don't be envious of my situation . . .


Dryer sheet wannabe
Mar 26, 2007
I've been very focused on retirement planning the past 6 months. This forum has provided me with a lot of valuable information and motivation. About 4 months ago I was comparing my situation with that of a friend of mine. We both graduated from college together in the same program, went to law school together, and seemed to have a lot in common. I went into practice with a private law firm and he went into government practice. So 4 months ago I realized that my friend will receive lifetime military retirement benefits for 20 years of combined active duty and reserves retiring as a Lt. Col. and he will also get a pension of about $115,000/yr in today's dollars from the State (elected officials pension . . . because he is a judge). I know his income has always been less than mine, but I found myself envious that he was in better shape for retirement than I was.

Well, my friend died in an accident 2 months ago. I now feel stupid and petty for being envious. Everyone will read posts in this forum from people who are thier own age or younger and have more money they do. It is easy to wish you were in someone else's shoes. My friend's death was reminder that I should be thankful for my own blessings and be happy with what I have.
We should always be thankful for what we have and be always positive about the goals that we want to achieve.
My mom always used to tell us not to be envious of what other people might have because while we didn't have their $$, we also didn't have their bills. It was her take on "the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence"..and the advice has served me well!
It is human nature to be envious of what another person has that you do not. I am sorry to hear about your friend, and hope that you enjoyed many good times together prior to his untimely death. Perhaps this serves as a reminder to all of us that we should not only be happy with WHAT we have, but also with WHOM we have to share it.
This reminds me of a post I read on another message board I frequest. The guy who posted was really wise and his post stuck with me. He was commenting on this story of a guy who defined himself and others based on monetary wealth. I'm paraphrasing:

"I like fly fishing. I probably catch more fish than he does. And the nanosecond we're both dead we'll both have the same amount of money."

Well, it sounded better when he said it - I probably didn't get it quite right. But you get the jist. You need to keep things in perspective - It's important to enjoy life.
Good advice. Focus on your blessings (not someone elses)... Carpe Deim! :cool:
My mom always used to tell us ...."..and the advice has served me well!

"....that no matter where you were in life, rich or poor, tall or short, slim or could ALWAYS look around and find someone better off (taller, slimmer, etc) or poorer than count your blessings!!" always seemed to help put things in perspective for me!

Ain't Mom's wonderful!!??....if yours is still around, make it a point to give her a call today or better yet, a hug :D !
Thanks for the reminder... Envy is such a waste of energy.

Life is like the old shoots and ladders game I played as a child - sometimes you're up - sometimes you can slide back to the bottom in one move.

The joy is in the journey.

"....that no matter where you were in life, rich or poor, tall or short, slim or could ALWAYS look around and find someone better off (taller, slimmer, etc) or poorer than count your blessings!!" always seemed to help put things in perspective for me!

Ain't Mom's wonderful!!??....if yours is still around, make it a point to give her a call today or better yet, a hug :D !

Oh how I wish she were still here to see how well her advice served me...I miss her everyday.:(
I now feel stupid and petty for being envious. Everyone will read posts in this forum from people who are thier own age or younger and have more money they do. It is easy to wish you were in someone else's shoes. My friend's death was reminder that I should be thankful for my own blessings and be happy with what I have.

This is why I didn't participate in that thread that invites you to divulge your age, income, and net worth.
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