I am worried that new front tooth crown color will not match other teeth

John Galt III

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 19, 2008
Hopefully just paranoid. I am scheduled for a new crown on one of my top eye teeth. I have a temp crown on it now, which is lighter than the other teeth and is noticeable. When I got the temp put on, I actually did ask the dentist if the new permanent crown would match the other teeth, and he unhesitatingly said yes. I think he was holding up color cards next to my teeth to get the right shade. I don't think he photographed anything. Maybe I am just too untrusting, but I am worried about getting my new crown, which might fit perfectly, but looks wrong, and then I will have drama with the dentist about having him have a different crown made. $$$$ loss for dentist. Bad blood for future. I have no specific reason to mistrust him. He put in a cosmetic filling a year ago that matches perfectly. But googling turns up stories of lots of people whose crowns do not match the other teeth! Anyone out there have this problem of mismatching crown? Or not? By the way, the new crown will be porcelain. Thanks
Never had one not match. I wouldn’t worry about it.
My dentist has always been good at taking the time to match the color to the rest of my teeth. I wouldn't worry about it.
I have had lots of crowns and each time the dentist and assistant spend several minutes using the color charts to make sure it's a match.
I've never had a bad one.
My dentist has me hold a mirror so I can see the color samples held next to my teeth. That way I can choose the one I want.

But honestly it's a pretty insignificant detail for me. The cinematographer can always fix it in post processing if necessary. :LOL:
I had one of my front incisors replaced a couple of years ago.

It is a veneer on post implant (the first one lasted 15 years then along came a stupid popsicle stick !)

The dentist had me drop by the lab that made it. They did a color match. Took all of 15 minutes. Maybe ask if that is a possibility ?
Hopefully just paranoid. I am scheduled for a new crown on one of my top eye teeth. I have a temp crown on it now, which is lighter than the other teeth and is noticeable. When I got the temp put on, I actually did ask the dentist if the new permanent crown would match the other teeth, and he unhesitatingly said yes. I think he was holding up color cards next to my teeth to get the right shade. I don't think he photographed anything. Maybe I am just too untrusting, but I am worried about getting my new crown, which might fit perfectly, but looks wrong, and then I will have drama with the dentist about having him have a different crown made. $$$$ loss for dentist. Bad blood for future. I have no specific reason to mistrust him. He put in a cosmetic filling a year ago that matches perfectly. But googling turns up stories of lots of people whose crowns do not match the other teeth! Anyone out there have this problem of mismatching crown? Or not? By the way, the new crown will be porcelain. Thanks

The couple I have had (1 crown, 1 implant) matched very well, and yes via the same card type selection. Temps are never meant to be that close. Temps often look whiter too, if the surrounding teeth have fillings.

But if it doesn't match do NOT worry about hurt feelings or lost money. Dental prices have this baked in, they know there are rejects. There are crowns that break while they are being put in, or don't fit. Getting it right the first time is not a given - dentists are used to that.

You can google for bad stories all you like they are always easy to find. But if you aren't happy, you say so before they put the perma adhesive on it. And don't worry about saying "nah mate that looks bad" or feels too tight, etc.

Normal. You are the customer here and it's an expensive purchase. You should not feel concerned about expressing your need to get it perfect.
I had an issue with my natural teeth changing color, and the crowns remaining the same. My teeth, over time, darkened some with a loss of enamel, but the crowns remained nice and white and were clearly a different color. Hopefully you won't have that issue.

As a disclaimer...I had terrible natural teeth with so much dental work that I had them all removed last October and replaced with a full upper bridge on 6 implants, and full lower bridge on 5 implants. I am THRILLED with the outcome.
Just get a gold veneer with a diamond, and you won't have to worry.
Sorry to be a downer, but I would not expect a perfect match. Close, but not perfect.
Unfortunately, none of my crowns match exactly, but they are all on side or back teeth, so not right up front.
Several hygienists have told me the the natural teeth and crowns will not age the same, as enamel wears down and changes color of your teeth, which crowns don't do.
My brother had a veneer and now an implant on one of his upper front incisor. It does not match, but looks close. Only noticeable if you look straight at his teeth when he smiles.
I'd rather look someone in the eyes.
I just got my implant a couple weeks ago - bottom front. It was lighter than rest of teeth but I drink coffee so Dr gave me the option of using whitener or getting a new crown. It isn’t that noticeable, but I use the whitener on my other front teeth and now it’s a good match.
DH recently had to replace a crown. He got a temp for a few weeks and then when he went for the permanent one the dentist said the lab didn't match the color correctly, it was too white. He put the temp crown back in and reordered the permanent one in the proper color. DH went back a few weeks later for the correct permanent one, no extra charge. I think dentists and dental labs go through these issues and know to correct them.
Suggestions based on personal experience:

1) Communicate your expectations up front with your dentist. It’s ok to be polite, but don’t be shy. It’s your front tooth. It should not look noticeably different from your adjacent teeth. In my opinion, it’s rare to get a good match on the first try.

2) Offer to work directly with the lab. Communicate your expectations to the lab staff as well. Do not hesitate to request a redo if you aren’t 100% satisfied.

Remember, you’re the customer and the customer is always right.

Just my humble opinion.
Hopefully just paranoid. I am scheduled for a new crown on one of my top eye teeth. I have a temp crown on it now, which is lighter than the other teeth and is noticeable. When I got the temp put on, I actually did ask the dentist if the new permanent crown would match the other teeth, and he unhesitatingly said yes. I think he was holding up color cards next to my teeth to get the right shade. I don't think he photographed anything. Maybe I am just too untrusting, but I am worried about getting my new crown, which might fit perfectly, but looks wrong, and then I will have drama with the dentist about having him have a different crown made. $$$$ loss for dentist. Bad blood for future. I have no specific reason to mistrust him. He put in a cosmetic filling a year ago that matches perfectly. But googling turns up stories of lots of people whose crowns do not match the other teeth! Anyone out there have this problem of mismatching crown? Or not? By the way, the new crown will be porcelain. Thanks

I have 28 crowns in my mouth. Some of them are going on 3 different crowns for the same tooth. I have never had a mismatched crown. All the different dentists I have been to over the years did an excellent job of matching the color. I don't think you have anything to worried about.

Good luck with your dental appointment for your new crown.
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