Does your office have this guy?

Man that guy is a walking (more like sprinting) lawsuit on steroids. Great fantasy though
We HAD somebody like this in our office. To the great relief of the rest of us he was forced to retire when he got his 20 years. The only reason he lasted that long is by a long-ago friendship with a certain politico who got him his job(we speculated that he must have had something on this guy). This person was lazy beyond belief, skipped out whenever he wanted(golf anyone?), meaner than a junk yard dog(spread fantastic lies about people), a braggart, grudgeful... an all around morale downer. He tried to pass himself off as a great former high school varsity football player, but folks who knew him then said he was a second string bench warmer and an accomplished liar even then. Other than being skilled in the mean and lying department, he was incredibly stupid. We had the feeling that he possibly never finished his college degree but somehow got hired anyway with "pull". We went out partying after work the day he left. Without him naturally.
Whodares, I think you had the ineffective version of Terry Tate. We have one in our office. Frankly, I don't know what he does all day. Sits around bitching about answering 20 emails from 12 year olds. Yes, that takes unbelievable effort. Gives people crap about things he knows NOTHING about. When pressed to do some real work, gets angry, shirks, or tries to dodge behind people who can really do the work. With only a high school education, he frequently boasts that he is going to be a doctor (MD, not Doctor of Philosophy). He's 40 and hasn't even taken the SAT or even enrolled in college. When he is not boasting about his future medical career, he boasts about how much his girlfriend makes. Yeah, can we say insecure? Oh, yeah, his buddy hired him. If I were the boss, this guy wouldn't even get the shoe-shine boy position.

On the other hand, a real Terry Tate would enforce the rules to make people productive. I could use a guy like him.
You're right, of course BunsGettingFirm, that we had the ineffective version in our office. That football uniform and the confrontational demeanor and the way we were all terrorized just brought back some unwonted memories...
I can think of a guy my wife used to work with in California, and I'm sure she'd pay Terry Tate's salary for a day if he'd use the day to body slam him for having the world's worst attitude.
Could have used him for the non coffee makers, perfume pourers, always used loudspeaker call mode, think they're secret smokers...
You're right, of course BunsGettingFirm, that we had the ineffective version in our office. That football uniform and the confrontational demeanor and the way we were all terrorized just brought back some unwonted memories...
Al Bundy from Polk High?

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