Fun Semi-Retirement Jobs

youbet said:
Fun and job is an oxymoron. Retirement and job is an oxymoron. But can you put all three together as an oxymoron? Fun, retirement and job is an oxymoron? Any English majors out there?

I would disagree that fun and job are oxymorons. I happen to love my job as a dentist and actually think it is fun much of the time seeing patients and taking care of them. Running my practice on the other hand, is NOT fun....
im getting a semi retirement job at the local strip club cleaning up the beer bottles. i just hope they dont charge me to much......
maybe ill sell potato chips at the old age home. LAYS HERE , GET YOUR LAYS
Looking at some "w*&k" from home type of opportunities

Need to fill the gap for about 3 years. Just saw an interesting opportunity with US Airways as a reservation "agent". Wouldn't it be cool if it made you a US Airways employee and eligible for some free travel:confused:
Waitressing. You get your exercise and get to socialize only on the superficial level.
Waitressing. You get your exercise and get to socialize only on the superficial level.
Heck, I could do that with surfing lessons and not be standing on my knees all day...
Parks and Rec 9-10 10-11 year old baseball and softball umpire. Just know the rules, be consistent, and politely ask the parents if they would like to do your job. I have never seen a parent say yes.
I'm planning on being a substitute teacher. I used to teach HS, but left to make more money and work less. But being a sub is decent money and you dont' have to work nearly as hard as a real teacher.
OKLibrarian.....the elementary school system in our rural area doesn't budget for librarians any more so I've adopted the elementary school my grand children attend. They're thrilled to have me take it over (no librarian for 10 years) and I'm thrilled to introduce all these young minds to the wonderful world of books! I'm not a college graduate but have w**ked in the medical field, front office, until I retired. I wish I had found my niche years ago. Right now I'm overhauling the "Easy Reader" section (K-3) as I feel you need to capture and nurture "life long readers" at an early age. I urge anyone looking for a rewarding hobby to see what your local school needs. I'll get off my soap box now :)
I love being around boats and working on outboard motors for people, when not waisting time at my day job. I would do this all day long, and get paid in crab, or what ever they catch the next time they go fishing. I get paid in beer, and running out of room in my fridge.

Would also love to drive heavy equipment tractors like some have mentioned. I would do this for free (if i had financial security).

But the ultimate retirement hobby would be a langerie research and developer! "Scuse me honey, but that seems to be rubbing here!":angel:
I want to be a photographer assistant. In particular I want to be the guy that sprays water, rubs baby oil, and other similar tasks for swimsuit models. If I have to move a few lights, and hold mirror so be it. Since I have no experience I am willing to be an intern for a few months. :p
In 1976 just after my Father passed away I was a ranger in Icelandic State Park for the summer. It was the most enjoyable job I've ever had and if I could have made a living at it I would have stayed in it. However, it was seasonal so I had to find a real j*b and went back to working as a software engineer.
OKLibrarian.....the elementary school system in our rural area doesn't budget for librarians any more so I've adopted the elementary school my grand children attend. They're thrilled to have me take it over (no librarian for 10 years) and I'm thrilled to introduce all these young minds to the wonderful world of books! I'm not a college graduate but have w**ked in the medical field, front office, until I retired. I wish I had found my niche years ago. Right now I'm overhauling the "Easy Reader" section (K-3) as I feel you need to capture and nurture "life long readers" at an early age. I urge anyone looking for a rewarding hobby to see what your local school needs. I'll get off my soap box now :)

OUTSTANDING!!....thank you for what you do.....filling two needs at a time!
I'm trying to tally up some great ideas for fun retirement jobs. Since I like taking photographs, one idea is to sell photos online through iStockPhoto or DreamTimes. My wife loves animals, so another one might be dog walking or pet sitting.

It seems to me that in general, the lower the pay, the more fun the job. If that is true, then the most fun retirement job would be one that didn't pay anything, or maybe even no job at all.

‪todd rundgren - bang on the drum all day‬‏ - YouTube
i once knew a FSA (fellow of society of actuaries) who ER into working as a deli-person at the grocery store (IE the guy/girl that cuts and weighs your orders).

i suppose some might like it...

LOL, I and a good friend of mine also into ER were talking about doing something like this. Basically, just find the jobs with the lowest amount of responsibility and if we get bored or annoyed, we could just quit.
I want to be a photographer assistant. In particular I want to be the guy that sprays water, rubs baby oil, and other similar tasks for swimsuit models. If I have to move a few lights, and hold mirror so be it. Since I have no experience I am willing to be an intern for a few months. :p

Ah, innocence! Photographer's Assistants are expected to know more than just a little bit about photography too. That means you have to know the difference between a shutter speed, aperture, ISO and the relationships between them. You have to be able to look at the light and know what the color temperature is, and what has to be done to change it, if that's what the photographer wants.

You will climb mountains, cross deserts, and nearly drown in rivers carrying loads of food, cables, batteries, generators and lights. You are the "gofer" who gets the pizza and empties the porta-potty.

Once in a while they'll let you take a picture. Forget the swimsuit models.

Sorry to bust your bubble.:LOL:
Walt34 said:
Ah, innocence! Photographer's Assistants are expected to know more than just a little bit about photography too. That means you have to know the difference between a shutter speed, aperture, ISO and the relationships between them. You have to be able to look at the light and know what the color temperature is, and what has to be done to change it, if that's what the photographer wants.

You will climb mountains, cross deserts, and nearly drown in rivers carrying loads of food, cables, batteries, generators and lights. You are the "gofer" who gets the pizza and empties the porta-potty.

Once in a while they'll let you take a picture. Forget the swimsuit models.

Sorry to bust your bubble.:LOL:

He just got the job title confused. He wants to be the swimsuit model's assistant, not the photographer's.
I was gonna look for a seasonal job this summer, but with my FIL's passing other things kind of took over my time this spring. I was thinking of seeing if the local fly shop needed help. Lots of BSing about fishing, very low pressure and I'd probably be working weekends when I'd be home avoiding the crowds anyway.

I was also going to look into other stuff that might interest me. Golf course ranger was one. Mainly for the free golf. Thought a bout a book store for the discount. Basically anything that sounds interesting, low pressure and offers a discount.
I love gardening and growing plants. A few months after I FIREd, I saw a Help Wanted sign at a local family owned greenhouse. I actually put in an application to w*rk as a part-time plant tender, with the possibility of delivering flowers during holidays. I did several followup calls, but never got a response. :( Oh well.

As time passed, I got over the need to w*rk and did volunteering instead.
Blogging! It's the best pastime there is (imho).

You can touch people's lives around the globe and even make a little money while you're at it...
He just got the job title confused. He wants to be the swimsuit model's assistant, not the photographer's.

:D That must be it.

Still I've seen guys do this in the SI swimsuit issue video etc. I know I have no chance at all as photographer, but I sure I could learn to spritz a model with the best of them. :dance:. I'm even ok with carrying gear, ordering pizza, and paying somebody else to clean the porta potties (FI has its perks).

Bummer about having to learn all the photography stuff, I did take photographer class several years ago.
:D That must be it.

Still I've seen guys do this in the SI swimsuit issue video etc. I know I have no chance at all as photographer, but I sure I could learn to spritz a model with the best of them. :dance:. I'm even ok with carrying gear, ordering pizza, and paying somebody else to clean the porta potties (FI has its perks).

Bummer about having to learn all the photography stuff, I did take photographer class several years ago.

Well, there is a job called a "fluffer", but the swimsuit models may not be quite what you were expecting.
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