Curmudgeons beware


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 7, 2004
"A man who says he caught four boys vandalizing his father-in-law's home has been charged with child endangerment after corralling them in a closet until police arrived."

"He said he believed the boys committed the vandalism in retaliation for Daniels' wife telling them earlier in the day to stay off the couple's property."

NY man who says 4 kids vandalized home is charged

Mollycoddling run amok.

Next we'll have kids pleading status of poor lost orphans after killing their parents.
Mollycoddling run amok.

Next we'll have kids pleading status of poor lost orphans after killing their parents.

What do you mean next week.... it has already happened....
Those kids should be glad he didn't open fire on them.
Child endangerment for giving these little junior thugs nothing worse than a "time out"? And causing $40k in damages with one of them armed with a hammer?
I guess we should expect nothing less from the People's Republik of New York :facepalm:
Paul Bowler, the father of two of the boys, told the station that there are no excuses for his sons' actions.
"I understand they were in the wrong, but there are other ways to handle it," he said. "He (Daniels) knew who the kids were. It's not like they were strangers. And send the kids home and call the cops then. You don't sit there and torment them and tell them you're going to bash their skulls in with a hammer."
Bowler said Daniels grabbed the neck of one of his sons and left a mark. He said that his boys are traumatized and that Daniels should have faced more charges.

I guess Bowler will sue Daniels and guess what the idiots on the jury will award him $1M. I wonder if the parents of this punks will have to pay for the $40k in damages? :rolleyes:
Re: "And send the kids home and call the cops then."


I think not...why give the kids' parents the opportunity to fabricate an alibi for their whereabouts at the time of the break-in and vandalism ?

Book 'em, Dano. :mad:
If I'd done that when I was 10, I would have prayed to be handed over to the cops rather than going to my dad.

Charged with child endangermemt? What a disgrace.
If I'd done that when I was 10, I would have prayed to be handed over to the cops rather than going to my dad.

Charged with child endangermemt? What a disgrace.

If I had done that at any age I wouldn't have been able to sit down for a month. My father (ex-Navy) would have taken care of that, and I would have deserved it.
I don't get the charge of child endangerment. This is basically a case of citizen's arrest
In general, a private person is justified in using non-deadly force upon another if he reasonably believes that: (1) such other person is committing a felony, or a misdemeanor amounting to a breach of the peace; and (2) the force used is necessary to prevent further commission of the offense and to apprehend the offender. The force must be reasonable under the circumstances to restrain the individual arrested. This includes the nature of the offense and the amount of force required to overcome resistance.
I don't get the charge of child endangerment. This is basically a case of citizen's arrest

Unfortunately we live in a society which suffers from the Cult of the Child - just reading the comments made by the father of two of the little perpetrators, claiming that his CHILDREN were the "victims" here - it's enough to turn the stomach.
First a person can't poison their driveway to keep the kids away, and now they can't be captured!! A person might as well invite them to move in to your house :D
A man takes four boys, ages 8 and 10, and locks them up without their parents even knowing about it. What could possibly go wrong for him in this day and age.
Unbelievable. Hopefully, he does not get indicted. I would actively campaign against that District Attorney.
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