreigners still inside China reported that Shanghai and Beijing were near ghost towns with few people going outside and buses running nearly empty.

The number of confirmed cases has reached 17,000+. It is also reported that sick people are turned away by Wuhan hospitals. And in addition, with no transportation, not all sick people find a way to get medical help.

PS. As of Jan 28, at least 16 cities including Wuhan were under lockdown. About 50 million people were affected.
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Frankly, I wonder how long they can keep this up. How do you supply cities of this size wit food and other necessities for weeks when all normal transportation is disrupted?
Frankly, I wonder how long they can keep this up. How do you supply cities of this size wit food and other necessities for weeks when all normal transportation is disrupted?

Oh the humanity. They built the first 1500 bed hospital, 2 patient per room, equipped with 5G network. They sent in 1400 army doctors, many are women.

The second hospital is in construction and will soon be finished.
Oh the humanity. They built the first 1500 bed hospital, 2 patient per room, equipped with 5G network. They sent in 1400 army doctors, many are women.

The second hospital is in construction and will soon be finished.

A hospital tacked together from shipping containers with bars on the windows is not the same as keeping 50 million people who aren't allowed to go anywhere fed.
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