Greetings from Flatistan


Dryer sheet wannabe
Aug 23, 2009
Hi I am PROACTIVATING. As instructed introducing myself.....

I am so grateful to have stumbled on this wonderful forum at just the right time in my life. What a great support structure for folks with a plan.

We are 55 and 54. We are married with 4 children, two still at home. By living way below our means and working hard, planning carefully, and dilligently running our own company, we have reached the point where we are ready to pull the plug. We are selling our very good business to our wonderful and talented employees and will stay on with them for one year to help get them dialed in to do well. We have not factored in proceeds from the sale of our business in our retirement plans. thats an extra +
We have been debt free in business and personally for many years. We own high quality residential real estate with no mortgages, and managed to dodge the last stock market debacle unscathed because I ignored my broker's advice to buy stocks with abandon at the top of the cliff, listened instead to my business instincts, and went into safety before the market went off that cliff. So because of that we are able to start the next half right on schedule. I hope to continue doing some of the things I was doing in my former business (inventing machines, instruments and new technology but in a more relaxed environment) but also want take my wife and children traveling, and just slooooow doooowwnn a little. We will continue to live frugally, and based on the FIRE thingy calculator and several other calculators, we should be fine for the next 30 years with our assets carefully managed. Praise God.

Anyway... I am really enjoying the stories and information available here.
Hopefully I can contribute something to others to help them get along with their plans as others have helped us.
Welcome to the forum. I trust that you have found the FAQ subforum, which has many of our "greatest hits". If you have questions, feel free to ask. And don't be shy about speaking up.

Best wishes,

Doggies, boy! You seem to have the problem by the short-and-curlies already.

We can show you where the fun is, but I dunno if we can help you much.

I 'spect you will eventually find that we burn your ears off sooner or later.

Having said that, welcome to the watering hole.

el gitano
Thanks for the warm welcome all. I'm finding myself perusing these forums in amazement at how many folks are headed down this path and how focused everyone is. You really have to be.

I tell my kids that 99 percent of the world does no planning and the other 1 percent, the planners, run the world and business and gets things done. The other 99% non planners can't figure out how they do it:confused: ..........It must just be dumb luck.

All the best to you...... I'm out looking for more dryer sheets in my neighbors trash !!
Welcome , I read your greeting as from Flatulence . Since I am a retired RN can I recommend bran & more bran and easy on the beans .
Moe, the retired RN, is a hard act to follow, I'll pass on continuing her joke. Welcome to the forum.:greetings10:
I'm always curious as to where people are from.Flatistan? you are a biker and you are referring to Florida?

Welcome to the forum..
Oh I'm not offended at all, it's an easy mistake if one is reading fast ..... Flatulence is actually the municipality in Washington DC where the Congressional offices are located, whereas Flatistan is the state just below Georgia with very few hills and the preferred beverage is prune juice!

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