Hi. Mommy of 5 here for the first time...


Confused about dryer sheets
Sep 3, 2006
Hello Everyone.
I am very new here.
I am 45 years old and have been working in corporate sales and marketing for the last 25 years.
I came to the conclusion that I did not want to continue spending most of my life working myself to death for someone else. I made millions of dollars in software sales and for what? For whom? I sure didn't see any of those millions.
My kids are ages 11 down to 9 months.
I decided that now that my kids are getting bigger they need their mommy more. Anyone can give a bottle and change a diaper, but to have mommy there over lunch and available for homework.... that's something special for a kid.
So, after 25 years in the business I QUIT!!!!!

As of July 31 I am a stay at home mom.
I do have a husband but he has been busy taking care of my kids all these years so there is no income from there.
Where will the money come from, you may ask? Well, hopefully from my hubby as soon as he gets involved in some project.
Also, I have decided to try to make a living from internet marketing, since that is something that I can do from home.
So, here's to staying home and wiping little bottoms ::)

All the best

Moderator Edit: Deleted web address
You go girl. Nothing beats a stay at home Mom. I know because I had one and so did my children. ;)
Yeah. You know, my mother never really worked and I have these (really happy) memories of her always being there, standing in the kitchen with her apron and making dinner at about 5:30. I could never do that when I worked. I didn't get home till 7:00 and I didn't have the strength to even look at my kids!!!

Moderator Edit: Deleted web address
I think it is great that you have decided to stay at home for your children.  Both my wife and I have 3 siblings and we all had stay at home moms.  All of our siblings, like us, also made sure our children had stay at home moms by quiting their jobs during the formative years.  Only exception has been my wife's youngest sister - since she earned the bulk of the income and had a thriving career in IT, her husband quit to stay at home with the kids.  The second one is now about to start school so he is ready to go back to full time work.  (He actually became a qualified child-minder and has been doing that part-time for the last few years).
Good luck Dena, and good luck to your husband. And congratulations to you both for having all those kids.


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