Foreign Transaction Fees

I don't know if it's just me but while I'm able to easily find the Forex fee in the terms of my credit cards, it always seems to be an adventure when trying to look up the fees on my debit card for foreign atm usage.

I use a Schwab debit card for overseas ATMs and I've always found it to be so close to the published rate on that the difference is negligible. is also our comparator. You need to look at the day the transaction hit.

Within the day the rates can change but we have only seen variances in the third and fourth decimal point. My understanding is that there are several 'settlement' times during the day. Not a banker so I do not really know.

When we switched,we knew our Visa card added a 2.5 percent fee on foreign transactions. We also found that our card was out by about 3-3.5 from the rate (2.5 or admin plus another point because they are greedy).

Same for ATM, but worse. Our bank was adding 2.5 percent to the rate. Our bank was charging $5 for the ATM transaction and giving us a terrible exchange rate. In some cases we were also paying at the foreign ATM end as well. It adds up so we smartened up and flew right.
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