Hot drinks for cold weather


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Dec 18, 2007
Eastern WV Panhandle
While I know the Minnesotans would chuckle and perhaps put on a sweater, tonight's forecast is for 8° F which around here is very, very cold. I had a bad chill after taking out the trash this evening.

So while preparing a cup of hot tea with a teaspoon of honey in it I wondered what others do for a hot drink to take a bit of a chill off.

What's your hot drink for cold weather?
red wine

it's good in a duck blind, it's good on the ski hill and....ladies like it
I understand why people drink warm drinks in cold weather, but I've always liked a nice refreshing cold drink even when it's very cold outside.

Especially when I come in from shoveling snow - I usually have worked up a sweat and love a nice cold drink...
I hear 'ya, Walt, on taking the trash out in bitterly cold weather. I have that task on my agenda tonight, too.

In the evening I like tea with lemon, honey if I have it (which I don't). Tonight I am feeling quit toasty as I made a pot of stuffed cabbage rolls this afternoon and they certainly take the chill out of a day like today.
A couple of beef bouillon cubes in a mug of hot water. Low tech, but I enjoy it.

As long as I'm not physically chilled, a cold evening is also an inducement to an imperial stout.
I keep one of these going all the time these days (except when I am asleep).

It provides water at the perfect temperature for herb tea or decaf. My favorite herb tea is caffeine free cinnamon apple spice. I drink it with a bit of milk and sugar. (Well, skim milk and artificial sweetener, but I would use real milk and real sugar if I could afford the calories. :D)
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I love good quality hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. Both a caffeine and a sugar rush.
While I know the Minnesotans would chuckle and perhaps put on a sweater, tonight's forecast is for 8° F which around here is very, very cold.

8° is not cold at all. Maybe a long sleeve t-shirt. Possibly a hat.

Hot chocolate for me. Nothing alcoholic. Hot cider is the second choice.
8° is not cold at all. Maybe a long sleeve t-shirt. Possibly a hat.

Hot chocolate for me. Nothing alcoholic. Hot cider is the second choice.

I don't suppose our hard freeze down to 25°F tonight is going to impress you, then.... to us, it's frightully cold! :) It hasn't been this cold here in quite a while.
I don't suppose our hard freeze down to 25°F tonight is going to impress you, then.... to us, it's frightully cold! :) It hasn't been this cold here in quite a while.

It's going to be so cold here tonight I put a heating pad in the dog's house...:)

It's going to be so cold here tonight I put a heating pad in the dog's house...:)

I turned up the thermostat to 75 and I am wrapped up in a blanket, and thinking of another cup or two of hot herb tea. Brrrrrr. Just went outside to see if my pipes were still wrapped (they are), but there was a bitter cold wind blowing out there. OK, so it's only 53F so far, but it feels cold!
Well, that's a long way from an imperial stout, but it's certainly one of my top favorite porters!

yes I know - before that I had crooked fence sins of our fathers on tap

it's a local
I like braumeister's idea of the beef bouillon cubes with hot water. We used to do that with Oxo cubes.

My current favorite cold weather drink is hot chocolate spiked with whiskey. It's not cold today, and it's only 3:30 in the afternoon, but I just made one :D
I am another person who likes cold drinks even in very cold weather.
My wife makes some weak tea with a tea bag in a 2-qt pump pot like in the photo, and we drink it all day.


A couple of beef bouillon cubes in a mug of hot water. Low tech, but I enjoy it.

I like to drink hot broth too, but have cut that out because of the sodium.
I take the endothermic approach during cold weather - a hot bath before dinner, followed by an ice cold Pale Ale.
I'm with you Walt, they are forecasting 12 tonight and that's quite chilly for the southern folks here in Georgia. I broke out my Kerig (still in the box from cleaning out my office) and have been drinking some nice for cocoa. I'm usually a coffee drinker, but this could weather calls for the good stuff!

Sent from my mobile device so please excuse grammatical errors. :)
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