Greetings from California


Moderator Emeritus
Jul 1, 2005
We are RVing...sort of, in front of my wife's sister's house near Fresno, CA as we prepare for the pending birthday party for their father's 80th birthday on Saturday. We have been here since Saturday and have only AC power from the house to keep the AC going to keep us from dying of heat prostration in the 100 degree heat.

Our trip here took us through 118 degree heat in Nevada and the dogs would not even go outside to pee. Can't blame them for that.

We have a few more days here before we head north to the Oregon coast for a few days of RnR before we head back home for a couple of weeks. OUr next trip will be central Oregon for a FMCA convention and then home again for a while before we head out again after Labor Day for our 40+ day land cruise back to see my family and then over to see some NC beaches before we head back west through New Orleans, San Antonio, and then into mid Arizona as we seek out a winter home to escape the Utah winter.

Yes, retirement is a tough job...but somebody's got to do it. :angel:
We have been here since Saturday and have only AC power from the house to keep the AC going to keep us from dying of heat prostration in the 100 degree heat.

Our trip here took us through 118 degree heat in Nevada and the dogs would not even go outside to pee. Can't blame them for that.

Steve - you're supposed to go to the cool weather in the summer, and the warm weather in the winter. :D

Glad you're seriously on the road and dropping us a note once in a while. As we speak, REW is off picking up a new/used Class A motorhome and I'm awaiting delivery on a 31' TrailManor. The land-yacht reunion is just a matter of time.

Happy trails.
I'm in Colorado now having my morning coffee before a hike - it is in the 50's now.
It is hard but I'm trying to pull my weight.
That sounds wonderful. Enjoy it for those of us who are at work today, but dreaming about ER!!
Steve - you're supposed to go to the cool weather in the summer, and the warm weather in the winter. :D

Glad you're seriously on the road and dropping us a note once in a while. As we speak, REW is off picking up a new/used Class A motorhome and I'm awaiting delivery on a 31' TrailManor. The land-yacht reunion is just a matter of time.

Happy trails.

We are not "on the road" full time...just for a few trips here and there that were planned months ago.

Moving up to bigger digs is well worth the expense and extra aggravation if you plan on doing a lot of travel with more than a couple of people. Even with the driver side slides in we were able to sleep two adults, two dogs and 4 kids ages 7-13 last night. That extra space makes a lot of difference in being able to move around and not kill each other.

Our choice of a this rig was to avoid the all too common trade followed in a couple of years by yet another trade to get up to the size that makes the most sense for one's situation. We just decided to move all the way up now rather than eat even more depreciation in a couple of years. There is no way you can justify owing an RV in financial is a toy and must be regarded as such. You gotta pay if you want to play.

Regards the FIRE Rally....sounds like a very good idea. We will be in the Jacksonville area sometime in early October on our sweep of the South and Southwest. Maybe we can meet in a nice RV park in the area.
head north to the Oregon coast

You'll probably be traveling within a mile of our house. If you'd like to stop by to say hi or meet at your "campsite" send me a PM.
So far so good. No major issues; just some minor stuff that is not unexpected with something that is made from over 15000 parts and weighs over 43,000#.

What WAS I thinking??

:D I truly understand. As Rich mentioned I just took possession (and I DO feel possessed!) of a 40' MH on Thursday. As I drove the 300 miles home, I was asking myself the very same question.

...we head out again after Labor Day for our 40+ day land cruise back to see my family and then over to see some NC beaches before we head back west through New Orleans, San Antonio, and then into mid Arizona as we seek out a winter home to escape the Utah winter.

Both Rich and T-Al sent you invitations from the coasts, and I don't want you to feel left out when you pass through fly-over-country. PM me when you're heading to the San Antonio area and I'll buy you a margarita...or two.;)
:D I truly understand. As Rich mentioned I just took possession (and I DO feel possessed!) of a 40' MH on Thursday. As I drove the 300 miles home, I was asking myself the very same question.

Both Rich and T-Al sent you invitations from the coasts, and I don't want you to feel left out when you pass through fly-over-country. PM me when you're heading to the San Antonio area and I'll buy you a margarita...or two.;)

Thanks for the replies and the invites. We will be in San Antonio but now DFW on this trip. We will be "doing Florida" more next year or the year after. This trip is more of a quick tour to see where we might want to spend more time in future trips.

We head out tomorrow for Brookings Harbor, OR for some RnR after the big party we helped organize and throw. We need the sleep and hope to get a few days of it soon.

BTW...."The Motor Carriers Atlas" is a great tool for rigs of this size. As long as you follow the "truck routes" you will be fine; if you don't you are asking for trouble. We had to modify our trip because of a really nasty stretch of road through the mountains. My GPS software was not aware I could fall off the road on these curves. Don't trust GPS....verify.
Well, we survived the mountains, twists, turns, and road construction along the way and are currently in a campground in the redwoods....I mean IN the redwods. I can't open one of my slides due to a little tree that is about 5 feet in diameter at the base. We can't see the sky because of the canapy of trees. The air is much cooler and smells of wood and dry leaves. Everyone is snug in their RVs or tents and the only sound is the wind in the trees.

Tommorrow we drive another 5 hours up the coast on 101 to Brookings Harbor where we will stay for a few days before heading back east again. The motorhome is doing well and we have had no significant issues thus far. The narrow twisty coastal mountain roads are not a lot of fun in something this big but we are doing OK. I just take my time and don't push the speed on the tight turns and I can keep it between the lines.

I thought about CFB when we went through Sacramento today. I will go near Trombone Al sometime tommorrow and will give him a blast or two on the air horns as we pass by.
Sounds like this retirement/travel thing is agreeing with you Steve. Congrats.... and you suck. :D
I thought about CFB when we went through Sacramento today.

Aw shoot man, you should have dropped me a note...I'd have let ya buy me a beer!

You picked a good day to travel through...nice and cool for july. But I'll bet that wind wasnt a lot of fun!
How about a pic of that bad boy? :)

It looked a little rough when I picked it up on Thursday...


...and this is it today. Amazing what a little sweat equity can accomplish. :)

Very nice looking rig. Simple design without all the lightning bolts, flames, and other garbage some manufacturers seem to favor.

Here's to a million safe and enjoyable miles.
We made it to Brookings. It rained most of the evening but the view out the front window of the ocean and the beach only a few steps away is well worth the trip.

Once I get some time I will post a few photos. I took one this morning of our rig sitting below two very large redwood trees. The drive through the redwoods was beautiful and we will have to spend more time here later when we don't have a tight agenda to deal with and another motorhome with us so we can take things at our pace.

I have the windows open and the sound of the surf pounding on the beach is just what we needed after the past few weeks of frantic activity preparing for this visit.

Life is good!
I was not far from you a few days back, in Tracy, CA, visiting family. Hotter than a pistol out there. I'm not generally an AC guy, but places like Fresno in July will make you into one in a hurry. Hope you enjoy the trip, and try to get some time in the Sierras while you're out there. They're great this time of year.
Now you guys have a feeling for why one can go on for several pages of posts on optimal thermostat operation and placement ;)

Its actually 60 degrees and raining in Excramento this morning. Which is basically ludicrous.

Nice rig. And really, really big. You're gonna scare the girls goin down the road;).

So now that you're eligable to become a member of our secret, elite group of good for nuthin RVers, you need to join us: Just send me $500 . . . um . . . cash and I'll send you our secret membership ring. This payment also includes advice on a toad with a 'happy horn' for parades, a fez, and access to three road warrior babes


of your choice.

Re wahoo ,
Don't go for Greg's offer it's bogus for only 4 easy payments of $99 .I will send you the information that every RVer needs namely
1- Where the rv parks that have happy hours are
2- Where the super models camp
3- What Japanese lanterns will make you popular at the camp

and sooooo much more .That's four easy payments of $99 .Call now our lines are open!
Yeah but theres no fez. Heck, if I knew there was a fez involved, I'd have bought one of the dang things.
Re wahoo ,
Don't go for Greg's offer it's bogus for only 4 easy payments of $99 .I will send you the information that every RVer needs namely
1- Where the rv parks that have happy hours are
2- Where the super models camp
3- What Japanese lanterns will make you popular at the camp

and sooooo much more .That's four easy payments of $99 .Call now our lines are open!

WAIT, Mr. Wahoo. Don't listen to others who only want your money.

For 4 easy payments of $98 (that's a $4 savings) I will show you how to get rich RVing. Black water got you down? Sell that stuff as oil! Yes OIL! Texans will buy almost anything black and liquid if you call it oil.

Secret Greetings? Hogwash. I can show you how to say, "Dag nabbit" in one easy lesson. This will get you into any RV park in Texas (void in Austin).

Finally, this week only, we'll include a Guide to RV Massage Parlors in Amarillo. Act now. Tired after a 3000 mile, 10 day trip across Texas? Stop in and let our little Toads relax your cares away.

Act now. This offer void where prohibited (Austin, mostly).

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