For the forum men.... Viagra?

There is a newer alternative on the market in the same class as the others. It's called Stendra. So far so good. Husband says the side effects are mild and similar to others he has used from time to time. The biggest benefit is it's the fastest acting of them all which is very nice.

Our insurance does not cover any of these drug but this is the most expensive in its class even with Good Rx coupons.

I guess a 20 minute wait can save 100 bucks....
Straight, gay, doesn't matter. Some guys are gonna need a little help!

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I was thinking of another thing that straightens. As another poster wrote, I didn't reach FIRE with my comedy act. Sigh.

ObHonestAnswer: Not yet, and single for the duration, but would do what is necessary to keep a lady friend happy if one happens to miraculously show up and not see my many flaws.
For your Friday entertainment value, I am requesting the mods to merge this thread with the "dog peeing on the lawn" post.

For some reason this Friday these posts have me laughing my AO.
OT, I know...It has been my observation that, so long as his "flaws" do not include hiding where no woman can ever find him, or something along the lines of "eats babies," there is no man so flawed that some lady won't want him.


ObHonestAnswer: Not yet, and single for the duration, but would do what is necessary to keep a lady friend happy if one happens to miraculously show up and not see my many flaws.
OT, I know...It has been my observation that, so long as his "flaws" do not include hiding where no woman can ever find him, or something along the lines of "eats babies," there is no man so flawed that some lady won't want him.
Maybe, but there are many more long term male virgins than female virgins. This seems to be a pretty stable fact. I don't think that this is likely to be due to greater male pickiness, as pretty much everyone knows when it comes to sex, men have notoriously low standards.

Wow, I did not know this. Has this actually been studied?

Maybe, but there are many more long term male virgins than female virgins. This seems to be a pretty stable fact.

Arriving late to the discussion but here is my contribution:

I am on several meds controlling T2D, blood pressure, enlarged prostate, and now blood thinners after a heart cath with stint.

The following is fictional of course but, I hope, informative:

I got the prescription for the (not so)little blue pill by filling out a form for a Canadian Dr. A month later I had about 50 100mg pills by way of India called "Manly Man" ? this cost about $160 USD.

I fully intended to split the pills so the price per dose would go down. If I take half of one I wont be able to breath out of my nose for a full day and it will be restricted for about 3 days, cheeks are flush and eyes will be bloodshot and vision affected to some degree. The sweet spot for me is about 25mg. That reduces the side effects but produces the desired effect and my soldier will be able to stand at FULL attention when called upon or about 2 days.
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Another generic med that produces similar results for me is an old depression med called Trazodone Hel Tabs. It was given to me to help with insomnia. The 150mg dose produced very similar bad side effects. It stops up my nose completely making sleep near impossible, but I woke up pitching a tent with serious "morning wood" for the first time in ~ 20 years.

I split these tablets in 3rds and the side effect decreased but the morning wood remained and I am able to achieve full attention more easily but not quite as responsive as "Manly Man". LOL
Another generic med that produces similar results for me is an old depression med called Trazodone Hel Tabs. It was given to me to help with insomnia. The 150mg dose produced very similar bad side effects. It stops up my nose completely making sleep near impossible, but I woke up pitching a tent with serious "morning wood" for the first time in ~ 20 years.

I split these tablets in 3rds and the side effect decreased but the morning wood remained and I am able to achieve full attention more easily but not quite as responsive as "Manly Man". LOL

Interesting. I think my wife has those. Might have to steal some for exxxperimentation.
This is becoming a very valuable thread for future reference. Maybe it could become a "sticky" some day?:cool:
This is becoming a very valuable thread for future reference. Maybe it could become a "sticky" some day?:cool:

I'll ask the other mods about merging this thread with the one on colonoscopies. That way the discussion will have covered both front-end and back-end operations.
I'll ask the other mods about merging this thread with the one on colonoscopies. That way the discussion will have covered both front-end and back-end operations.

I think that's a good idea, Walt. :) I wonder if a mod with a little free time can go through all the posts and put the pertinent information into an easy read table for future reference?

Thanks! :cool:
I second this. This could be valuable for many of us, men and women, over time. We all have an interest in sexual happiness.

Another generic med that produces similar results for me is an old depression med called Trazodone Hel Tabs. It was given to me to help with insomnia. The 150mg dose produced very similar bad side effects. It stops up my nose completely making sleep near impossible, but I woke up pitching a tent with serious "morning wood" for the first time in ~ 20 years.

I split these tablets in 3rds and the side effect decreased but the morning wood remained and I am able to achieve full attention more easily but not quite as responsive as "Manly Man". LOL
Wow. I've taken trazodone, all it did was make me sleepy. Originally an antidepressant, it's biggest market today is for insomnia. It's a pretty good, non benzo, med for sleep, if you can ride it's wave.

I hadn't noticed any morning after side effects but I'll try some more. Hey, maybe this will make up for the acid flashbacks I didn't get.

You know that according to the documentation "morning wood" is considered a side effect you need to report to your doctor.[emoji12]
this is becoming a very valuable thread for future reference. Maybe it could become a "sticky" some day?:cool:

I have looked into this thread probably 3-4 times, and each time wished I hadn't. Wish I could un-see what I saw but can't. Probably some other unwise women who ignored the "for the forum men" caution, feel the same. The following photo isn't me, but shows just what I am thinking:


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Wow. I've taken trazodone, all it did was make me sleepy. Originally an antidepressant, it's biggest market today is for insomnia. It's a pretty good, non benzo, med for sleep, if you can ride it's wave.

I hadn't noticed any morning after side effects but I'll try some more. Hey, maybe this will make up for the acid flashbacks I didn't get.

You know that according to the documentation "morning wood" is considered a side effect you need to report to your doctor.[emoji12]
I was talking to my new young 32 y/o lady doctor about this yesterday. She wants me off of alprazolam and suggested the trazodone. I told her it mainly closes my sinuses and restores some youthful morning vigor. She was typing away on her computer and said, I dont see that as a side affect. Who knows maybe I am the only one, but some time back I did some googling on this and I found a few mentions of it.

As with medical things YMMV. I would guess if it doesn't cause congestion at 150mg then it may not help you pitch a tent. But I doubt I am the only one.


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