Find lost money (NOT spam!)

dory36 Founder, Developer of FIRECal
Jun 23, 2002
Lots of us have moved a lot. Few of us thought we had left money behind as we moved. A couple of months ago, my son sent me a link for an association of state agencies that dealt with unclaimed property, and said he had seen my name on some of the lists while searching for his own.

Every state has an office that by law must be given unclaimed insurance refunds, unreturned security deposits, and so forth. They are supposed to maintain these funds and return them to the original owners when they are found -- at no charge. (Not to be confused with outfits that search these records, then try to get people to pay them for the info.)

Each state (or at least all the ones I checked) has a searchable online database, and provisions for you to say, "Hey, that's me" and claim your refund.

In my case, I found an insurance refund from North Carolina from over a decade ago (about $150) and a forgotten security deposit from Missouri from the 1980s (about $380) where I had moved out before the lease was up and thought I had forfeited the deposit.

In both cases, I had to print their form, have it notarized, and send a copy of a drivers license. For Missouri, I had to send something that showed I really lived at the address in question -- and a page from my credit report showing past residences was sufficient.

I got the North Carolina check in about 3-4 weeks, and the Missouri check in about 6-7 weeks.

The link is -- click on "Find property" and you'll get to a page where you can go directly to the state agency for the relevant state.

Hope you have some luck!

No luck for me. I know where every single penny is at all times.
My mom and aunt are on it for some kind of insurance "DEMUTUALIZATION"
TromboneAl said:
Here's a more direct link:

I spun the wheel, but no luck.  Who's next?

DW got a small sum (forget what it was for). I discovered a fairly
significant sum due a company I used to run. I owned a minority
stock interest and thought I might be able to claim something.
Worked on it quite a while, but the claims were over 20 years old
and I had almost no documentation here. Finally gave up. As far as I know
the money is still in limbo.

I have used to find unclaimed money for several people. A few of them followed up with the necessary paperwork and received their money many months later.

I found 19 unclaimed assets for one retired friend and his working wife. But, I was surprised that he didn't bother to follow up. That's something I remember whenever he bemoans a looming money shortage.
template said:
I have used to find unclaimed money for several people.  A few of them followed up with the necessary paperwork and received their money many months later.

I found 19 unclaimed assets for one retired friend and his working wife.  But, I was surprised that he didn't bother to follow up.  That's something I remember whenever he bemoans a looming money shortage.

Not following up on free money?........seems odd, but I have known people
who always operated that way. I scrambled for every available $ since
I was in my teens, but for some people it's too much bother. I am still
thinking about $ pretty much 24/7. I've even been known to jot notes
on the boat seats if an idea strikes when I'm out fishing. Yep, it's
in the genes :)

I found 88 cents yesterday!!!! Metal detecting on the beach.

If any of you think some or all of this money may belong to you send me a PM  and we'll get the paperwork started. My only fee is a box of AA batteries.

dory36 said:
Each state (or at least all the ones I checked) has a searchable online database, and provisions for you to say, "Hey, that's me" and claim your refund.
10 states over the last 25 years... that took a while.

Apparently I haven't lost track of a single cent either. But we found a nickel last night on our walk.
Nords said:
But we found a nickel last night on our walk.

Nada for me but riding my bicycle back home at 1:30AM last night, I found another dime. I think I passed one earlier but I was going too fast to stop and check, but this one I couldn't resist since I was only doing about 14 mph.
MJ said:
Nada for me but riding my bicycle back home at 1:30AM last night, I found another dime. I think I passed one earlier but I was going too fast to stop and check, but this one I couldn't resist since I was only doing about 14 mph.

A friend and I have been building a "found money" account since 1991, starting with coins
found while cycling. When there was enough, I added it to my brokerage account to buy a
share of stock (1 share for the FM account, 99 shares for me). Our found money account
now has 24 shares in 5 stocks, totalling about $940.
A couple years ago I found $ forgotten by my Dad using that link.  He had since passed away, Mom in a nursing home.  Contacted the state with the necessary paper work, they sent Mom the money.  THANK YOU HI!!
Wow. I'm owed $50 from a former--and now current again--employer? Wonder how that happened. Huh? $89.16 from CompUSA. $382.78 owed to a friend of the family.
This is a very old thread, but this site is still seems good for finding lost money:
I used it today and found I'm owed cash (less than $100) from a part time job in 1998. I'll keep you posted if I ever get a check.
This is a very old thread, but this site is still seems good for finding lost money:
I used it today and found I'm owed cash (less than $100) from a part time job in 1998. I'll keep you posted if I ever get a check.

Always good to check. I found that I'm owed some significant money, but Virginia wants copies of my social security card, tax returns, etc... all of which I'm nervous about providing. If necessary, I'm happy to visit the Treasurer's office in person to show the clerk the documents as proof that I'm who I say I am, but I'm not about to put such documents in the mail....
I found $ (less than $100)from a past employer from 1982! I have looked on these types of web sites before but I was never successful.
I am finished with the process and today I am $28.71 richer. YooHoo!
I was amazed at the amount of documentation. Even more surprised that I could find it from 1982.
Nothing for me. But, I found a lot of fellow Chuckanut's in the area I can now contact. Perhaps we can have a Chuckanut reunion party.
Sadly, I found some money owed to a niece that died a few years ago in her 20's. I won't mention it to her parents- too painful.
Two years ago I searched DHs name (jr.)and he didn't have anything listed but his father (sr.) did. He had died in 2000 so I let my MIL know that I found a listing and she had one of her daughters help her file the claim. She didn't tell us how much it was but sent us a surprise "gift from Dad" of $200. DH is one of 5 siblings so I think the found money was sizable.
I found my husband's long-dead father (we know it was he b/c of the address, which is one where my husband never lived). "More than $100" owed from an insurance co. His (also long dead) mother was his father's executor and there is nothing other than birth certificate to show relationship. Too bad about some of these old claims. Then again, hard to believe there is even a record that old.

I just happened upon this thread and thought I would check. I found myself listed twice. I found $226.50. One was very small over payment reported by a doctor and the other was from a past employer. The past employer couldn't find me, yet they send me a pension check monthly, go figure.
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