How Often Do you Wash Your Hair

How Ofteh do you wash your hair

  • Once a day and I'm female

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Once a day and I'm male

    Votes: 41 42.3%
  • Multiple times a day and I'm Female

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Multipe times a day and I'm Male

    Votes: 2 2.1%
  • Every other day and I'm Female

    Votes: 15 15.5%
  • Every other day and I'm Male

    Votes: 7 7.2%
  • A couple of time a week and I'm Female

    Votes: 12 12.4%
  • A couple of times a week and I'm Male

    Votes: 6 6.2%
  • Once a Week and I'm Female

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Once a Week and I'm Male

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • You're supposed to wash your hair?

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Other (please comment)

    Votes: 6 6.2%

  • Total voters


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jul 11, 2009
I was reading the How Often Do You Shower Thread, and for those who said they showered every day or multiple times a day, I wondered how often they washed their hair?

I personally don't shower everyday particularly if I don't go anywhere or work out. I did when I was working at the office full-time.

But, I am wondering -- especially for those who shower a lot -- how often do you wash your hair?

If you don't wash your hair every time you shower, do you just sort of move around in the shower to avoid getting your hair wet or do you wear a shower cap or what?
I didn't answer the poll since i'm not sure how to answer it. I wash my hair every time I take a shower. I take a shower anytime I leave the house or after 2 days of no shower even if I don't leave the house. I often don't leave the house for several days in a row especially in the colder weather months. I take a shower after a couple days mostly because of my hair feeling greasy/oily even though I have a very short hair style.
Let's go for a trifecta and run a poll of bowel movements !

A poll could look something like this;

How many BMs do you have during the course of your day ?




Holy Crap !
I wash my hair every 2-3 days. When I shower in between, I wear a shower cap. I save them from hotel stays.
I shower daily but I wash my hair every two days. My stylist would prefer if I went 3 days before washing, but it gets too oily and I like fresh smelling hair. I used to save hotel shower caps as well, but they are thinner than the ones you can buy 6/$1. Hotel caps only last 1-2 weeks and the ones I buy last 1-2 months so I splurge on that purchase ?

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I wash my hair every three days. I use a shower cap from the dollar store.

As I get older (I'm 57) my hair gets dryer so I use a gentle shampoo and a good conditioner.
I have dry scalp that gets very itchy in the winter months so should not be washing my hair every day. But the roots get slightly greasy looking on the second day. My dermatologist recommends using a dry shampoo in between regular shampoos to improve the appearance.
It's not uncommon for me to wash multiple times per day. My morning workouts leave me drenched in sweat as do some of my afternoon activities such as mowing or playing sports.
I voted other. I shower 2 or 3 times a day (so far 2 today) but I don't wash my hair (long) every time I shower. Depends if it gets dirty. Got tree sap in my hair today so used nail polish remover to get out the sap then washed. Had already washed it first thing this morning. If I'm not washing it I put it in a sort of pony tail on top of my head.
I'll be the outlier here. I tried to go entirely shampoo free (google "no poo" to see what it's about - there are products to use an alternative to shampoo.). I took some time - but I managed to add a day at a time in between shampoos until I could go for 1 week to 10 days before my hair/scalp gets oily gross.

FWIW - this solved my dry scalp issues entirely... and my hair is super healthy and not greasy.

I have waist length thick hair - so when I get the hair wet it can take hours to air dry, and I hate hairdryers because they're so bad for the hair.

I don't use shower caps - just twist it and pin it on top of my head with a scrunchy/clippy thing. The sides and front get damp - but not soaked through when I soak my face under the water.

Shampoo tends to strip the oils from your hair, and your body reacts by producing extra... so the more you shampoo, the oilier your hair gets... but you have to stretch out time between shampoos gradually - because that greasy hair thing will drive you nuts.
When I was working I took more time with my hair (sort of a medium length bob). I am female btw. I washed my hair daily M-F then. Now that I am retired I am on an EOD schedule unless I am going to an event and want the big hair look.
I'll be the outlier here. I tried to go entirely shampoo free

I'm interested in the 'poo free movement, but I admit it scares me a bit! Maybe once I retire and my grooming isn't regulated...

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It is interesting me that at this point there are 16 votes for daily washing and they are all men, while no women shampoo daily.

When I was working full-time in an office I didn't wash my hair every day, but it was at least every other day and sometimes more often.

When I was younger I had oily hair and I did wash it often trying to get it to be not as oily. I think now that as rodi says I was just making it worse.

Interestingly, after pregnancy I found that hair was never as oily again. Now, my hair tends to be dry. My hair dresser fairly strongly argues in favor of washing once a week at most. I probably end up washing a couple of times a week.

I don't use a shower cap. I mostly use my handheld shower nozzle and just avoid getting my hair wet. But, actually, reading of others using a shower cap I may try that out.

I'm completely bald.
I have to shower just to get moving. If i dont shower I will sit in my chair all day. Usually three times a day in the summer as after I am active outside I don't like sitting in my sweat. Im a guy so the hair gets washed everytime too. Winter I can only tolerate once or twice a day. The old skin in the winter cant tolerate more frequent showering.

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I wash mine about every third day. As women get older most of them shouldn't wash it more often due to dryness. For me there are exceptions, however, for an all-day sweaty hike or getting sandy at the beach, for example.
It is interesting me that at this point there are 16 votes for daily washing and they are all men, while no women shampoo daily.


That may because Guys shampoo , towel dry their hair & are done . We shampoo , condition , blow dry & style .
Wash mine every time I shower, but being a guy and pretty short hair it is not an issue. Towel it dry, run a comb over and that's it. No hair products, I also don't color my mostly grey now hair, at least the ones still on my head!
I have a lot of thick hair so I can go three days. It does not look dirty plus it takes too much time to dry and style. I usually do a blow out a couple of times per month.

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I didn't answer the poll since i'm not sure how to answer it. I wash my hair every time I take a shower. I take a shower anytime I leave the house or after 2 days of no shower even if I don't leave the house. I often don't leave the house for several days in a row especially in the colder weather months. I take a shower after a couple days mostly because of my hair feeling greasy/oily even though I have a very short hair style.
Me too. Except when I take two showers the same day, then I just wash from the neck down.

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