COVID Silver Linings?

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without diminishing the horrible situation this has put many people in, COVID-19 hasn't been too unkind to me. I did put off selling the house and traveling. That may be a good thing in the end, or not. Time will tell.

I like not being pressured to eat out. Backyard barbecues with family are fine. Take-out and eating comfortably at home is good too. Sitting in an uncomfortable chair for an hour or more in a room full of strangers, repeatedly waiting for the server at every step, was never high on my list of enjoyable activities.

As hard as it's been on parents of school-age children, there is a silver lining there, too. These kids are going to grow up with all kinds of skills they never would have had. Flexibility in work arrangements will be second nature for this generation. Home schooling brought many families closer together. Admittedly, that's not a good thing for all, but for many it's been a positive thing.

It's possible the very nature of work has changed forever. Being tied to one location, or a rigid schedule, may be a thing of the past in many industries. The value of in-person meetings is being re-evaluated. Tele-medicine is becoming mainstream. Touchless payment systems are becoming more common.

We've all woken up to the value of wearing masks, hand-washing, staying home when sick, staying away from people who are sick, etc. This will all come in handy for colds, the flu and future pandemics.
Cannot get to Thailand this winter. So...I am cooking Thai. Buying items from Asian grocery stores. A side benefit is their produce section. Better produce, better selection, lower prices.

So far it has been Massaman curry, Pad Thai, and 2 times Penang curry. Easy to do as good as what we get in Thailand and better than either of the two Thai restaurants we frequented pro-covid. I have been surprised at how simple it is to make and how inexpensive it is to make.

I’ve been doing the occasional Thai dish. Made Prik King the other day with duck. Don’t have access to Asian grocery but I am able to order even the fresh herbs. I took a few Thai cooking classes over 20 years ago, and it’s been part of our lives ever since.
I like not being pressured to eat out. Backyard barbecues with family are fine. Take-out and eating comfortably at home is good too. Sitting in an uncomfortable chair for an hour or more in a room full of strangers, repeatedly waiting for the server at every step, was never high on my list of enjoyable activities.
“Here we are, in a room full of strangers.....“

Agreed, don’t really miss that, but still like the song.
We've all woken up to the value of wearing masks, hand-washing, staying home when sick, staying away from people who are sick, etc. This will all come in handy for colds, the flu and future pandemics.
Yes, very much so!
I got a chance to practice ER during the Calif. shutdown - well, I was home doing "staff development through webinars," but you know how much attention those actually require - and it was the longest period of time I've had with my DH in the 25 years we've been together. Absolute heaven! Among other activities, we even figured out how to do two weeks' worth of meal planning instead of staggering through Trader Joe's every 5 days. As someone referenced earlier in this thread, it was an opportunity to see through Nords' "Fog of Work" into a viable retirement. I can't wait!
Thank you Brett! I’ll have to give it a try. I know I have red curry paste in the pantry. Though with all that pb and coconut milk, I’m beginning to see why I may be losing weight :D

It took me an hour to make it the first time. Half hour the second because I had some idea of what I was doing.

Some of our local grocery stores have an international section but it is very hit and miss. Certainly was not able to get the curry paste or tamarind paste that I wanted at these places. I also looked on Amazon. Their prices for curry past were incredible....four times more than what we paid at the asian grocery.

We have a number of very good Asian supermarkets in our city with another big one on the way. We were able to get fresh Thai basil which was a surprise.
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I hope that the pandemic has done away with the unsanitary custom of shaking hands forever.

DH and I have dusted off our bikes and are really enjoying riding nearly every day.

DH and I love to play cards and have found some fun new games (Monopoly Deal, Quiddler).

Traffic is much lighter where I live so I am enjoying that.

DH has a compromised immune system and usually has a cold/stomach virus, etc every few months. Since we are now mainly staying home and wearing masks when out he has not been sick in 6 months. We have decided that is s good trade off--wearing a mask and avoiding crowds means much less sickness for DH.
On the light side silver linings:

1) I don't have to shave every day as the mask hides the stubble. DW is fine with it too.

2) I see more creatures around the house. Have gotten more familiar with our blue belly lizards, watched a mouse demolish my Impatiens for nesting material, saw a young fox in our yard several times.

3) Have done a lot more walking in addition to running. More neighborhood familiarity.

4) Have discovered the delights of takeout.

5) Have studied some biology of the cell which I always felt I needed to know.
I've mentioned "rock fever" before (being "stuck" on an Island, etc.). Another silver lining for us: We've realized that missing our yearly trip off the Island is not a major issue. Rock fever has not hit us yet. Maybe by next summer we'll be climbing the walls, but for now, it just hasn't occurred to us that we're 2500 miles from anywhere and "stuck" here. We got to thinking: If we have to be "stuck" someplace, thank God it's here and not on the frozen tundra of the midwest. Of course, YMMV.
My daughter started college from home this semester. I just retired and got to spend a few more months with her. If I'm lucky she will study from home again next semester, and I'll get to spend an extra year with her. Kind of help make up for all the years I had to work late.
One more thing: after decades of worshiping business travelers, the travel industry has decided that personal travel will recover faster. I get ads and e-mails urging me to "Reconnect! Plan Your Getaway!" Airfares may be down- I haven't flown- hotel costs aren't, but they're extending status, Hilton is doubling points, airlines have stopped charging change fees... it's all good.
One more thing: after decades of worshiping business travelers, the travel industry has decided that personal travel will recover faster. I get ads and e-mails urging me to "Reconnect! Plan Your Getaway!" Airfares may be down- I haven't flown- hotel costs aren't, but they're extending status, Hilton is doubling points, airlines have stopped charging change fees... it's all good.

Stimulus has propped up the airline and hotel industries. The balk at continued funding has caused United to lay off a lot of employees this week. Disneyland too just laid off tens of thousands. They'll all lose their health care and neither business will promise to rehire when things lift. Or IF they lift.
I get ads and e-mails urging me to "Reconnect! Plan Your Getaway!"

I get ads for cruises. 71% off on some, and all kinds of free stuff included.

It's tempting. Presumably some day this will be over, and I'll have had my vaccine, and I'll go on a cruise again. Hard to know when that might be though!
I get ads for cruises. 71% off on some, and all kinds of free stuff included.

It's tempting. Presumably some day this will be over, and I'll have had my vaccine, and I'll go on a cruise again. Hard to know when that might be though!

Yeah, we would love to cruise again, but when it is safe, there will not be any 71% off deals.:(
Speaking of cruises and amusement parks, Covid has given us an easy out when approached by friends or family to join them on a trip to either. We've both decided that cruises (especially ocean cruises) have no appeal to us, but friends and family have asked (pleaded with) us to join them through the years, but we have refused. "C'mon! It'll be great! You'll love it!":nonono:

I MAY go to an amusement park one day if we have grandchildren. Right now, I'd rather have a sharp stick stuck in my eye than go to a Disney park (or similar...).

Ironically, DW. & I met while both working at an amusement park 43 years ago.
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Yeah, we would love to cruise again, but when it is safe, there will not be any 71% off deals.:(

To be honest, the 71% off deal was about what I would have paid before COVID. I assume they just inflated the "regular" price to make it look like more of a bargain.

However, the perks were a fantastic deal. Usually it's "choose one of the following." This time, it was "you get ALL of the following." Some I recall were free drinks, free internet, free specialty dining, and deals on shore excursions. There were more, but I don't really care about some things, like spa treatments.

I would book one for late winter or early spring if I thought we'd be done with COVID by then, but I'm not ready to place that bet.
I am totally loving online grocery shopping and contactless pickup. I am now awaiting my THR in a few weeks and would not be able to continue grocery shopping (and the much appreciated independent activity) if this wasn’t available. Not so thrilled about having major surgery in the midst of a pandemic of course. Geez, what a year...

Also, DH and I have been playing chess a lot and moved to online with it because I couldn’t comfortably sit in a chair at a table for very long. We also started playing others online and yesterday I played with people from Iran, Austria, Korea and Iceland. Somehow, this made me feel like the world wasn’t totally shot yet.

We can’t all agree on anything but we can still play chess!
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Also, DH and I have been playing chess a lot and moved to online with it because I couldn’t comfortably sit in a chair at a table for very long. We also started playing others online and yesterday I played with people from Iran, Austria, Korea and Iceland. Somehow, this made me feel like the world wasn’t totally shot yet.

We can’t all agree on anything but we can still play chess!

Where do you go to play online?

I see one can play against a computer at And one can set the level of play. And there is even some strategy app that helps train one. Cool.
I’m playing on - if you don’t select a particular person (“friend”), the system will randomly match you up with someone worldwide with a similar rating as yours. There are lots of lessons and practice drills as well.

I’m also learning the flags from all the different countries as they put your flag next to your username.
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I started playing the piano fairly serious via youtube instructions. Play almost everyday about an hour give or take. I've played guitar over fifty years, am fairly proficient and have a fairly decent understanding of music theory which helps. The piano is an awesome instrument and I'm envious of those who play really well.
I started playing the piano fairly serious via youtube instructions. Play almost everyday about an hour give or take. I've played guitar over fifty years, am fairly proficient and have a fairly decent understanding of music theory which helps. The piano is an awesome instrument and I'm envious of those who play really well.
I have also been practicing piano daily. I was doing that before Covid since late 2018. I had plenty of lessons as a youngster, didn’t play for almost 40 years, and have been able to self-teach and recapture intermediate level quickly. I also watch YouTube videos that present and discuss classical pieces of interest - awesome resource.

Check out this thread, there are recent posts-
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After the initial feeling that the pandemic would waste a year of what life I have left, I decided to try to make the best of it. I’ve lost 40 lbs, taken three semesters of college Spanish and learned to program in Python. I can’t say that I like life during the pandemic, but I do find satisfaction in knowing I’ve at least done some useful things.
Built-in excuse for not attending some social gatherings that I really didn't wish to attend in the first place :).
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