FINRA Financial Literacy Quiz

6 correct and I didn't know the rule of 72. This was more of a 5th grade math test than a financial literacy test.
Unsurprisingly most here got 6/6, but what interests me is the different methods everyone used for number 6. ...
The way the answer ranges were set up, I just eyeballed it. No real "method" necessary. Selecting among the answers, none required what I would call "calculations." Eliminate the impossible ones and only one was left.
The way the answer ranges were set up, I just eyeballed it. No real "method" necessary. Selecting among the answers, none required what I would call "calculations." Eliminate the impossible ones and only one was left.
I did the same. I started trying to add up in my head and then realized I didn't need a precise result to chose.
I was 6 of 6. I do think the bond question is one that many people would not know. On the 6th one, i now realize that I should have just realize it had to be less than the 5 year choice because it was compounded. But, when I saw the question I didn't look at the answers to see the answers choices. I had started to calculate it in my head but then realized I had Excel open on my computer so I just did the calculation there....
I hope these aren’t like the Series 6x Exam questions.
6 out of 6, but I'm not surprised at the low averages. If I took the test when I was 20 I wouldn't have known a few of them.

Bonds? nah... non-investors might not even know what they are.

The math on a 15 year mortgage? If you haven't even yet thought about a mortgage at all why would you know that...and that's a LOT of people in this country.

The 20% compound for 5 years thing was pretty obvious it wasn't 5, but was it 2-4? Without a calculator, or the rule of 72, that might sound low.

So, yeah, 6 out of 6 today but probably I'd have had 5/6 10 years ago, and 3/6 when I was fresh out of school.
6/6 - rather scary as I do not consider myself financially adept.
The questions were so deceptively easy that I question how the results will be used.

Surely many could be guessed at without much competence except for #6.
I approach a quiz like this like I used to approach exams in school. I quickly scan the Q and get a sense of what is being asked, then I quickly come up with an possible answer, then proceed to more complicated process to arrive at my final response.

That may be how I have addressed most of my problems in life.
Perfecto. I forgot Rule of 72 so I guestimated by doing some math in my head. Then looked at the possible answers.

Pulled up the curve for Oregon at 3.1. May be the first time I have ever been a curve breaker. Now all the other Oregonians will be giving me dirty looks
Got 6 out of 6 and did number 6 in my head. Scary about the state results as this was quite easy.
My IQ is 30 and I got 6 out of 6, bonus question is simple math 1.2^4=2.0736 4 years for the amount to double.
6 of 6, and would imagine almost everybody on these forums would get at least 5. That said, the scary thing is that the national average is 3, or 50% right on a multiple guess quiz that is this simple.
Lotsa stupid people out there. Try to avoid them whenever possible.
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