Do you eat lunch?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 9, 2012
If so, what do you eat? I'm tired of sandwiches and Vitamix smoothies. I don't want too much because I feel like it's a good place to conserve on calories, but skipping lunch all together usually leads to me sneaking into the chip drawer before dinnertime.

I've thought about just rolling up some lunch meat and a piece of cheese and calling it all good, but that will get old pretty quick, I'm sure.

Just looking for inspiration.
DW cooks a full meal for her lunch, just a smaller version of dinner. Protein, vegetable, some starch. She cooks another full meal for dinner, this time for both of us, and there is always food left over. That’s my lunch. :)
I never eat lunch when I work. On weekends, I will typically eat lunch.

I never understood how people find it so difficult to not eat during the day. My wife makes the excuse that she may pass out if she doesnt eat. #firstworldproblems

The other thing I love to hear is when people say they get sleepy around 2pm or so. I always ask, "what did you eat?" Their responds is always some sort of carbs. Hmmm...I wonder why you're tired now. Sugar crash much?
I never understood how people find it so difficult to not eat during the day. My wife makes the excuse that she may pass out if she doesnt eat. #firstworldproblems

Your wife and I are twins separated at birth. ;)
Yes, but I’ll often skip dinner or have something light.

Or on the weekends, I’ll have a late lunch, around 3-4pm.

I’ll pretty much each anything. Sometimes it’s a sandwich with soup or something more elaborate (sushi, thai, protein/veggies, etc).
Lunch is our main meal. We eat a light (300 - 400 cal) evening meal. No breakfast, usually. When lunch is pushed to an evening meal because of travel, I usually get a headache.
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Intermittent fasting can be a plan. Say you only eat between 11am and 7pm. This gives your body a 16 hour window to "clear the mechanism".

Eat 2 or 3 smaller meals in the window. If I skip anything, I skip breakfast. Lunch for me is a "no skip meal".

I can't eat the exact same thing every day. Try to do at least 2 to 1 healthy to non-healthy meals.

I think it also depends if you are "at your goal weight" or "trying to get to a lower weight". Even close to your goal weight, you can always be a few pounds lighter.
I don't eat lunch as one defines it. I am on intermittent fasting and eat once after I get up (around 12:30 pm), and dinner (around 5:00 pm after 13 - 15 holes of golf). It requires high degree of discipline which I fail often. But it still does the job as I maintain a slim body after living with a beer belly for a long time.
"I'll eat when I'm hungry, I'll drink when I'm dry
And if the moonshine don't kill me, I'll live til I die"

We have something at lunchtime.....doesn't really matter what....soup, maybe a sandwich.
We eat a wide variety of foods from super healthy to fast food.
Change it up a lot and it won't be boring.
I usually have something. Sometimes its my main meal with a light dinner at night. Today after a bike ride I had a smoothie. Will eat something balaned tonight.
Definitely I eat lunch. I was a person who was going to pass out before lunch until I learned my macros were off. Too many carbs, not enough fat and protein makes for a short breakfast.

Today I made DW a ham and cheese on a Hawaian roll. For me a monster salad with most every vegetable on it, add in ham and swiss and I'm good.

Other items are leftovers or anything in the fridge. Sometimes I'll cook a breakfast for lunch, many times we go out for Mexican food. Calories are not too much of an issue even when we were dieting we ate lunch.
Eating lunch as I write this:

Roasted turkey slices
1/2 avocado
Glass of Italian Pecorino white whine
We do not eat breakfast, and have a light lunch which may have the same or lower calorie content as a typical breakfast. Dinner is our heaviest meal.

I may have egg and bacon for lunch, or just a ham-and-cheese sandwich, or a slice or two of left-over pizza, with some crudités, followed by a banana for dessert.
DH eats leftovers for both breakfast and dinner. Works well for me as I don't have to shrink recipes to feed 2 people. If we have lots of leftovers, I will have some for lunch with a piece of fruit. If not, I usually keep some frozen items around such as bean/cheese whole wheat burritos or turkey meatballs that I heat up and eat with salsa.

When I was on serious low-carb diet, I tried the meat/cheese rollups and yes, they get old fast.
We have something at lunchtime.....doesn't really matter what....soup, maybe a sandwich.

A fantastic (Soup Nazi-class) hot soup for lunch is one of the very few luxuries on a freezing winter day that makes winter bearable.
Lunch is my main meal of the day! We rarely go out to restaurants for Dinner except special occasions.
I eat two snacks at work, usually about 11 and 2. Typically a Greek yogurt and a meat/string cheese roll up. They are easy to pack and eat at my desk.
I eat a substantial breakfast and a substantial dinner at home.
While my goal is lunch for my main meal, if the fish are hitting I'll go with dinner at 4 instead. I try not to eat anything after 5 PM.
I always skip lunch and have for years. Related to the other thread on intermittent fasting. I also try to eat nothing after 5:00 pm. The only time I step out is if it's a longer than usual day. Then I'll let myself have something early afternoon. But it's usually no more than a couple handfuls of nuts. Not an actual meal. That's too much trouble.
We eat lunch together at an inexpensive "mom-n-pop" restaurant every day.

I almost always order either a small Caesar side salad, or else a cup of soup. That's really all the calories I want to use on lunch. Mostly I am there for the conversation.
We eat lunch together at an inexpensive "mom-n-pop" restaurant every day.

I almost always order either a small Caesar side salad, or else a cup of soup. That's really all the calories I want to use on lunch. Mostly I am there for the conversation.

That sounds delightful. We need to find one of those.
Major meal at lunch, protein carbs veggies , breakfast is coffee before workout, then oatmeal after workout. Dinner is usually light at least 4-5 hours before sleep so I can digest well.

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