FDA: Best Practices for Re-Opening Retail Food Establishments

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This woman opened her establishment on Mother's Day in defiance of the shutdown order.

People jammed in the space, one on top of the other. Zero masks. Zero social distancing. Zero common sense. :(

Scenes like THIS are exactly why I will be staying home for a long time. Scenes like this will replay all around the country.

The video is horrifying, and the comments in the article are mind-boggling.


I'd guess the owner is risking being shut down permanently.
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I like to pick up my pizza and the new policies at the take out pizza shops are becoming annoying. It's not their fault. With such small lobbies, they're severely limiting the number of people allowed inside. Pizza Pan's lobby is so small that only 1 customer is allowed inside. Romeo's allows 2 customers inside. Marco's allows 4 customers inside, as I found out when I went there last evening. My rant is as follows: :rant:

Some pizza shop customers are being inconsiderate. It's common for people to place their orders at the counter at some shops and stand around and wait while it's cooking. Now is not the time to be doing that with these new restrictions in place! Each pizza shop has a notice posted that says you're supposed to wait outside if there are already the max number of customers allowed inside. OK then, so customers who order ahead and already know their orders are ready (via the order tracker) may be forced to wait outside while inconsiderate morons take up the limited space inside waiting for their orders to cook? This is not OK. I don't know if the employees have any authority to ask someone to step outside for the 15 or so minutes until their order is ready. I wouldn't appreciate being told I can't come in when I know my order is ready.

So far, I've been allowed inside right away, but I figure it's only a matter of time. If I see people just standing around, maybe I'd wait a minute or two. After that, I'll be tempted to open the door and say either I come inside to get my pick up order or an employee has to bring it to me outside. One of the customers waiting around can just step outside for 30 seconds while I get my pizza, if they need to be that strict about it. Last evening there were 2 men inside Marco's when I arrived. They had social distancing markers on the floor. The first guy was on the far side of the lobby, leaning against the wall with his face glued to his smartphone. The second guy was standing on the carpet right by the door, way too far back from the first guy and nowhere near the second blue X on the floor. I walked in and he scooted away from me quick like I had cooties and moved further forward to stand on the second blue X on the floor. Maybe he was trying to practice a form of EXTREME social distancing.Then the cashier called to him and he went to the counter, got his order, and left. I went up to the counter without standing on a Big Blue X at all. To my surprise, nothing awful happened. No spikes tried to impale me. No hot jets of steam came out of the ceiling to scald me for daring to be so disobedient. :D I got my order immediately and as I left with my pizzas, the first man was still leaning against the wall, still glued to his smartphone.

I've got no gripe with someone ordering at the counter. They should be considerate and wait outside while their order is cooking while these capacity limits are in place. Or at least they should look around and if they see someone standing outside waiting, step outside. Yeah, I know delivery is an option, but I'm too cheap to pay for it. I've got 6 pizza shops within a mile of my house.
This woman opened her establishment on Mother's Day in defiance of the shutdown order.

People jammed in the space, one on top of the other. Zero masks. Zero social distancing. Zero common sense. :(

Scenes like THIS are exactly why I will be staying home for a long time. Scenes like this will replay all around the country.

The video is horrifying, and the comments in the article are mind-boggling.


GOD, help us.
Unfortunately, I think this is going to be common. With a lot of dine in restaurants opening, I think there will be many unwilling to social distance in public. Will restaurants be able to enforce it? Maybe some will. Others perhaps won’t want to. For this reason I will be avoiding public venues except for grocery stores that hopefully continue to make it possible for customers to socially distance. Bars, restaurants and other party places - no reason for me to join any crowd.
IMO there are some decent restaurants that are making a real effort to make it safe . Several area restaurants have enlarged their outside dining areas and have put in a lot of safety practices . It is easy enough to see which places are taking it serious and which are not . Another restaurant near us has a large outside area but they are allowing way too many people in and none of the servers wear masks . I would not go near that place .
Covid or No Covid, this whole string makes me never want to go to a restaurant again.
This is an extreme view and not representative of what most locations or us face.

It is a statement of fact. State law includes a potential penalty of jail time.
This woman opened her establishment on Mother's Day in defiance of the shutdown order.

Idiots like these and her customers are why it will be a long time before we set foot in any restaurant. If they go out of business, no great loss.

They know all about their "rights" but know nothing of responsibilities.
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Outstanding, the restaurant should be severely punished IMO - to discourage other owners from “making a statement.”

Unfortunately the next report may be [-]moron[/-] patrons and professionals protestors outside protesting the shutdown... :mad:

Hopefully she loses her license permanently.
I see very little of this defiant restaurant behavior, and after polling my children and siblings, they don’t see any. Why do these discussions focus so quickly on deviant behavior? It appears to represent a very small sector of patrons and business.

We’ve had take out a number of times over the past few weeks. It’s pretty clear some restaurants are prepared to operate in a new environment, while others aren’t. I think people voting with their feet and pocketbooks will have plenty of influence and impact, probably as much as the sum of regulations.
I see very little of this defiant restaurant behavior, and after polling my children and siblings, they don’t see any. Why do these discussions focus so quickly on deviant behavior? It appears to represent a very small sector of patrons and business.

We’ve had take out a number of times over the past few weeks. It’s pretty clear some restaurants are prepared to operate in a new environment, while others aren’t. I think people voting with their feet and pocketbooks will have plenty of influence and impact, probably as much as the sum of regulations.

Post that you have just sold all your equities and you will understand all about the treatment of aberrant behavior pretty quickly
I see very little of this defiant restaurant behavior, and after polling my children and siblings, they don’t see any. Why do these discussions focus so quickly on deviant behavior? It appears to represent a very small sector of patrons and business.

We’ve had take out a number of times over the past few weeks. It’s pretty clear some restaurants are prepared to operate in a new environment, while others aren’t. I think people voting with their feet and pocketbooks will have plenty of influence and impact, probably as much as the sum of regulations.

Employee Health / Screening

Do you have a protocol to check employee health and personal hygiene practices within your food establishment?

Are you following CDC guidance and practices for employee health checks/screenings?

Have you checked CDC and local regulatory/health authority guidance for employees returning back to work?

Is there a plan to monitor and respond to a higher than normal level of absenteeism?

Is there a plan or policy for, and an adequate supply of, personal protective equipment (PPE) and/or cloth face coverings? Cloth face coverings should only be used if PPE is not required, and changed as needed if worn.

You already know that this isn't going to be perfect, right? In the interest of full disclosure, I just have to share this with you. Yesterday was the first day that DD's employer started the part of the employee health check that consists of asking every employee if they have any of several symptoms on a checklist. DD had developed a headache, most likely from several hours of wearing the mandated mask. Thankfully, this doesn't happen every day, but it's quite a common symptom among the full-time staff. So she and another coworker (the cashier) were honest and said Yes to the headache symptom. She and the cashier were forced to clock out immediately. One of the managers was upset about being forced to do this. While DD waited for me to come and get her, she and a couple of other workers and the manager talked about some of the issues with this.

DD was already 6 1/2 hours into her shift. The cashier was 6 hours into her shift. If either of them had a real COVID-19 headache, that's a lot of exposure to other people already. The full-time workers have been getting a mask headache off and on for the last couple of weeks they've been forced to wear masks. Now if they have to say Yes every time they have a mask headache, several people will be sent home early every day for no legitimate reason, and the place will be consistently short-staffed. What if most of the staff get a mask headache on the same day? People can get occasional headaches for all sorts of reasons. Stress, allergies, etc. Maybe they need to screen at the start of the shift, before anyone gets a mask headache.

Someone asked how they're supposed to answer for shortness of breath. They're all experiencing shortness of breath while wearing the masks! Muscle pain? Bending over for long periods of time qualifies as a Yes for that. A cough? Everyone is also having dry throats since wearing a mask. Do they have to be afraid they'll be sent home if they cough because of it?

It's of extra concern because the manager said that corporate told them they're below quota on having enough full-time employees at that location as it is. They're being pressured to hire more full-timers. They've been interviewing and hiring some new people since last week. A large part of the issue is that some of their full-time employees haven't been working since the shutdowns in March. They weren't furloughed, so they haven't been getting paid to not work. They were afraid to work because of the coronavirus. It wasn't a problem when business was so slow, but now they're needed and they still won't come back to work. No clue as to whether they'll eventually find themselves off the payroll permanently.

Sometime yesterday they posted a notice on the front door, asking customers not to enter if they have any of the listed symptoms, which does include a headache. Sure. Right. But I guess it's the best they can do. DD said that if a customer has a loss of smell or taste, they probably won't want to come in and eat much anyway. :LOL: I asked her what they're supposed to do if a customer starts coughing in the dining room after it opens. Throw them out after you make sure they're not choking on food first? What if they sneeze? Oh, forget that. Sneezing isn't on the list. Protocols! We need more protocols! :facepalm:

BTW, DD took something for her headache and she felt fine after awhile. She's supposed to call in before the start of her next shift tomorrow to verify she doesn't have any of the symptoms on the list.
I think what is funny (ironic?) about all these precautions is that some experts predict 70% of the population will acquire Covid19. So what is the point if amid all these precautions ….. 7 out of 10 will get the virus?

And for those saying they will stringently adhere to all guidelines until a vaccine is available I ask you this. What makes you think that a year from now a vaccine will be available that is both SAFE and EFFECTIVE? I doubt there will be one.
I worked in a medical related field for years and am familiar with the stringent requirements the FDA places on pharma/biotech companies during the slow, methodical development of an effective vaccine.
With this virus, all caution has been thrown to the wind. There is tremendous political pressure on companies that currently have a vaccine in development. Many of the strict FDA guidelines have been waived.
Do you really want to in the first wave of those receiving the vaccine?
Not me. I would rather take my chance with the virus. Actually, myself, and most of us may not have a choice.

70% of us will probably be Covid19 + in the near future.
About 230,000,000 of us. And that is just in the USA. Over 5 billion infected world wide.

Good luck.
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^ If that's the case, 30% of us, roughly 100,000,000 in the US, will NOT get Covid 19.

No way am I going to give up and take my chances with the virus (including possible death or permanent disability). I'm going to do everything within reason to remain a member of the Hundred Million Club. :)
^ If that's the case, 30% of us, roughly 100,000,000 in the US, will NOT get Covid 19.

No way am I going to give up and take my chances with the virus (including possible death or permanent disability). I'm going to do everything within reason to remain a member of the Hundred Million Club. :)

Some other people can do that. In systems work we used to call them pioneers. Much like the early pioneers quite a few will be found face down in the prairie.
I think what is funny (ironic?) about all these precautions is that some experts predict 70% of the population will acquire Covid19. So what is the point if amid all these precautions ….. 7 out of 10 will get the virus?

And for those saying they will stringently adhere to all guidelines until a vaccine is available I ask you this. What makes you think that a year from now a vaccine will be available that is both SAFE and EFFECTIVE? I doubt there will be one.
I worked in a medical related field for years and am familiar with the stringent requirements the FDA places on pharma/biotech companies during the slow, methodical development of an effective vaccine.
With this virus, all caution has been thrown to the wind. There is tremendous political pressure on companies that currently have a vaccine in development. Many of the strict FDA guidelines have been waived.
Do you really want to in the first wave of those receiving the vaccine?
Not me. I would rather take my chance with the virus. Actually, myself, and most of us may not have a choice.

70% of us will probably be Covid19 + in the near future.
About 230,000,000 of us. And that is just in the USA. Over 5 billion infected world wide.

Good luck.

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