How did you meet your spouse?

My sophomore year in college I was in the cafeteria line with a buddy. He nodded towards a group of [-]hot chicks[/-] coeds ahead of us in line and said he knew one of the girls as they had gone to high school together. My eyes locked on the girl standing next to her and I remarked to my buddy something along the lines of "Wow, look at her friend. I'm going to marry a girl like that some day."

I lost track of my college friend but 18 months later I married the brunette cutie from the cafeteria line and we've been together for 42 years. I'm sure the fact I borrowed another friends 1958 Corvette for our first date had nothing whatsoever to do with making a good first impression...
Playing volleyball in the pool at the apartments we both lived in, I spiked one hard over the net and hit her in the face. Married about 2 years later, we've been married for 31 years, so I guess it's a viable approach. Who knew...
We met in college living in the same co-operative/student run dorm that has co-ed cattle showers. I was in a long distance relationship with someone else that was falling apart and killing me in the process. DW to s always around and somone I liked and when things finally reached their conclusion it took about 5 minutes to get together. I think we went on about 1 real date before moving in together. Married at 23 and it will be 15 years this fall.
Toward the end of my divorce while I was still in the house waiting for it to sell and settle up on all that stuff, my niece told me there was a girl at her job that I should meet. Since at the time I had concluded that all women were money-grubbing wenches I had little interest in meeting anyone wearing a skirt. Hearing a bunch of divorce horror stories from other guys at work merely solidified my opinion and I considered myself lucky to escape from the marriage without having to pay alimony or child support. (No kids, the ex had a stable job that paid as well as mine with similar benefits so there was nothing to argue about there.)

The house eventually sold and I moved back home with my mother to save the down payment for a house and do much-needed deferred maintenance on my mother's house.

Anyway, the niece kept harassing me to meet this girl so more to appease her than anything else I agreed. The niece brought her to a backyard anniversary party for relatives and she seemed nice enough and was cute, although very quiet and reserved. So after thinking about it for about three weeks I thought "Well, I really should have a life outside of work" and asked her out to a movie and dinner. It started out very slow as I was still very gun-shy about any entanglements, and my shift work schedule didn't help much. After three years of dating it occurred to me to marry her and the second thought was "Are you nuts? Remember how the last one turned out!"

So I thought about it for another year (by this time relatives on both sides had given up on us) and finally proposed. This July will be 23 years of wedded bliss.
We met in 11th grade Algebra class. We were 16. I was very good at algebra and had a major crush on the boy that sat in front of me. His goofy friend sat next to him. My crush and I would get together in the library during study hall to work on the homework and flirt. He always brought his friend along. His friend was doing very poorly in class but added a lot of fun to our homework sessions.

The object of my crush barely noticed me except for my algebra abilities. I got an A in the class and his goofy friend got an F. I started dating the friend later that year. We went to college together and married in 1976, our senior year of college.

DH still doesn't like numbers, especially handling money, but he can make do when needed. It's always worked well for us that I handle all the finances and math related tasks. Raising kids gave him an outlet for being goofy as an adult. But I taught the kids about money!

We just passed our 39th anniv of our first date and our 35th wedding anniv is in Sept.
My DW picked me out of a book. We belonged to "Great Expectations" a dating agency before online sites. She saw my pic and profile in a book, and the agency contacted me that "someone" wanted to meet me. We've been married 15yrs. Now all she reads is Fiction.
Met in a tavern outside of Wrigley Field in December, 1981. Married her in September, 1985.
:eek: Does this explain "Bewitched, bothered and bewildered"?:D probably has something to do with it. Ahhh...most of the haze has lifted, but there's still a little fog in my brain. Heh.....y'all can figger that out just by reading my posts. :LOL:
Us: Friends introduced us. 2 yrs later we were married. Married 35 yrs now (IIRC).
35 years best be gettin' that number right...well, at least when you say it in front of your DW! :D
I will tell how I met my late husband.
I was in college, on a full tuition scholarship and covering the rest of expenses myself on a shoestring budget. I went to a SUNY college for 3 years, majoring in Physics, and decided to do my last year as a visiting student at a different SUNY university.
My Mom had relocated to FL in the spring of my 3rd year of college. I drove to FL and spent the summer there w*rking to save up for my room and board and books.
I drove back to NY and had only 1 week to find an apartment. I answered a few ads for "Roommate Wanted" on the student housing bulletin board. The first 2 places were not to my liking and beyond my budget.
I had 3 days left until classes started, so I answered yet another ad.
The guy lived alone and had a separate empty bedroom. The place was neat and clean. He was going to school for a Bachelor in Electrical Technology on the GI Bill and needed help with rent. I could afford the rent and I had MY OWN ROOM, a rarity for off campus college student housing. I called my Mom to get her advice, and she pretty much told me if he tried anything "fresh", I could take care of myself. :LOL:
I took the room. I set the "rules" in no uncertain terms.
We became fast friends. Only friends.
I ran out of money halfway through the year and took a job at a dirty dingy book warehouse for 5 weeks on mid-year break. I hated that job. But I stuck it out.
He told me (when classes resumed) to forget the last 4 months of rent, i.e. his GI Bill would cover it.
Next thing I know, he is asking me if I want to be more than friends. :blush:
I wasn't looking for a husband, but I was smart enough to know he was a keeper. He was a man of quality.
He proposed to me right before graduation. We were engaged for 5 years, and married for 20 years. We had a wonderful life together. :D

He passed suddenly in October 2004. The shock threw me into a temporary tailspin. I have since recovered from the loss (mostly) and go forward in life.
What else is there to do? I am a survivor and a very independent lady. :D
My (now ex) husband and I were scuba buddies and safety divers for a local scuba instructor in Hawaii. That is how we met. But we have been divorced for 13 years by now. We were married for 23 years.

F. is now the man in my life, although neither of us are interested in marrying again (he is a widower). He and I met on an internet dating website. He contacted me because of the advanced degrees. Apparently his mother once told him, "Eventually you have to talk to them!" :LOL:.

Anyway I doubt that I am any more interesting to talk to than anybody else, but we do enjoy one another's company immensely and have for the past eleven years. He is brilliant, fascinating, and accomplished. Not only that, but yesterday he assembled furniture for me. (Note to the single ladies: furniture assembly skills and actually enjoying furniture assembly and volunteering to do it, are a big "plus"). The longer we are together, the more I realize how terrific he is and how lucky I am to know him.
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She answered my newspaper ad, before there was an "online".
Playing volleyball in the pool at the apartments we both lived in, I spiked one hard over the net and hit her in the face. Married about 2 years later, we've been married for 31 years, so I guess it's a viable approach. Who knew...

Too funny!!!!
After my first wife passed away in 1997, I started dating in a very furious and irrational way, mostly in what in those days would be considered online. After 3 years of a couple of close ones, I met my second wife via sms. She a leftist psychologist from a very poor working-class family and me your regular snobbish uppity conservative lawyer, son of an admiral in a very Navy town, that had to "stoop" to this "most vulgar" way of dating due to my lack of success in my social circles.
Nobody thought the relationship would last more than a couple of months. The mix ensured inevitable failure.
2 years later we got married and that almost 7 years have passed since. I am your typical elitist prick and she is extraordinary. She even thinks that we are made for one another:ROFLMAO:

It turned out that we are not that different.
We both worked at a department store. I had a full-time job; the department store job was weekend work as I was trying to save money to move to CA. I was not interested in getting involved with anyone as I was certainly moving out of state. When I met DH, I thought he was the perfect guy to play around with because he had a lot of girlfriends so there would be absolutely no chance of involvement. So, here we are going on 41 years of married bliss. Funny how things work out!
We were paired together in the same canoe on a Whitewater Rver group outing. Same episode as the 'Closest to death thread'.
Great stories!
I am single so I have nothing to contribute.
Now, will anyone admit to an arranged marriage?
We were naughty and did everything against the rules. Met DH at work. He stopped by the office to introduce himself to my boss who had fortunately stepped out for a smoke.
Took one look at those long legs (I like em tall.) and was all set to go into flirt mode until I spotted the wedding ring. Crap. Turned out his marriage was running on fumes and he separated and filed for divorce shortly after. Not ones to waste time we hooked up, did the office romance bit (worse kept secret at the job), shacked up and married three years later. That was nine years ago this coming June.
Blind date. I worked nights at a mushroom farm, she worked days at an auto parts store. Used to leave large bags of mushrooms at her doorstep after we met. I had bought a house which had many issues - like a large hole in the ceiling. I didn't have furniture - my bed was two 2x4s, scrap planks, and blankets. My back of envelope budgets went out six months or so and included "fun" as a category but darn near nothing as an amount.

She didn't - doesn't - like shoes, walked on her toes, and did stained glass in the nude.

I think she saw potential and I saw great ankles.

The longer we were together the more evident it was that she is one of the rare people who does not say "I'll try". What she says, she does, no matter the effort or cost. Strange thing is that while she appreciates it she doesn't expect or count on others to be as rigorous. She's just her. Being with someone I can bet my life on? Wow. Closing in on 33 years, no marriage, everything owned in both our names.
Dude don't leave us hanging. Details please. :LOL:
We actually met twice, once when I arrested her brother and then about a year and a half later when we started dating. It wasn't until about the second or third date that we figured out we had met before.

Her brother is a nice guy, but has dated some insane women which has caused him to have no trust in the gender and turned him somewhat into a misogynist. (Not sure the order here, was the chicken or the egg first, etc.)

They were sharing an apartment together at the time of our first meeting, and he was dating some crazy girl who lived in the same complex. He and crazy girl were having issues when he happened to overhear her talking on the phone with some other dude - and bad mouthing my future BiL in the process. He took it badly, called her a few choice names, and ripped her telephone out of the wall before storming back to his place.

CG called the police and when I arrived she told the story with a lot of embellishment attached. Future BiL was probably going to jail anyway, but she tossed a lot of ice cream on top of the cake to make him look more worthy of jailing than he really was. But then he stuck a cherry on top when he refused to answer the door when I knew he was inside. There was a little drama, but he went to jail without too much fuss and it would have been forgotten.

We met again about a year later under much more conventional circumstances - one of her gf's was dating one of my friends. I met her parents when I picked her up for a date, and as we were driving away I realized I had completely missed their last name when she did the intros. It is a not-very-common German name, and as soon as she said it my mind popped up with a memory of a guy with that same name going to jail.

A few questions later and we realized that we had met before and what the circumstances had been.
I was tugging on your arm begging you not to take him to jail, and you just ignored me. Then some other officer told me, 'Lady, if you don't let go of him you're going to jail too.'
We got some laughs out of it, but agreed to keep it a secret from her family. Years later we told a few of them, but never her parents and never her brother. He's never been arrested again, but continues to attract dysfunctional women like he's a magnet for crazy chicks.
My (now ex) husband and I were scuba buddies and safety divers for a local scuba instructor in Hawaii. That is how we met. But we have been divorced for 13 years by now. We were married for 23 years.

F. is now the man in my life, although neither of us are interested in marrying again (he is a widower). He and I met on an internet dating website.

Met current friend online on a science forum ~4 years ago, he was married. He is divorced now (I had nothing to do with it).

He contacted me because of the advanced degrees. Apparently his mother once told him, "Eventually you have to talk to them!" :LOL:.

That's what Mother told me a long time ago: "Eventually you have to get out of bed and start talking to each other."

Anyway I doubt that I am any more interesting to talk to than anybody else, but we do enjoy one another's company immensely and have for the past eleven years. He is brilliant, fascinating, and accomplished. Not only that, but yesterday he assembled furniture for me. (Note to the single ladies: furniture assembly skills and actually enjoying furniture assembly and volunteering to do it, are a big "plus"). The longer we are together, the more I realize how terrific he is and how lucky I am to know him.

He did some chores for me last week.
He sewed a button onto my jeans and peeled some oranges (my hands don't work very well anymore).

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