ER Retirement plans derailed

I too went 2 yrs. JC plus 2yrs. State and was lucky enough to pull lumber on the green chain summers at 'then' good wages.

Me and real estate don't generally get along - but I was a landlord for 15 yrs.(duplex) - didn't get rich but it helped.

One NASA engineer(Huntsville) back in 70's was always improving the house, selling, and buying 'up' to avoid taxes/retain equity. I think he was a no common stocks guy like John Galt. His wife was into buying refurnishing antique furniture.
john gault, uncle mick really value your opinion,
need help in trying to still ER/FI. Thinking about going solo husband not on track to help us get family in to black. Plan to pursue my goal of law practice through alternative route. Study online at a California law school, only state to allow online study and qualify for the Bar. After 5 years of practice in CA can sit fo the bar in almost any state. At the moment very busy with 5 year old daughter in training to lead in technology or science field and 8 month old son. Tough to be a single mom but plenty of women have done it and have great successful children. Most don't have the goal of ER/FI, they struggle to survive everyday. I can stay in any state while I go through the law program hich takes 4 yrs. The cost is minimal 4K per year vs. 20k per year at traditional school. I believe I would be in a financial hole for 2 years to start all over again alone. Considering doing paralegal work which averages around $40k/year in large metropolitan areas. Would start at a lower rate since i need on the job training ie: entry level. did not go to school for this.
Romance and finance is a mixture, I will pass on. If you read some of the older posts - you may get an idea of what you are facing if husband and wife on not on the same page ER wise.
Hello! Unclemick is a wise man. Personally, I would love to give advice. However, I feel in many ways I am an example to be avoided (in romance and finance).

Good luck.

John Galt
Re: "The Case Against Divorce" by Diane Medved

Kinda old but the logic is sound. Read it for your situation and see if it still makes sense. The demographics are against you but your desire may overcome them.

I used to keep a copy in my office for my co-workers who were frustrated and visualizing greener pastures.

Just having the book on the nightstand may start the discussion in a positive direction...
Be careful TH. I am a sensitive guy and my feelings are
easily bruised :)

John Galt
Read it for your situation and see if it still makes sense. The demographics are against you but your desire may overcome them.

Agreed - A problem marriage is a lot like a fire in a building.

First get the fire extinguisher, but when all else fails - get out of the building while you're still alive :D
Or better still, follow my method. Stay out of the damn building until you're in your 40's and know better. Most of my friends already had their buildings burn down at least once on them. Its not an experience I feel I missed.
I've had the same girlfriend for 28 yrs - there's no need to rush these things - a new take on 'compound interest?'
Hey unclemick, take your time. I had a good friend who was with the same lady for a very long time
(although you have him beat) and then finally they
married and are still happily wed as I write. Nice!
It's a tricky business though. I chose marriage over
Viet Nam and never did decide which was more

John Galt
Okay folks, taking my cue from Dave Letterman's
top 10 list, here are the top 3 reasons I was able to
ER (in no particular order). Remember, I did very little
saving/planning until I decided to go. Thus I needed
some pretty significant events to boost me into ER.

1. I liquidated the assets of my small manufacturing company and invested the proceeds.

2. After I semiretired in 1993, I was offered a very good job
which I accepted and kept until my employer wanted
me to go back to full time status.

3. I divorced my compulsively acquisitive and work- averse spouse.

Like I said, even though it worked I could never advise
anyone to follow my path. A little planning but a lot of
luck. Not a sound basis to achieve FIRE status.

John Galt
Hi Guys,
Lots of interesting comments! It is true the grass always seems greener on the other side. Also having 2 young children at home almost all day and night gets to be stressful. Although we are not on the same page I think I might be able to force my other half into getting on board with th ER plan. He says yes but then does not follow through.

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