Getting divorced: he partly blames RE dreams

Thanks for the update and glad things are going well.

I never would have thought to ask an ex for a nude picture. I'll poll all my exes and see if there are any takers. If I don't post here again it means my wife checks my email....
This is one of my favorite ER threads EVER -- so thrilled about how things have worked out for you. I still remember when you first posted. Living well is certainly the best revenge! Thanks for the update and enjoy your fabulous life

Your consistently positive attitude really has been inspirational.
Thanks for checking in, Marathoner. Yours is a powerful story of personal growth and renewal, and I, for one, am grateful that you have shared it with us. May you continue to experience all the joy that is life. -- Gumby
I am glad to hear that you have moved forward with your life. Best of luck!
There is life after divorce. I am glad you are doing well.
What a great outcome! Love to hear how well you are doing. You sound so happy, which is delightful. Thanks for sharing your story.
Having just passed the 5 year mark of finding out my (now ex) husband was cheating on me, and since it's been a few years since I've updated, I thought I'd come back for a quick post. Even though I haven't read through the advice I received in years, this forum was so integral in me finally finding happiness.

Life continues to get better and better!

On the w**k front - I started taking a series of exams for work. Due to me taking these exams, I got a promotion, which means I may be closer to FI than originally thought!

On the personal front -- lots of travel! My mom and I did go to France last year, so she met the family I lived with when I was an exchange student there 20 years ago. I also ran the Boston Marathon with a good friend of mine (she'd felt the heat of the blasts in 2013 and wanted someone with her when she returned) -- it was healing and a good reminder to not take things for granted.

After going on over 60 first dates, last February I decided to give up dating after the last guy I'd agreed to meet for a drink. When I asked him where he was from, he proclaimed in his fake British accent, "I am from Narnia!" At that point, I realized I would have rather been at work than on a date with that guy, so I removed myself from all of the sites and wound up having the best summer of my life. I strengthened my friendships and made so many incredible lifetime memories. I have so many first date stories like this, my friends are asking me to write a book, which I may do someday.

In any case, while on a dating break which had reached 8 months at the time, I went to a movie with a friend of a friend, and we've now been dating for a little over a year. We just returned from a trip to Hawaii. I had never been in a healthy relationship with someone before, and it's been really incredible. So glad I've had the opportunity to experience this!

You guys are the best -- I am grateful for your wisdom every day!!!
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Congratulations. Things happen for a reason and for you, the divorce was a blessing in disguise.
Thanks for the update. It sounds like you're in a great relationship and life's going well.
Divorce is always a bad deal. That is one reason I have never married. Although emotionally it may be no different, legally it is a lot different.

It's great you landed on your feet throughout all of this. Often, a divorce is so financially devastating it derails many of life's plans.

It the 'old' days, couples were more dependent on each other. Couples stayed married because it was the social norm, and they could not live apart. The laws made it difficult. Society managed to get through it. Mistresses were more accepted, or at least tolerated as long as the financial obligations were met.

In modern times, no one is dependent on anyone. There are plenty of social programs to help kids and the new single moms. It is real easy to get a divorce. Paychecks are garnished so no one has to wait for a check to be mail.

Marriage is really an obsolete concept in today's world. I guess that's what progress is...
Having just passed the 5 year mark of finding out my (now ex) husband was cheating on me, and since it's been a few years since I've updated, I thought I'd come back for a quick post. Even though I haven't read through the advice I received in years, this forum was so integral in me finally finding happiness.

Life continues to get better and better!
What a great update! Glad to hear things are still going your way.
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What a great update! Glad to hear things are still going your way.


Thanks for taking the time to give us an update. Always nice to hear good news at Christmas time.
Divorce is always a bad deal. That is one reason I have never married. Although emotionally it may be no different, legally it is a lot different.
Well - I think you mean marriage can be a bad deal. If you are in a bad marriage, divorce is not always a bad deal. Especially if the marriage was short, there were no children, and there were no large financial earnings during the marriage.
Fantastic! I am glad to hear that you are living such a good life. Thanks for the update and Merry Christmas to you.
Wonderful update, Marathoner! Glad to hear you are enjoying life so much more these days. Keep it up!
Thanks for the update. Glad things are going well and here's wishing you a prosperous 2017.
Well - I think you mean marriage can be a bad deal. If you are in a bad marriage, divorce is not always a bad deal. Especially if the marriage was short, there were no children, and there were no large financial earnings during the marriage.

Even if there are children and large financial earnings, divorce doesn't have to be a bad deal. If you can minimize the impact on the kids, then it's just stuff. Split it up and move on.

Congrats Marathoner! It's great to hear that you are doing well.
Thanks for the update, Marathoner! Sounds like you're enjoying life.:dance:


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