What type of milk do you drink?

I drank skim for years, but switched to whole milk when I got my fancy espresso machine. Skim just doesn't make microfoam as well. I only use milk in lattes or cortados, on cereal, or in baking.

Edit to add: I forgot about using milk for making yogurt and ricotta.
Only use whole milk. Some goes in my morning coffee, some in the occasional bowl of cereal, and always a glass of milk if I eat chocolate especially chocolate cake or brownies.

I use 2% in my coffee and oatmeal. I don’t drink it otherwise.
Used to drink lots of whole milk but gave up milk a few years ago with move to low carb -- still use heavy cream for coffee sometimes.
When I was young, my mother would force me to drink a glass of milk every day. We used powdered milk in those days (in the red and white box), but even when we were at my grandmother's house and had regular milk, I loathed it. I swore that once I left home I would never drink another glass of it. I have kept my word and have not had a single drop of milk to drink in over 45 years.
Whole milk and 1% milk - daily. I've always drunk milk, but have upped my consumption of it when I kept track of my diet and saw that I was consistently low on calcium. I really like milk, and use it in cooking also.
Whole milk or 2%. Lower fat does not whiten the coffee very well, and does not taste as good straight up.
Lately I switched to fat free. Really do miss whole milk though. Did it for cholesterol reasons.
Tried it for year or two back when the "fat is bad for you-eat/drink this instead" mantra rolled out (20 yrs ago? Fat free cookies-ugh!). I have since named fat free milk "white water", also ugh.
Have been drinking 2% plus 1/2 & 1/2 for coffee. Watching carbs/sugar instead of "fearing the fat" (better tasting, anyway...)
Before I was diagnosed with Diabetes 7 years ago, I drank whole milk. I was advised to switch away from whole milk both for that and for cholesterol purposes. I switched to 2%. But once in a while, I buy whole milk if I am buying milk from the local mini-mart because they don't carry as many sizes or varieties of milk which haven't been on their shelves too long.

With some foods, I make my own chocolate milk which is okay with my diabetes. I blend unsweetened cocoa with a sugar substitute in a 3:2 ratio. It doesn't blend well with the milk unless I heat the milk first (30 seconds in the microwave with a small milk portion). Then, I put the final chocolate milk in the fridge to chill it.
Fairlife whole milk - lower carbs, higher protein and OK for lactose intolerant folks. I only use it to mix my morning iced chai latte, and I relish the mouth feel of the whole milk. 2% and fat-free just don’t cut it.
We drink a lot of milk... 2 gallons a week and sometimes more. When I first met DW who is a nutritionist, I drank whole milk. Over our 40 years of marriage she has shifted me to 2% and now 1% for the last 20 years or so.

I refuse to go any lower than that... no "white water" in this house, though occasionally we can't find 1% and just buy 2% and fat-free and blend them.
We drink a gallon of skim milk about every week to ten days. I would probably drink 2% but DW is used to skim and says that 2% tastes like heavy cream to her.
I never have a glass of milk. I have a small bowl of cereal maybe once a week and for that I use 4% whole milk. Used to use 2% and for the small amount I consume I want the real thing. For coffee I use half and half. I use 1 tablespoon for a cup of coffee and maybe have another half cup. But I rarely consume all of it and it gets tossed.

Your cows must be fatter than ours, as I only see 3.5% whole milk :LOL:

I used to buy whole milk for the coffee, but we didn't use it fast enough.

DW drinks skim, and I drink that or 1% , used to drink 2% but the 1% is ok in coffee so that is my preferred.
Almond milk in my oatmeal and smoothies. Since it's been cold I've been drinking hot chocolate in the evening using non-fat milk.
I drink milk, usually 1%, sometimes 2%. It goes great with certain foods, like a PB&J sandwich, and anything chocolate. I also drink buttermilk. I love a slurry of freshly baked cornbread in buttermilk. That is delicious!
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1% milk mainly for cereal. Whole milk tastes like cream now.
Only use whole milk. Some goes in my morning coffee, some in the occasional bowl of cereal, and always a glass of milk if I eat chocolate especially chocolate cake or brownies.


I don't drink milk, but I make my own yogurt and only use whole milk for that. Same if I buy it for other recipes.
Silk, unsweet organic soy, but only on my cereal or recipes. Trader Joes' soy if Silk isn't in stock.
Unless for a recipe, we haven't purchased milk in over 10 years. DW is lactose intollerent so it's unsweetened almond milk for her (cereal and smoothies). Half n Half is all I use for coffee and other needs. Still enjoy my cheese and use greek yogurt to make breakfast parfaits here and there.
Prefer Costco 2% Organic milk, use only occasionally for cereal. I am lactose intolerant, so never developed a likeness for milk.
The only time I will have small glass is for dunking cookies in, and that is rarely!
I keep it around for kids and grandkids and the organic milk has a longer shelf life.

I do put a dab of real whip cream in my coffee every morning, that is about all I can tolerate.

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