How does my portfolio look?

I wish this Youtube video existed 30 years ago when I started investing, I made a lot of mistakes by picking individual stocks, trying to pick hot mutual fund managers and so on.

Jcollins did a talk at Google where he talks about the simple path to wealth, pick 3 ETFs or index funds, put as much as you can each month into it on autopilot, check back again in 20 years when you are ready to retire.

JL Collins: "The Simple Path to Wealth" | Talks at Google
What an awesome video! Watched the whole thing and I am reading articles from his blog.
Too many holdings. If it were me I would buy one portion of a US total stock market fund, one portion of an international stock market fund and the final portion of a total bond fund. I would probably do 65/20/15.


You are probably paying a lot of hidden fees for that many holdings.
Thank you for the book recommendation! I will look for it.
And yes, I am in my late 30s trying to build wealth fast and responsibly so I can reach FIRE before 50.
Don’t know what your annual spending or lifestyle is, but seems like you’re really going to need to save hard to FIRE in 12 years. Push hard if that’s your goal!
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