Don't Throw That Out...Just Yet

No mention of dryer sheets here but some good re-use for stuff you are about to toss away in the trash.

15 Things to Reuse Instead of Throwing Out

Wow, I was taught while growing up to re-use all of those items in the ways specified except for old honey. I thought everybody did. :blush: We didn't have newspaper sleeves then (had wire holding the newspapers together), but we saved the wire and re-used other plastic bags instead.

My parents lived through the Great Depression and that's where they picked up a lot of those habits, which they then transmitted to us kids.
Good list. Thanks for posting. We started the soup from leftovers idea and it works out well. It is a different soup every week.
[FONT=&quot]And, regarding plants, there are a lot of grocery items that can be regrown from the parts typically thrown away, see the book:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Don't Throw It, Grow It![/FONT]
Good list. Thanks for posting. We started the soup from leftovers idea and it works out well. It is a different soup every week.

We regularly have what we call "refrigerator soup" and it is sometimes beter than homemade soup we make from scratch.

I don't like throwing out pickle juice and there was a short piece on Rachel Ray this morning where a listener just cuts up fresh, peeled cucumber slices, adds it to the jar of leftover pickle juice and has pickles a few days later. I'll have to try that one.
Already doing most of that. I've done the crayon thing - but fewer crayons enter our house now that the kids are older. We're big on leftovers becoming soup, re-purposing stale bread as breadcrumbs, etc. The reminder to use the net onion bags as scrubbies is a good reminder, though.
Yeah, this may be news to millenials but people who's parents were Depression era know all these, or even better. We just give our old clothes away, but a lot of stuff gets reused around the house. We don't drink much wine, but I always have a few corks around. They're useful for key floats when I'm kayaking, or pushing my wood chisels into for safe storage. We use the mesh bags to collect our dog hair, then hang them out for the birds to use as nesting material.
Coffee grinds--amazing how they accumulate, and how useful they are as mulch and feed around the yard.
We use the mesh bags to collect our dog hair, then hang them out for the birds to use as nesting material.

GREAT idea ! I groom my poodle myself and usually just collect the hair and try to put it in a "neat" pile between a couple of tree branches. Its about 50% successful. I'm saving my next onion bag for this ! Thanks for posting.
My grandmother took this to the extreme. I still remember being a child when we cleaned out my grandparents house after they both had died. My mother hauled box after box after box out of the attic - folded fabric from clothing that had been cut up and saved, buttons, zippers, hooks and eyes, you name it.

I used to do the freezer soup but DH eats dinner leftovers for breakfast and lunch most days so my problem is not having enough leftovers these days!

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