i wouldnt call it laziness...


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 26, 2006
So here I am- a 27 year old attorney who has had several goals most of my life. To own lots of fancy cars and a big house, join the golf club, and own every single electronic device that has/will be released the moment it hits the store shelves.

I was in school and just kept going and all the sudden I found myself as an attorney on my way to fortune and fame. Funny thing is, along the way I met my wonderful wife and made some great friends. I lost the desire to own the fancy cars- I am an avid bicyclist have sold my car to buy a $500 commuting fixed gear bike- I get more than my share of weird looks in this small town I moved to. I think my current house might be to big for my family- at 1300 sq ft we dont really even use one of the bedrooms. The electronic devices still intrigue me but Ive sold my cell phone (im either at home or at the office anyway) and Im hoping my iPod lasts a few more years. Oh yeah, guess I still make it to the club- but my firm pays for it. ;)

My folks were never any good with money and I never learned anything about it until I started teaching myself. I find myself in a bit of a hole to begin with, but my ultimate goal is to be able to sit in a coffee shop and read the paper with my friends. All the while not worrying about how to make the student loan payments and knowing my next dividend check will cover my and my friends coffee as well as letting me live in the house I own. Im several years away but the goal has become more prevalent in my day to day thinking over the past 2 years. I just found this site and from what I can tell it looks great. Im a little younger than most but I have a great deal of respect for those who have gone before me and hope to learn from them (YOU!).

I am not very interested in becoming ultra money savvy. Im sure some would disagree when I say I would rather not pay a house payment and pay my mortgage off early just so I dont have the debt. Ill pay my taxes as long as what is left is enough for me to live off of. Ultimately I dont want to worry about my money (here is where that laziness bit comes in) I just want my money to do all the work and I just let it do its thing.

See you on the boards.
Welcome to the site, Deetso. It sounds like you have an excellent attitude toward finances--and at such an early age, too.
welcome, you will fit in nicely here
Deetso said:
I am not very interested in becoming ultra money savvy. Im sure some would disagree when I say I would rather not pay a house payment and pay my mortgage off early just so I dont have the debt. Ill pay my taxes as long as what is left is enough for me to live off of. Ultimately I dont want to worry about my money (here is where that laziness bit comes in) I just want my money to do all the work and I just let it do its thing.

See you on the boards.

Welcome! I paid off my mortgage early so I see nothing wrong with that. :) The easy way to put your investments on auto pilot is through Target Retirement funds or balanced funds. You can find a lot of info here by doing a search on the topic. Plus, a lot of smart people here that can give you advice as you ask questions.

Again, welcome and good luck!
Welcome to the board, Deetso. Awareness is a mighty significant first step!

Careful about that extra floorspace. Nature tends to fill those vacuums with kids...
Nords said:
Welcome to the board, Deetso. Awareness is a mighty significant first step!

Careful about that extra floorspace. Nature tends to fill those vacuums with kids...

Yup................guilty as charged................ :LOL: :LOL:
You sound a lot like me. I'm 31 and have no desire to work past 50. Perhaps I would work part time doing something I enjoy rather than the corporate track I"m stuck on now. My advice is to get rid of the mortgage ASAP and then begin investing bi-weekly in four or five solid mutual funds and some ETF's. I'm sure people here can give you an idea of which ones.

I've taken care of my mortgage just recently and am now diligently socking away money every month. I too wanted expensive cars and toys, but I realized how hard it was to put away $1 AFTER TAX. Anytime you think about spending $, remember that it will cost you after tax dollars and ask yourself if it's really worth it. I'm keeping my 6 year old Toyota at least another 7 years and it gets from point A to B just like an expensive new car and costs me very little to run. Having said all that, don't live like a hermit while you are still young. It's a balancing act I guess.
Deetso said:
I am not very interested in becoming ultra money savvy. Im sure some would disagree when I say I would rather not pay a house payment and pay my mortgage off early just so I dont have the debt. Ill pay my taxes as long as what is left is enough for me to live off of. Ultimately I dont want to worry about my money (here is where that laziness bit comes in) I just want my money to do all the work and I just let it do its thing.

Welcome to the board!
It is nice to see another yung'un on the board.
I agree with you about the mortgage payoff. I think that would be the most liberating thing in life..to pay off the mortgage. And THEN be able to retire early. :)

Once again, welcome.


You Rock dude! 8)

Use whatever education you have to leverge your time into money and buy back your life from the MAN!

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