day 3 of retirement

Been feeling every now and then "what now-ish" as I go thru my day. Jump around alot. Just straightened a bulletin board. Updated our nine laptops/pcs this afternoon. Restarted knitting project started several yrs ago. Sewing table easily accessible as of today. Bunch of new fiction books stacked, one started. Created action plan for improving art skills. All of this and some talking bout how good this feels. Then sneaking thot that i'm trying to convince myself. Just will be glad when worklife is farther out of my mind. Hard to shift from doing to being. But i really dont envy my colleagues who are back at it after holidays. Just trying to figute out what i'm "at". I feel bread making coming on...
Here's your problem right here:
Once you're really retired - both mentally and physically - you'll no longer have the nasty urge to have "action plans" or wonder "what now". I found the best tool to adjust to retirement was to remind myself when I got up each morning that I really didn't have to do a darn thing that day if I didn't want to... :)
Like REWahoo says, pace yourself. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

On that subject, maybe you should exercise more-- or at least walk around the neighborhood for an hour a day.

If you find yourself using the words "mission", "vision", "synergy", or "proactive" then you should immediately lie down and take a nap.

If this retirement hyperactivity persists for longer than four hours, then come over here to help me with yardwork...
Nice read from all. I'm on month 7 and so much of the previous advice is spot on. I've had 3 or 4 projects that I'm working on or have accomplished. The cool part is, what I used to expect to get done on a weekend now I allow 2-3 weeks. If I feel's fun. If I don't feel it, there's always tomorrow, and I don't feel frustrated with my lack of motivation...I smile at my new lifestyle.
The beauty of all this...when you fell antsy, give it a couple hours, it will go away.
Haven't heard from the OP for almost three days. Wonder if he's job-hunting?
I just hope they're not applying some mission & vision to proactively leverage a bunch of synergies...
I just hope they're not applying some mission & vision to proactively leverage a bunch of synergies...

I'd have figured after so many years of retirement you'd have forgotten all that work-speak.
2nd week of retirement. And I am loving it! Days are becoming more what will be will be. Usually have some things I would like to do. But laundry didnt get done today cause fun/family ops arose. There IS always tomorrow. It is so wonderful knowing I wont have any work emails pop onto my phone. I saw young parents out this evening struggling with kids and appeared to maybe be freshly together after workday. Starting to see why senior years are thot by many to be best stage of life. Hope i live to be 100. :)

Probably should add that I raised four of them, so seeing family yesterday reminded me of how much work it was. And how back then I was just in survival mode quite a bit of the time, not enjoying the moments mode--where this retirement thing seems to be going. But I expect if we did this stage first, the world's population would be dramatically less!
My last work day was Friday Jan 4 so today is Workday 2 of retirement and I am still
pinching myself......!!!!

Went for a long walk this morning-gorgeous blue sky, sparkling white snow, not too cold..and I was thinking in the last weeks at this time I was glued to the Computer with my back to the window, or driving a bazillion miles back and forth, with a hotel stay, to some mind numbing meeting-driving in the truck for hours then sitting in a meeting room with NO windows for hours...

HOW did I do it?!?!?!?!?!

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