Do you wear a mask in stores?

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If we can ramp up production of the antibody tests it may be a game changer. A positive test likely means you are safe to return to public life since you are no longer capable of becoming infected or infecting others. This seems more meaningful to me than a test to confirm you are currently infected, since there isn’t any particular treatment for it anyway.
Does anybody know how the antibody test works with two different strains of the coronavirus that are supposedly circulating around (now some are saying there are 8 strains...)?
I have a compromised immune system from earlier cancer treatments,and a new pace maker, so i'm not real anxious to mingle with others during this.

No, I don't wear a mask, I don't have any, and won't wear a mask unless under a doctor's orders.

I try to avoid all public places, make a conscious effort to not touch public surfaces, and keep from touching my face, until I can wash thoroughly.
I have a compromised immune system from earlier cancer treatments,and a new pace maker, so i'm not real anxious to mingle with others during this.

No, I don't wear a mask, I don't have any, and won't wear a mask unless under a doctor's orders.

I try to avoid all public places, make a conscious effort to not touch public surfaces, and keep from touching my face, until I can wash thoroughly.

You've been ordered to not wear a mask ?
If I was (and actually I might be) immune system compromised, I certainly would wear a mask in public, it's not like anyone will recognize me :)
I just can't get over all this stuff when we most likely just have a new strain of the flu thats been blown way out of proportion.

Not true.

If it were true, the vaccine would be 6 months away, as we could grow it in eggs like we do for flu.
In fact you cannot grow covid-19 in eggs because it's NOT a flu.
Ridiculous argument. Gubmint says you cannot sell house paint with lead oxide in it. The manufacturer then decides whether or not to engage in the production of paint given that they cannot use lead oxide. That is a far, far cry from putting a gun to the manufacturer's head and telling them you will make masks now, tovarisch. Be careful what you wish for.

Glad you agree bolded part.

I'm not wishing for the gov't to force industry to do stuff, but since it's been a "cluster F" so far, it is now forced upon us.
Had we not been sleeping in January, we would have all the prep in place, and be producing now what is needed in 2 weeks.
Since I have a near-constant runny nose due to allergies (that I'm treated for), a mask would be a severe nuisance.

Not sure of your allergies, but if it's seasonal allergies, I would think a mask would help you. I am allergic to grass. I'm also being treated with monthly shots. They work well. But, when I need to cut the grass, I put on a mask and I can feel a drastic difference. Nothing special, just a dust mask, but it works great. Of course, I don't have an answer for the runny nose part, but maybe it would clear up if the allergen wasn't getting in there constantly.
Yes, absolutely yes.

One of the most informative videos explaining the epidemiological model for CoVID-19 I have seen to date and how it should inform how Guam and US should manage the COVID-19 pandemic.

FYI, Dr. Kim Woo-Ju is a Professor of Infectious Disease and was Chief of Korea's MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) Rapid Response Team.

Some takeaways:

-Approximately 30% of Korea CoVID positives were asymptomatic; this is consistent with a small study in Nanjing China showing 29.2%; consistent with research paper showing 48% asymptomatic patients in Singapore and 62% in Tianjin, China.

-The conjunctiva (eye) has ACE2 receptors that CoVID-19 latches onto so healthcare workers need to watch for mucosal transmission

-Face Masks are critical in reducing respiratory propellant and viral shedding

-Loss of smell and/or taste is a symptom of CoVID-19 and should be added to the standard screening questionnaire

-There are hidden asymptomatic carriers, assume EVERYONE is CoVID-19 positive

BTW someone has created a google doc repository of face mask research:

Stay safe!

More reading:

Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship, Yokohama, Japan,…/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.10.…

Estimating the generation interval for COVID-19 based on symptom onset data…/10…/2020.03.05.20031815v1.full.pdf

Clinical Characteristics of 24 Asymptomatic Infections with COVID-19 Screened among Close Contacts in Nanjing, China…/10.1101/2020.02.20.20025619v2

Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID-19 infection…/Loss of sense of smell as…

Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review

Facemasks and Hand Hygiene to Prevent Influenza Transmission in Households: A Cluster Randomized Trial…/facemasks-hand-hygiene-prevent-influen…

More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection…/he…/us-coronavirus-face-masks.html
More reading:

Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship, Yokohama, Japan,…/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.10.…

Estimating the generation interval for COVID-19 based on symptom onset data…/10…/2020.03.05.20031815v1.full.pdf

Clinical Characteristics of 24 Asymptomatic Infections with COVID-19 Screened among Close Contacts in Nanjing, China…/10.1101/2020.02.20.20025619v2

Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID-19 infection…/Loss of sense of smell as…

Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review

Facemasks and Hand Hygiene to Prevent Influenza Transmission in Households: A Cluster Randomized Trial…/facemasks-hand-hygiene-prevent-influen…

More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection…/he…/us-coronavirus-face-masks.html

That's a nice table of research. Just one thing, the ellipses in these last links were all truly "..." and caused page not found. Weird. Not sure if you can fix that.
That's a nice table of research. Just one thing, the ellipses in these last links were all truly "..." and caused page not found. Weird. Not sure if you can fix that.

Sorry about are the fixed links. Let me know if it works for you

Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship, Yokohama, Japan

Estimating the generation interval for COVID-19 based on symptom onset data

Clinical Characteristics of 24 Asymptomatic Infections with COVID-19 Screened among Close Contacts in Nanjing, China

Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID-19 infection of sense of smell as marker of COVID.pdf

Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review

Facemasks and Hand Hygiene to Prevent Influenza Transmission in Households: A Cluster Randomized Trial

More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection
We have a couple of simple masks we have used to visit DF in his elderly care home, and now that I’m used to wearing it, I probably will wear it at the grocery store along with the disposable gloves I have started wearing at the store. We haven’t been inside a store for a week, and we have enough food at home that we do not need to go to the store for another week or two.
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Below is from CNN. Austria is not a big country, though they already have 9000+ cases. Their infection rate must have reached the critical mass for such measure.

"From Wednesday, it will be compulsory to wear face masks in Austrian supermarkets
From CNN's Nadine Schmidt in Berlin

The wearing of face masks in supermarkets will become compulsory from Wednesday, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced.

''As of the moment these masks are handed out in front of the supermarkets and it will become compulsory to wear them in supermarkets'', Kurz said, adding that ''the goal is in the medium term to not only wear these masks in supermarkets but also more generally wherever people have contact with each other''

''It would be a mistake to think that such masks protect you - that is definitely not the case. But what can be ensured by this is that there is no risk of transmission in the air. By wearing the mask you can protect other people, '' Kurz added."
I have a little observation but I am not wise enough to draw any conclusion. We do not know when the virus will be controlled worldwide.

Austria population 9 million with 9377 cases to date
Belgium 11 million with 11899 cases
Netherlands 17 million with 11750 cases

Vietnam 95 million with 203 cases
Taiwan 24 million with 306 cases
Hongkong 7 million with 642 cases
Singapore 5.6 million with 879 cases

Above Asian countries/region are very close to China with many Chinese tourists but all have relatively small number of cases, and single digit of deaths.

What is it that they do, that European countries are not doing? When this is all over, I am sure some wise scholars will have explanation for us.
What is it that they do, that European countries are not doing? When this is all over, I am sure some wise scholars will have explanation for us.

It will be studied.

I'm not saying the reason is weather, but I sure hope it is part of the study.
I think the point of making everyone wear a mask is that it ensures the people who should be wearing them (those who are contagious) are doing so. But we have a shortage of masks in our country and we don’t even have enough for the health care workers. So this would be a difficult protocol to implement.
It is hard (impossible?) to get a face mask for viruses here. When F went to the grocery store yesterday, he wore a non-medical face mask that he had at home, that is intended for I think woodworking or something.

It was still beneficial because it reminded him not to touch his face, so I am glad he wore it.

As for me, "Do I wear a mask in stores".... Well, I have no idea! I have enough food and medicine to last until June, so, given that we are under lockdown right now, I don't go to stores at all.
FYI, Dr. Kim Woo-Ju is a Professor of Infectious Disease and was Chief of Korea's MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) Rapid Response Team.
Excellent interview, Q & A well thought out and carefully answered by Dr. Woo-Ju. He's no alarmist and is reacting rationally due to his extensive experience with viruses.

I am convinced to wear a mask.

Thanks, Airforce1, all your information helpful.
I'm making my first trip in 10 days to the stores tomorrow. I will be using a mask and gloves. We still have a partial box of masks from a bad flu experience a couple of years ago. After I use it I'm going to do the 160 degree oven for 1/2 hour thing, so I can reuse it.
I haven't been in a store for a while, but I'll wear a mask and gloves if and when I go in one from now on. DW wears an N95 mask and gloves when she goes. I have several other "House dust" masks, but only 1 N95 mask. If I go out, I'll have to wear a "house dust" mask if DW has the N95 on.
No mask, no gloves. I just keep the 6 foot buffer, don't touch my face, nose or eyes till I'm home and have washed my hands.

If you do feel the need to wear gloves kindly don't dispose of them in the grocery store parking lot. It's just disgusting!
If you do feel the need to wear gloves kindly don't dispose of them in the grocery store parking lot. It's just disgusting!

These people are hoarding pigs. I'm sorry, but any insult I can find is justified. First they go to the stores constantly, buying up stuff they may let rot, then they throw their gloves in the lot.

We haven't been to the store yet. I went for a bike ride yesterday and started seeing gloves on the side the road. What the ...

Bring a baggie or something, inside-out your glove and place it in the baggie, take it home and trash it.

I'm really losing faith in people.
I'm making my first trip in 10 days to the stores tomorrow. I will be using a mask and gloves. We still have a partial box of masks from a bad flu experience a couple of years ago. After I use it I'm going to do the 160 degree oven for 1/2 hour thing, so I can reuse it.

I sprayed mine with 70% alcohol, but I will still quarantine it for 5 days. I do have enough masks between DH and myself.
If you do feel the need to wear gloves kindly don't dispose of them in the grocery store parking lot. It's just disgusting!

Carefully turning them inside out while removing will render them as safe as the skin of your hands. Just place them where they can later be disposed of properly.

Remove the gloves by first grabbing one glove near the wrist with the other gloved hand and pulling it off, inverting it in the process. Then slip the now ungloved hand inside the remaining glove at the wrist and pull it off without touching the exterior of the glove.
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