Engine and Caboose

The first female to ever lead the Mafia . She rose to fame by blogging . Her blog how to out hit the hit man was an immediate sensation that caused her to rise so quickly in the Guiliano gang .She also makes a killer Lasagna.
Her lasagna was not the least of her talents, though. She remembered when could out-ride, out-rope, out-shoot, and out-drink most of the men she traveled with when she was the queen of the rodeo. Those halcyon days seemed like an eternity, back in the 1970's, after she graduated from the alternative high school in that dreadfully small one-stoplight west Texas town, where everyone knew your business.
They even knew of her unplanned pregnancy which made her leave the scorpions of Texas for the New Jersey life . Her Aunt Millie let her stay with her and work in their pizzeria in exchange for room and board where she stayed until she met Vinny the mafia hit guy who taught her the business .
we interrupt this program to bring you a message from the Engine.
i am SO impressed with everyone's creativity. keep it moving on down the tracks. :D
and now back to our regular programming...
It was a hot sunny day in East Nowhere NY, the kind of day that made you think of finding a clear mountain stream and a rope swing and jumping into that cold deep clear water. She decided to go for a drive to the creek. On the way there, she stopped at the local store and bought the ingredients for a picnic lunch. "Wow look at the size of that ham!" she exclaimed as she walked past the cucumbers. Then she calmly strolled on to the fruits & nuts section of the produce department where she ran smack dab into several old friends from San Francisco who were in town to attend the wedding of an old friend she hadn't seen in decades. Actually, she had seen him; it turned out he lived two floors below in her rent-controlled apartment building and worked as a receptionist in the office building where she delivered the mail every day. She just didn't recognize him after the sex-change operation. What she couldn't figure out, though was why he/she hadn't recognized her. But she wasn't ready to face this reality, not yet. Tears flowed down her face like the leaky faucet in her rent controlled apartment on a lonely Saturday night, falling on her heaving bosom barely kept in place by her white halter top. She ran from the store, thinking of the only man who could truly touch her as she sped away in her convertible, with the sultry air blowing reluctantly past like the memories she hoped she could leave behind for good. After a few miles she regained her composure and suddenly realized something about that wind blowing through her hair was strange..OMG! I don't own a convertible!
....go back to the store later in the day and purchase a couple of hams and cucumbers. Perhaps she could find a clientele that would interested in that kind of thing. She could not forget bacon as she knew one man well enough that this would be an absolute requirement....

That man was a Silicon Valley wheeler and dealer that liked only certain girls. She wondered how she had gotten into this escort racket. At 30, the "moonlight job" she was doing was beginning to wear on her. All those middle aged rich and powerful men, using her as a plaything because they could..............
Meanwhile, she was investing her $500/hr "salary" in a VA...
But, something her Mom & Dad (who were card carrying FIRE members) had warned her about in regards to the VA's continued to nag at her. They had often encouraged her to become financially literate and suggested reading real books written by some old dudes name Bern-stein and Boogle or was that Duggel? But, like so many of her generation she got her financial acumen from columns in the magazines she bought from the newstand to read while getting her hair & nails done every week before she met the girls for mall therapy...
She secretly hated shopping, but she just had to blend in. Her past was threatening to catch up with her. Just yesterday, in the mall, she saw the tall lanky police detective who had been on her trail since Alberquerque, where she had....had her skirt blown up by a gust, revealing that "she" was perhaps not quite accurate...

So she hopped a plane for New Jersey to visit her old Mafia pal Tony Soprano...Who, ironically, is now Toni Soprano...
The first female to ever lead the Mafia . She rose to fame by blogging . Her blog how to out hit the hit man was an immediate sensation that caused her to rise so quickly in the Guiliano gang .She also makes a killer Lasagna.yes, but the special ingredient in her "killer" lasagna has led to 20 unsolved critical hospitalizations. ...
Her lasagna was not the least of her talents, though. She remembered when could out-ride, out-rope, out-shoot, and out-drink most of the men she traveled with when she was the queen of the rodeo. Those halcyon days seemed like an eternity, back in the 1970's, after she graduated from the alternative high school in that dreadfully small one-stoplight west Texas town, where everyone knew your business...They even knew of her unplanned pregnancy which made her leave the scorpions of Texas for the New Jersey life . Her Aunt Millie let her stay with her and work in their pizzeria in exchange for room and board where she stayed until she met Vinny the mafia hit guy who taught her the business....
Life was good until Vinny took two in the head on the street outside a Vietnamese resaurant in Little Italy that was run by Jamaican druglord with a nasty methamphetamine habit and a longstanding feud with the Russian mafia....
when the US Marshalls showed up and offered her a new life in the witness protection program in exchange for her testimony...

And she accepted on the condition that there would be a young man to slake her.
He had created a Master Savings Account Bank list of all FIRE's in North America and decided that instead of solving the world problems with his personal foundations fortune that he could...
but when a FIREee asked Bill, "where are the customers' yachts?"

he paled and said "Um...Thailand" and ran out of the room.
On the way out, he ran into...

[Reference: HONG KONG -- A visit to Thailand by Bill Gates has inspired the construction of a man-made island off the resort of Phuket, so the world's richest man and other billionaires can moor their huge yachts.
Hoping to build an Asian playground for the rich and famous to rival the French Riviera and the Caribbean, cordless telephone tycoon Gulu Lalvani plans to build a doughnut-shaped island of 30 to 40 luxury villas and a hotel around a marina.
"Bill Gates was there last month with his wife on a 54 metre (177 foot) yacht and he loved it so much," Lalvani, founder of phone maker Binatone told Reuters in an interview.]
Sylvia Joblinsky was the twin of Stephanie Joblinsky, separated at birth. The two sisters were reunited by chance at AARP's 50th Anniversary gala. Stephanie was the more famous of the two, having made her fortune in...
seminars on how to retire early & happy and of course the runaway bestseller stop banging your head over useless stocks and start winning with bonds.
seminars on how to retire early & happy and of course the runaway bestseller stop banging your head over useless stocks and start winning with bonds.

However, the seminar gravy train turned to ruin when folks bought bonds from the"old" Big Three (GM, Ford, and Chrysler) versus the "new" Big Three (Toyota, Honda, and Nissan)..........
but luckily their bonds were bailed out by the government . As part of a trillion bailout plan which includes all banks , all US car manufactures and all recently retired US citizens who lost 40% in the stock market .
So Stephanie called her cousin Chuck, a prominent Senator and asked him if he could find a job for her. He said, it just so happens that we are ready to put a young guy from a Brooklyn in a watchdog job, and he is in need of a ...
call girl that can also serve as his secretary . She jumped at the chance knowing this would be a high paying position and she could later sell the book rights for millions .
[Engine...chugga chugga chugga]

she hoped to break the sales record of a long ago best seller...
"It All Started with The Dress"...

That was replaced on the NYT list by a book written by some guy named "Joe the Plumber" whose 26 page book of American values was touted by Rush Limbaugh as the 2009 neocon's bible. Sarah Palin copied part of Joe's book in her own.....
midnight novel, "Interview with a Turkey". She was making A. pot of Rice one day and was inspired to put pen to paper.
Just as she put the finishing touches on the last chapter, the doorbell rang, and lo and behold, it was...
midnight novel, "Interview with a Turkey". She was making A. pot of Rice one day and was inspired to put pen to paper.
Just as she put the finishing touches on the last chapter, the doorbell rang, and lo and behold, it was...

A young man from down the street who had heard she needed some help with yard work and asked if there was anything she needed help with besides the gutters and the leaves...

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