how much milk do you drink and what type?


Recycles dryer sheets
Sep 3, 2020
Tampa, FL
I recently tried reduced fat lactose free cows milk and like it very much. Since I have a fast metabolism and work out quite a bit I drink about two or three glasses per day. Would prefer whole milk but worry about the cholesterol.
I drink about 2 cups a day of whole milk, plus whatever other milk is in things like pancakes, waffles, etc. <-- since I limit carbs that not a huge amount.

I drink it for the protein and calcium it contains. I've seen too many older folks who get weak and frail on diets that lack enough protein and calcium. Even men need more calcium as they age. Also, a glass of milk wards of hunger for an hour or two thus reducing the temptation to snack on less nutritious foods.
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I missed the previous discussion. I grew up drinking only milk or water and drank it to about age 40-45. I still like milk but it does not like me back, so I stopped drinking it years ago, and also gave up ice cream and cows milk cheese. I do have some occasional sheep or goat milk cheese. If I need milk I’ll usually use unsweetened almond drink.
Don't remember previous either, but I drink 2% and go through a gallon in maybe 7-10 days. Put on cereal, drink from glass with meal, but not as a snack.
I should add, none of the double cost "organic" stuff, just real milk from cows. Not sheep or goats or almonds. When did almonds start to give milk? :rolleyes:
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Probably stopped whole milk in my fifties for 1%. Now I avoid oat and almond milk. I prefer ice cream and yogurt products now.
I only used milk for cereal and a very few main dishes. Lately, I have switched to sugar free vanilla almond milk on my cereal. It works well.
I avoid drinking milk because of the carbs (it contains lactose sugar), but eat lots of full fat dairy products like cheese and yogurt.

In the summer I sometimes make ice cream and use a little whole milk, but I tend to use mostly cream in my ice cream.
Never drink milk. DW drinks Organic Lactose Free 2% milk every day, Organic Valley preferably. I think she does it to ward off osteoporosis.
I use 1% milk on cereal. That's it.
The ‘milk’ argument is already lost as it was with ‘tea’, I have yet to hear anyone refer to their herbal brew as tisane.
That said, I prefer a splash of soy milk in my tea, and use it in a protein drink I make containing whey and collagen powder.
Some other mammal milk derivatives we like are yogurt, butter and cheese.
Whole milk, 2+ gallons a week.... and the Wife only puts it in her coffee.
We use Fairlife fat-free milk on our oatmeal every morning and go through 2 bottles every 3 days. It has half the sugar, double the protein and it's also lactose free. The fat-free milk tastes like other brands 2% milk. It is creamy and tasty.
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Evidently I missed the last discussion as well.
I drink whole milk, about a gallon every 10 days or so. I use it in my cereal, in oatmeal for the dogs ( I'm trying to fatten them both up) and I absolutely have to have it for my tall glass of Kahlua and milk in the evening when I'm watching TV. My daughter also "borrows" a jar every so often, they rarely use it and it ends up going bad.
I tried low fat, non fat, lactose free and the oat milk when I was trying to lose weight and they were all pretty disgusting. I then gave up milk for a while and ended up giving up carbs almost completely and the weight just dropped off. Since then I've added whole milk back into my diet and I'm still managing to lose weight slowly. I think my previous diet was pretty much only carbs and now it's protein and I feel a lot better for it.
Being lactose intolarant as I got older (past 50), I never have milk. Occasionally will have granola with soy based milk.
How much milk is in a pint of Ben and Jerry's? That much (once a week-ish). Plus some almond milk in my Cheerios. Occasionally.
Milk and Milk based products are majority of my diet (about 60%). I survive on milk.
Mostly organic, full milk
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