Hooray. I am Being Noticed on LinkedIn!

When working, I treated Linked in like bad-facebook, where you can't not-friend ppl you work with... (now I consider them both bad and have done lots of culling). I've turned off most notifications from linked in, and modified my profile so I shouldn't show in searches, but I still get rando link requests.

Linked in also likes to suggest people for me to link with, which, by now, if I knew you and didn't link I never liked you.

But I realize the other person(s) is getting that same suggestion and thinking "ugh not HER" just like I am.
I enjoy looking through the feeds every now and then. it helps remind me of all the reasons why I retired from the rat race: the leadership and management lesson posts, the optimizations, reorganizations, networking, blah blah blah...

+1 to that. I am quite amazed sometimes, that the people who I remember as young, energetic, and up for all sorts of fun, now seem to get their jollies from writing posts about how to create greater synergy between the marketing department and their clients, or whatever the latest buzzword of the month is. I look at these articles my formerly fun colleagues write and think, "Really? This is how you get your kicks these days? What happened?"

I have a strong dislike for the corporate world. It's where once creative, carefree spirits go, to die a slow and miserable death.
I was wondering today if many of us ERs keep their LinkedIn accounts. Deja Vu. I do get email notifications from LinkedIn, but ignore them.
I also enjoy seeing what my former colleagues are doing so I check my news feed; they also have a daily news digest that sometimes has interesting articles (and ensuing discussions).

My title is "Portfolio Manager" at "Home Office" but, based on my work history, LinkedIn suggested that I might want to apply for a newly-opened position at my last employer. Umm, no, they had me sign an agreement acknowledging that I was not eligible for re-hire (don't know what I did to get them that mad but I was done with them anyway). My picture may still be up in the reception area to warn them against letting me enter the building.:D
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