Exit 2022 and losing motivation


Dryer sheet aficionado
Apr 9, 2021
65 yrs was always my retirement goal and now with 17 months to go, after 13 months of zooming from home I am asking myself, "what's the point"? Looking for a group of like situation (and like age?) folks for support group style interaction to keep on going. It isn't for the money, I get plenty of accolades from clients, do cutting edge rewarding work, get invited to give talks at big conferences, bla, bla. I think my problem is being at home all this time (except when I travel for work, which is maybe the most fun these days) and just wanting to kick back more. I have a plan to ask for a change of status at the annual review in June. Vote for which you think I should ask for: Regular part-time (like 30 hrs) with pro-rated benefits OR Temporary hourly/no benefits (I am being lazy about looking for private health plan options). One of my sons calls this my "soft retirement". :confused:
It sounds like you're the type of person who needs to be working in the office. I can appreciate that, I was much the same.

Does your employer intend to bring folks back in to the office? That may re-invigorate you and give you the thrust to make it the next 17 months.

If you good to go financially - recommend you give the notice to retire - B4 it's too late !

Picture(s) truly are worth a 1,000 words.


Do what you want. You are FI, if you like w*rking in the office, do it. If you don't, you don't have to so don't! You don't have to retire. Me, I hate going in the office and get no satisfaction out of it.. soul-sucking is the only fitting term.

I'm moonlighting beertending and I'll do it when I RE too. Some purists may judge that I'm not "RE" but I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to get paid for having fun! Last night a customer thanked me for my enthusiasm about craft beer and recommendations... It was a great complement. I get paid to chat with friendly and interesting customers with a nice mix of locals, snowbirds, and vacationers. I'd almost do it for free if not for principle (sometimes it approaches free when it is slow).

You're 64 ish, don't need the money, and don't particularly care about the work anymore, and you're waiting 2 more months to even start a discussion about maybe dialing back?

Looking for a group of like situation (and like age?) folks for support group style interaction to keep on going.

Most likely here you'll find support for quitting and living your life on your terms. Spend an hour or three on healthsherpa - or not - if you're that close you can quit and COBRA for 18 months and then go on Medicare.

What do you want to do once all your time is yours?
I worked 50% part time for many years prior to retiring. 50% pay, 50% bonus, 50% PTO, etc. At our firm, 50% or more got employer subsidized health insurance same as FT.

If they want to keep you you can try to carve out the things that you don't like and carve in the things you like. I negotiated limited travel but it sounds like you might prefer limited time working from home and more travel.

If you're not totally sure that you want to stop working you could always try that for a while. If you don't like it then you can resign and fully retire.
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I've been at 32/wk for 25 months now. Loving it. Having every Friday off is awesome. Job is pretty easy anyway and working from home. Our team is pretty slow right now. Only 10 or so emails per day. New contract/company(prime) starting in mid June. My predecessor went 20 hrs/wk for 18 months at the end. I may go that route. Takes financial pressure off the program and looks good for everyone. FI but DW wants to work a few more years. Doesn't cramp my style. I officiate sports (200-250 events per year). We also vacation a ton. Yesterday I booked scuba in Roatan for Sept. St Croix for the USMC birthday in Nov. Virgin Islands again in Feb with British friends. Lots of smaller trips out to San Diego to see DS and other folks. The FI is the easy part. Tough part is "who am I now that I'm not working". Good luck.
I'm moonlighting beertending and I'll do it when I RE too. Some purists may judge that I'm not "RE" but I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to get paid for having fun! Last night a customer thanked me for my enthusiasm about craft beer and recommendations... It was a great complement. I get paid to chat with friendly and interesting customers with a nice mix of locals, snowbirds, and vacationers. I'd almost do it for free if not for principle (sometimes it approaches free when it is slow).
Ooooh, I thought I might baristaFIRE just to have something to do, or for health insurance, but now I think my goal might be to beer-istaFIRE like you! :LOL: Seriously, I love craft beer, and I love talking beer (or whisky) with people, I'll have to give that some serious consideration.
Go part time for another year if they give you 100% healthcare benefits. Don't take pro-rata. Otherwise, stay at the house. If you have to pay for healthcare, retire fully.

I was fortunate to go out at 58 and had RHSA to pay my healthcare until age 65.

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