First retirement check


Congratulations on your first check! Any special first check spending treats that you will give yourself?
I retired from Fed service (CSRS) on 3 January (supposedly "the best day" for CSRS people). My agency closed me out a couple of weeks ago, but I've not heard from OPM, and can't get through on their phone line. I expected at least to get a CSA Number by now, if not an interim partial payment. My application was "vanilla," so I don't know what the hitch is.

Because OPM is not communicating, I'm filling the empty space with worrying and speculation. It is frustrating not to hear anything.


I too retired Jan 3rd, (CSRS) received annual leave lump sum Jan17 and received 1st interim deposit Feb 3. I also received a password from OPM with the website I can go to to check my deductions and other stuff. HOWEVER, when I tried to call the # in the correspondence it didn't ring, it was like the phone was dead. I was calling to find where I get the "claim number" the website said I needed. When I return from celebrating my retirement in New Orleans I hope I have more information. Good luck Amethyst...hope there's a positive update from you soon.

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