Facebook Privacy


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Aug 5, 2011
West of the Mississippi
As of 01/28/2020

Some new information on what Facebook knows about you and how you can control it to some extent:


Facebook users just got a new glimpse into — and a little control over — the myriad ways the social network tracks what they do when they’re not using Facebook. If you didn’t already realize it, by the way, Facebook is tracking an astounding amount of what you do when you’re not using the platform, an activity also known as living life in the real world.
To what end ? So they can attempt to market products to me that I might be interested in from past google searches ?

I never click on pop-up adds, or use online coupons, so their efforts are wasted on me, now get off my lawn !
Facebook Privacy...There is NONE. If you don't pay for a product or service, YOU are the product being sold. Never forget that and go into it with eyes wide open.
Facebook Privacy...There is NONE. If you don't pay for a product or service, YOU are the product being sold. Never forget that and go into it with eyes wide open.
+100. I wish we could do without FB and Google, but it would be inconvenient to stay off them completely. Too many businesses are there only, websites are going the way of the dodo for small businesses. We post as little as possible and try to manage our privacy servings, but I know they take whatever they want anyway. That horse was out of the barn long ago. :mad:
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Here is a site that shows what companies track:

"From our locations and home addresses to private messages and phone numbers - we give away precious private information to online services everyday without even realising it. We’ve deep dived into the privacy policies of some of the biggest companies online to uncover what they’re really tracking – use our tool to uncover who’s really watching you."

+100. I wish we could do without FB and Google, but it would be inconvenient to stay off them completely. Too many businesses are there only, websites are going the way of the dodo for small businesses. We post as little as possible and try to manage our privacy servings, but I know they take whatever they want anyway. That horse was out of the barn long ago. :mad:

Sometimes when I'm bored I Google or U Tube (not Facebook) the wild stuff of politics, 'science' 'alternate history', etc., etc. and can actually watch my news feed (Google) and U Tube(recommended for you) items change.

:dance: :dance: :D

left, right, libertarian or just a wild and crazy INTJ ER having fun?

heh heh heh - :rolleyes: :greetings10: Too lazy so far to cancel my Facebook which I look at 2-3 times a year.

P.S. I notice my ad feed on this forum shift also.
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I tried FB. That lasted about a month. The value proposition is not there for me. What I received as a service was not worth the monetization they get from me.
Cancelled FB last year in support of a new initiative to engage with my local community F2F - Turned out to be more rewarding and satisfying (absent the occasional jerk) than I ever imagined. Not to mention a substantial reduction in unwanted “help” with things or services I might purchase.

The small business/hobby/special interest pages that I really did enjoy were a bit of collateral damage but I now find myself being quite intentional about what I want to search for in those areas instead of letting a stream of stuff wash over me based on what others post.

It’s not me Facebook, it’s you.
If something is free then you are the product.

Exactly! A large number of things are driven by capitalism in the states. Somebody offers goods or services weather free or for sale. The customer is being monetized. If I need a pair of shoes I decide
What I am going buy and who I am going to buy it from. Freedom of choice. As with most other things Capitalism has its pros and cons.

Your life, your choice.
That's an odd view. If they weren't making money, then it'd be ok to take away your privacy?

It's a value vs. privacy trade-off for me. Don't care how much money they make. If it's a huge amount I'd buy the stock.

(I'm referring to post 7)
I said this

“ What I received as a service was not worth the monetization they get from“

They offer a service. They make money off a person by using there service. Even if people had to pay for it many would likely purchase. I choose not to participate. Clearly millions feel the trade off makes sense for them. It’s called freedom of choice.

Clearly, my remark tells you my position. My privacy is not for sale if I have a choice in the matter. What people do is their business, I’m not going to expect them to fit in a box that conforms to my ideology.
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I went to my Facebook login which I very rarely use. Then went to off_facebook_activity. It showed only 5 sites sharing. I must be doing something right. And 2 of those sites I cannot think of how I could have used them.

And one of those sites was early-retirement.org !!

Same here, and I deleted my history, now nothing shows :dance:
Like military intelligence, Facebook Privacy is an oxymoron.
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